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    Everything posted by hucks216

    1. Generalleutnant Georg Jauer Born: 25 Jun 1896 Died: 05 Aug 1971 Highest rank reached: General der Panzertruppe PA1 Heeres-Personalamt AgP1 Heeres-Personalamt Kdr Artillerie-Rgt 29 Kdr Artillerie-Rgt 'Grossdeutschland' Kdr 20.Infanterie-Division (mot.) Kdr 20. Panzergrenadier-Division Führer XXXXVII Panzerkorps Kdr Panzerkorps 'Grossdeutschland' RK: 04 May 1944 EL: 10 Feb 1945 DKiG: 19 Dec 1941
    2. Oberleutnant zur See Hans-Jürgen Schwepcke Zug Offz.Adjutant 'Tirpitz' Kdr 'S-135'
    3. Korvettenkapitän Otto Messtorff Born: 24 Jun 1897 Marineschule Mürwik Battr.Chef Marineflak-Abteilung 802 Kdr Marineflak-Abteilung 709
    4. Fregattenkapitän Wolf Junge Born: 05 Jan 1903 Highest rank reached: Kapitän zur See Referent IC OKW IO 'Tirpitz' Komdt 'Tirpitz' 1.Asto Wehrm.Führungstab OKW 1.Asto Stab MOK Ost DKiG: 06 Sep 1944
    5. Kapitänleutnant Gerd Petri Born: 28 Aug 1908 Highest rank reached: Korvettenkapitän 'Leipzig' 4.Asto Stab Admiral norw. Nordküste 'Tirpitz' Kdr 1.Marinenachrichtenabteilung (mot.) 4.Asto Stab Kommandierender Admiral Adria IO 'Z-25' 'Admiral Scheer' Stab Kampfgruppe Rogge
    6. Kapitän zur See Ernst Bäcker Born: 13 Mar 1899 IO 'Köln' Generalreferent im Marinewehramt, OKM Abteilungschef im Marinewehramt. OKM Abteilungschef im Truppenamt, OKM
    7. Marinestabsarzt Dr Hans Gombert Born: 21 Aug 1904 Died: 03 Apr 1944 'Nürnberg' 'Tirpitz'
    8. Kapitänleutnant Dr Helmut Steib Born: 23 May 1894 Highest rank reached: Korvettenkapitän d.Res Kptlt b.Stabe Marine-Flak-Abt 223 Kp-Chef Marine-Artillerie-Abt 115 Battr-Chef Marine-Flak-Abteilung 221 Komdt. u.Battr-Chef schwere-Flak-Batterie 'Thetis' Art.Offz Stab Kübef. Pommern 1.Asto Stab Seekomdt. Westgriechenland MOK Ost, z.Vfg Kdr 33.M.E.A MOK Ost. OKW-Wehrmachtsstreifenlehrabt
    9. Korvettenkapitän Paul-Friedrich Düwel Born: 19 Mar 1903 Highest rank reached: Kapitän zur See IO 'Karlsruhe' IO 'Tirpitz' 1.Asto Admiral Nordmeer Einsatzleiter fürr 1-Mann-Torpedos 1.Füsto Stab Kom.Admiral Skagerrak Chef der K-Verbände im Skagerrakraum und K-Chef z.b.V
    10. Kapitän zur See Robert Weber Born: 17 Jan 1905 Died: 12 Nov 1944 1.AO 'Lutzow' Stabsoffz.b.Stabe 24.Marine-Artillerie-Rgt 1 Asto Stab Marinebefehlsnaber Nordfrankreich 1.AO 'Tirpitz' 1.Asto Stab Admiral Nordmeer IO 'Tirpitz' Komdt i.V 'Tirpitz'
    11. Major i.G Kurt Kauffmann Born: 21 Sep 1912 Highest rank reached: Oberstleutnant Chef 4./Pz.Rgt 8 O1 XIX Armeekorps 3.Gen.St.Lehrgang Berlin Qu.2 Panzergruppe 4 Ib Infanterie-Division 'Grossdeutschland' OKH Chef H.Ruest u.BdE/AHA?Stab kdt Ib Gen.Insp.d.Pz.Trupp Ia Panzer-Lehr-Division Ia Panzer-Division 'Schlesien' DKiG: 09 Oct 1944
    12. Oberstleutnant Oldwig-Otto von Natzmer Born: 29 Jun 1904 Died: 01 Apr 1980 Highest rank reached: Generalleutnant Gen.St. d.H, 5.Abt Gen.St. d.H, Chef Trspw.Gr. I Mitarbeiter Ia Gen.St. d.H, Chef Trspw.Gr. I.tr. I. Feldtrsp.Abt Ia 161.Infanterie-Division Ia XXXIX Armeekorps Ia 26.Panzer-Division Ia Infanterie-Division 'Grossdeutschland' Chef Gen.St. Heeresgruppe Nord/Kurland Chef Gen.St. Heeresgruppe Mitte RK: 04 Sep 1943 DKiG: 02 Apr 1943
    13. Oberst Hans Kreysing Born: 17 Aug 1890 Died: 14 Apr 1969 Highest rank reached: General der Gebirgstruppe Kdr Inf.Rgt 16 Kdr 3.Gebirgs-Division Kdr XVII Armeekorps Oberbefehlshaber 8.Armee RK: 29 May 1940 EL: 20 Jan 1943 Schw: 13 Apr 1944
    14. Hauptmann Robert Maly Born: 02 Apr 1914 Staffelkapitän 3./KG 40 2./JG 102 KG(J) 30 DKiG: 24 Jun 1943 Ehrenpokal: 08 Dec 1941
    15. Some great shots there that are worthy of being in a book. Not just good photos of hats but also of epaulettes and the cyphers on them. It looks like they all came from the same studio, or most of them anyway.
    16. Generalmajor Ludwig Crüwell Born: 20 Mar 1892 Died: 25 Sep 1958 Highest rank reached: General der Panzertruppe Oberquartiermeister 16.Armee Kommandeur 11.Panzer-Division Kommandierender General des Deutschen Afrikakorps Führer der Panzerarmee Afrika PoW 29 May 1942 RK: 14 May 1941 EL: 01 Sep 1941
    17. Generaloberst Hermann Hoth Born: 12 Apr 1885 Died: 25 Jan 1979 Kommandeur XV Armeekorps Kommandeur Paznergruppe Hoth Kommandeur Panzergruppe 3 Oberbefehlshaber 17.Armee Oberbefehlshaber 4.Panzerarmee Oberbefehlshaber Armeegruppe Hoth Befehlshaber Saale, später Befehlshaber Erzgebirge RK: 27 Oct 1939 EL: 17 Jul 1941 Schw: 15 Sep 1943
    18. Nice example. While I don't collect individual examples I do like how Führerschein can be very underrated items with nice little 'extras' - a nice photo or a signature of some high award holder. In this case the signature seen is that of Joachim Wagner-Hohenlobbese who finished the war as a Generalmajor and holder of the German Cross in Silver. He seems to of spent the war as a Pionier General in various Army Groups.
    19. Interesting document. It made sense to recruit Feldgendarmerie to act as a military police force under Allied control. The printed signature (I can't tell from the image if it is printed or hand signed but will assume printed) is that of RKT Joachim Coeler.
    20. The Göring signature alone would be enough to make me walk away. As mentioned, what are the chances that all of these personalities would not only sign the same page. As for it being an ambitious attempt, it all depends on what level of collector it is aimed at fooling.
    21. It may be that you will need to track down the war diaries for the British units involved. It might also be possible that the battle is known by another name or what may of seemed to be a major battle was just another fight in a long series of similar combats so little was detailed about it "beyond X moved through to the town of Y where they encountered a German force which were eventually pushed back after a short sharp fight.."
    22. Good to see that the project has moved on greatly. Interesting to see that he has signed the final security check on page 15 of his own Soldbuch.
    23. The (E) would stand for Ergänzungsoffizier - a Reserve category of service such as old officers called up to serve in such positions as the District Recruiting Offices.
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