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    Everything posted by hucks216

    1. Oberst Paul Gurran Born: 11 Jan 1893 Died: 22 Apr 1944 - died of wounds Highest rank reached: Generalleutnant (Posthumous) Kdr III/Inf.Rgt 45 Kdr Inf.Rgt 506 Heeresgruppe Nord Kdr 23.Inf.Division RK: 12 Sep 1941
    2. Feel free to add them. I can always 'tidy' them up if needed but you've got the hang of it now. The more people contributing, the better.
    3. Neither of those are in the Signature Database (Lindemann is already there) : )
    4. Very interesting set with I think everyone's favourite Heeres-Flak-Abz. citation variant! The Assault & Wound Badge citations are signed by Knights Cross winner Werner Voshage - although the circumstances surrounding his RK award state that there is no evidence in the Bundesarchiv... 'no proof in Bundesarchiv ; obviously one of 5 men suggested by Div.Kdr Schulte-Heuthaus in march 1945 ; not mentioned in the files of the OdR Ordenskommission ; accepted by OdR in accordance with so-called "Dönitz-Erlass" ; award date determined by OdR' (Source: AHF)
    5. Oberst i.G Hans-Georg Hildebrandt Born: 15 Jun 1896 Died: 31 Jan 1967 Highest rank reached: Generalleutnant Chef des Generalstabes XXXIX.Armeekorps Kdr 21.Pz,Division OKH Schulen der Panzertruppen Kdr 715.Inf.Division Kdr Deutsch Verbindungsstab 182 (Ital. 3.Inf.Division) DKiG: 26 Jan 1942
    6. Oberst Ernst Heyna Born: 26 Nov 1905 Rgts-Adjutant Inanterie-Rgt 44 Rgts-Adjutant Infanterie-Rgt 424 Adjutant 125.Infanterie-Division Kdr Grenadier-Rgt 586 Kdr Grenadier-Rgt 914 IIa Armee-Oberkommando 7 1.Adjutant Oberkommando Heeresgruppe Nord IIa Armee-Oberkommando 12
    7. Leutnant Alfred Richter Highest rank reached: Oberleutnant Kp-Führer 2./Pz.Jäger-Abt 92 1./Pz.Jäger-Abt 92 DKiG: 27 Apr 1945
    8. Willy Dondl Born: 21 May 1918 Died: 11 May 1944 - KIA Ukraine Highest rank reached: Hauptmann 3./Pz.Rgt 4 5./Pz.Rgt 4 Chef 4./Pz.Rgt 4 DKiG: 07 Oct 1943
    9. Oberstleutnant Hubert Eben Born: 26 Nov 1895 Died: 91 Nov 1967 Kp-Chef in II/Infanterie-Rgt 25 Adjutant Schützenregiment 3 IIb Panzerarmee Oberkommando 3 IIa Panzerarmee Oberkommando 3 (Thanks to Bernhard for identifying the signature & AHF member Askropp for the details)
    10. Major (E) Hans Berger Highest rank reached: Oberst Stabsoffizier Wehrbezirkskommando Schleswig
    11. I believe this could be the signature of a Freiherr von Salmuth (as listed in Offizierstellenbesetzung 03.01.1939). Can anyone confirm if this is correct and if so are there any further details on him please?
    12. Hauptmann (E) Walter Holst Highest rank reached: Oberst Wehrbezirks-Offz Braunschweig Leiter WMA Braunschweig
    13. Hauptmann (E) Hans Dierich Highest rank reached: Oberstleutnant Stab Wehrbezirkskommando Breslau I
    14. Oberstleutnant Bernhard Friedrich Wilhelm Isermann Born: 22 May 1884 Highest rank reached: Oberst Kommandeur Wehrbezirkskommando Wesermünde
    15. Oberstleutnant (E) Erich Karl Ferdinand Clemens Born: 26 Apr 1880 Highest rank reached: Oberst Kommandeur Wehrbezirkskommando Herford
    16. Oberstleutnant Oswald von Schierbrandt Born: 10 Mar 1883 Died: 10 Jun 1946 Highest rank reached: Oberst Kommandeur Wehrbezirkskommando Mühlhausen i.Thüringen
    17. Major Wilhelm Leitlof (Listed in 1940 DAL with his name spelled Leitloff) Musterungsleiter Wehrbezirkskommando Berlin III Wehrm.Amt Lichtenberg
    18. Oberleutnant Wolf-Dieter Jahn Pz.Rgt 5 Ord.Offz Stab/s.Pz.Abt 507 Kp-Führer 2./s.Pz.Abt 507 Son of General der Artillerie Kurt Jahn
    19. Leutnant Helmut Haberda Born: 03 Feb 1922 Died: 08 May 1943 Highest rank reached: Oberleutnant (Posthumous) 5./JG-52 Adjutant Stab II/JG-52 Staffelkapitän 5./JG-52 DKiG: 02 Aug 1943 (Posthumous) Ehrenpokal: 08 May 1943 Credited with 58 Kills (Information obtained from Larry & Doug's Officer Career Summaries)
    20. Born: 01 May 1895 Died: 05 Jul 1976 Kdr I/Inf.Rgt 1 Kdr Inf.Rgt 45 stellv.Kdr 122.Inf.Div stellv.Kdr 126.Inf.Div Kdr 122.Inf.Div Kdr 85.Inf.Div Kdr LV.Armeekorps RK: 25 Oct 1943 DKiG: 01 Dec 1941
    21. Born: 21 Jun 1896 Died: 19 Feb 1965 Highest rank reached: Generalleutnant Ia OKH Wa Prüf 2 Kdr II/Inf.Rgt 203 Kdr Inf.Rgt 36 Kdr 292.Inf.Div OKH RK: 20 Dec 1943 DKiG: 26 May 1943
    22. Born: 15 Apr 1892 Died: 14 Jan 1943 Chef des Stabes Inspektion der Artillerie Arko 105 Kdr 121.Infanterie-Division Kdr XXIV.Pz.Korps RK: 23 Nov 1941
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