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    Everything posted by hucks216

    1. Latest addition - Führerschein for a soldier in II/Paner-Regiment 24 of 24 Panzer Division. Signature is of Hugo Burgsthaler who won the DKiG. This soldier was wounded during the push to Stalingrad.
    2. Major Hugo Burgsthaler Highest rank reached: Oberstleutnant Kriegsakademie Berlin Kdr II./Pz.Rgt 24 Kriegsakademie DKiG - 20 Sept 1942 Image: Führerschein
    3. Oberstleutnant Kurt Muhl. Born: 19 Jan 1891 Highest rank reached: Generalmajor Kdr Art.Rgt 109 Arko 133 Arko 142 Arko 114 Harko Armeegruppe Dimitreskou Harko 2. ungarische Armee General d. Wehrmact Ordnungs Tr. d. 1 Pz.Armee DKiS - 28 Jun 1944 Image: Führerschein
    4. Major Schreiber. Kdr Res.Inf.Rgt 6 Inf.Rgt 140 Image: Citation (Image originally posted by Chris Boonzaier in Identify Signature section)
    5. Hauptmann Bernhard Goedicke Born: 25 May 1916 Kdr IV/Artillerie-Regiment 22
    6. Hauptmann (E) Bärtels Adjutant Wehrbezirkskommando Arnsberg
    7. Major (E) Wilderich Freiherr von Korff Born: 29 Oct 1887 Died: 11 Apr 1969 Highest rank reached: Oberst Kdr Wehrbezirkskommando Arnsberg
    8. Oberstleutnant (E) Hans-Heinrich von Werder Born: 01 Feb 1886 Died: 23 Sep 1962 Highest rank reached: Oberst Kdr Wehrbezirkskommando Lingen-Ems.
    9. Oberstleutnant Max von Schlechtendal. Kdr 1 Garde Res.Rgt Image: Citation (Image originally posted by Chris Boonzaier in Identify Signature section)
    10. Major Adolf Blanck. Kdr Res.Inf.Rgt 48 Image: Citation (Image originally posted by Chris Boonzaier in Identify Signature section)
    11. Major Grave Highest rank reached: Oberstleutnant (?) Kdr Artillerie-Abteilung 716 (mot.) IV/Artillerie-Regiment 22 Rgt-Führer Artillerie-Regiment 22 Image: Citation
    12. And secondly this signature for the Kdr of II/Art.Rgt 45. I believe the two signatures could be for the same person and if so he was a Major on 21st April 1936 and an Oberstleutnant by August of that year. If he remained in the Heer, and survived for any length in the conflict, he could well of made it to a General rank.
    13. Two more - this one is for the Kommandeur of Art.Abt 716 (mot.) who was a Major in March 1942 and an Oberstleutnant in January 1943. I believe this unit was integrated into Art.Rgt 22 in 1943 and there is an Oberstleutnant Grave listed as a Regimental Kdr (or probably just a Rgt-Führer) between April & May 1943. Again, I can see that name in the signature but confirmation would be good. EDIT: After posting this I have since found a Hauptmann Grave listed with HAA 716 - IV/Art.Rgt 22 so believe this is indeed him.
    14. Any idea who this Major is who is acting as Regimentsführer of Pz.Gren.Rgt 2 (2 Pz.Div) in 1943 please? There was an Erich Reichmann who won the DKiG in 1941 as a Major in II/Schtz.Rgt 304 and I'm not sure if I can see that name in the signature - I can certianly see the 'mann' part.
    15. Hauptmann Paul Leptihn. Died: 1981 Highest rank readhed: Oberstleutnant Chef 4./Infanterie-Regiment 65 Kdr III/Infanterie-Regiment 65 Kdr Grenadier-Regiment 65 Image: Soldbuch
    16. Oberst Dr Adolf Weissenbruch. I/Art.Rgt 61 Kdr II/Art.Rgt 61 Kdr Art.Rgts.Stab z.b.V 627 u. Div.Art.Fü Kdr (Pz).Art.Rgt 75 Image: Ost Medal Citation
    17. Korvettenkapitän Hugo Heydel Born: 10 Jan 1907 Highest rank reached: Fregattenkapitän Chef 3.Raumsbootflottille 1. Admiralstabsoffizier Befehlshaber der Sicherungs West Chef 2 Minensuchflottille MVO zum 1.SS-Pz.Korps Sonderstab Ruge/Deutsches Marinekdo Italien Navigationsoffizier 'Tirpitz' Stab MOK Ost, Hilfsarbeiter beim. 1.Asto Chef 10 Sicherungsdivision DKiG - 12 Feb 1942
    18. Oberstleutnant Rudolf Aschen. Born: 28-12-1898 Chef 6./Wachregiment Berlin Chef 6./Inf.Rgt GD Kdr I/Inf.Rgt 337 Kdr Bataillonsführerschule Tours Lehrgruppenkommandeur an der Armeewaffenschule der 1. Armee Kdr Gren.Rgt 333 Stabsoffizier der Infanterie im Stab des Festungspionierkommandeurs I
    19. (Image originally posted by Chris Boonzaier in Identify Signature section)
    20. Brummer Fhr Inf.Rgt 414 Image: Citation (Image originally posted by Chris Boonzaier in Identify Signature section)
    21. Rittmeister d.R Jasper. Inf.Rgt 406 Image: Citation (Image originally posted by Chris Boonzaier in Identify Signature section)
    22. Major Emil von Tresckow. Kdr Inf.Rgt 396 Image: Citation (Image originally posted by Chris Boonzaier in Identify Signature section)
    23. General der Infanterie Georg Frhr von Gayl. Born: 25 Feb 1850 Died: 03 May 1927 Kdr 13 Landwehr Division Kdr 10 Ersatz Division Pour le Mérite - 08 May 1918 (Image originally posted by Chris Boonzaier in Identify Signature section)
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