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    Everything posted by Vatjan

    1. Ordre du Mono of the Republic of Togo
    2. National Order of Tchad
    3. Well, Ed, I know you'll be in Amsterdam, then going to Paris, you'll come straight through Brussels. Stop off, we'll have a beer, and go the Army Museum together, which also has a great collection. Now where were we? Ah yes: Senegal
    4. Order of the Leopard , Democratic Republic of Congo Version
    5. one more: Upper Volta (now Burkina Faso)
    6. National Order of Niger
    7. Morroco Mohamed V Order
    8. National Order of the Ivory Coast
    9. Order of the Equatorial Star of Gabon
    10. National Order of Dahomay
    11. I think they have everything, but I'm not sure Anyway, this is what they have
    12. I really like this one
    13. "Ordre du Merite Congolaise" of Congo (Brazzaville)
    14. Central African Republic
    15. National Order of Cameroun
    16. I was in the Museum of the "Ordre de la Lib?ration" in Paris, a few days ago. There is a large exhibit with De Gaulle's orders. Quite a few of them from African countries. Sorry for the lousy quality of the pix, the lighting was awful, and no flash allowed (of course) First off: the National Order of Mauritania
    17. Euuh, I'd like to see a picture of the reverses before offering an opinion about the authenticity Jan
    18. On several occasions Dr B had the serial number, of the items shown in his book, changed (Photoshop) This is the case also with n?115 wich is in reality presumably n? 315 or 415 Jan
    19. It's not a book, but an article in a magazine. The article is very general in nature and does not give any indications to names and numbers of foreign soldiers, who were awarded St George crosses or medals. Except for the mention that the ACM received 104 crosses and medals on september 4, 1916 in Izerna. Jan
    20. Most of these were, and are still, awarded to foreigners, hence hard to find in Mongolia Jan
    21. They definitely started at "1" again each time they changed the design, I've seen type 1's with serial numbers in the 700 range, type 2 n?s 57-2800+, and a type 3 n?2. Now, to know if they were replacements that is hard say, I've no idea. On the other hand there were approx 3000 type 2 awarded and they are fairly common, but there were approx 2500 Red Banner for Military Valor Orders awarded which are MUCH, MUCH rarer. Their design changed more drastically also. So maybe these were exchanged and Polar stars not. Remember I do not know, I'm just thinking aloud So to quote Rick: We need documented Orders Book and awards SETS SETS SETS Jan
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