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    Everything posted by JapanX

    1. New cavaliers from Bulgaria Pravoslav Krastev Tenev (1862 - 1943) was a Bulgarian officer and General of the Infantry as of 1918.
    2. Its weights one kilogram has diameter = 120 millimeters and thickness = 11 millimeters. Manufacturered by OOO "Art Faces" (Zlatoust, Chelyabinsk region). They say only 25 medallions will be minted
    3. Yes, but he has a speaking name! Normbradley (and not just norm, but 11th!!!) You can`t simply ingnore this
    4. DD-related plans - good buy! Or is it goodbye DD-related plans?
    5. JapanX

      Chinese badge?

      Yep. This is chinese Military Academy Badge Made in silver Numbered on reverse Cheers, Nick
    6. In original "Медалью награждаются военнослужащие и лица гражданского персонала Вооружённых Сил Российской Федерации за заслуги и отличия, проявленные при обеспечении безопасности мероприятий, связанных с защитой прав и жизни граждан Крыма, проведением референдума в Крыму 16 марта 2014 года, вхождением Крыма в состав Российской Федерации по результатам проведённого референдума. Медалью могут награждаться также другие граждане Российской Федерации и иностранные граждане за содействие в решении задач, возложенных на Вооружённые Силы Российской Федерации при обеспечении безопасности мероприятий в Крыму. Медаль (лента медали) носится на левой стороне груди и при наличии других медалей располагается после медали (ленты медали) «За трудовую доблесть»"
    7. Yea, right! Like only one medal per event + additional commemorative medal every five years
    8. I wonder why they didn`t create three different classes of this one
    9. Quing orders are undoubtedly more rare ;)
    10. I think there was only one main price driver of Imperial Russian orders in the last 15 years - wealthy russian collectors (pseudo patriotic nouveau riches). Same story with Imperial China "stuff". Again we have wealthy and super wealthy mainland chinese collectors. Often they don't even know much about this "stuff" and its "fair price", but have a lot of money and spare time ... That's why chinese vases went for more than 50 000 000 pounds
    11. Both medals are unofficial (non-governmental) awards. Only first one issued by Ministry of Defense and second by public organization.
    12. Both stars came from 1936+ period of time (but no later than 1945-1946) Most like pre war stars. Different colors of enamel is just random (but pleasant ) difference. Cheers, Nick
    13. Looks like this "collection" is not that "nice", Jani. Fakes (post #2-3) + (at the very least) doctored orders (post #1, post #4) Cheers, Nick
    14. You are trying to take away very important source of pleasure (and posts) for so many of our "colleagues"
    15. In turn Crimea and Sevastopol established their own medal "For Liberation Crimea and Sevastopol"
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