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    Everything posted by JapanX

    1. Naturally. But these medals (in russian and german medal bars) are very rare. It looks like there was pretty small quota. I think this photo will entertain you Captain second rank Chagin, I.I. Most likely the ribbon bar of his medal inscribed Taku
    2. Yes, I believe it was issued during his short "reign" Reverse bears three words 紀 - Discipline 令 - Order 章 - medal
    3. Original. Made in silver. Issued by Sichuan warlord Luo Peijin. Best, Nick Here is our boy in full glory
    4. Yes, I was thinking it must be you or somebody from your clique. My post contained no personal attacks or insults. It was a gentle comic response to this rediculous threatening by "international expert". Typical selective "Chris-style" moderation with which I am way too familiar It a shame that such unscrupulous person as you are allowed to be a moderator ... After my last post ... Another post deleted that contained explanation of "diamond" set pedigree. Shocking What kind of moderation is this anyway?
    5. Well, your agitation is understandable, dear Misha. So many potential clients around As for "...absolutely beyond my level..." This is one striking example of overstatement Kunker piece/Real one Etc, etc, etc ... You should read this thread more carefully. Selling price for 4 items in post #16 was mentioned "in toto" and nobody claimed that pieces in post #15 were sold by Kunker (direct quote "they tried") Since you are asking for more
    6. By the way, russian cavaliers of this medal are known Bronze for noncombatans. Silver for combatants. Cheers, Nick
    7. Yep, as I said earlier every majour aucion house sells fakes. Although some stuff that Hermann Historica was trying to move during last 5 yeas is simply beyond imagination. HH rules!
    8. Unfortunately I don`t have this info. Total numbers of minted medals 110 300 in silver 106 000 in bronze
    9. I would even dare say very bad. Bad, bad medals! Shoo, shoo!
    10. What "personal exchanges"? You are way too paranoid Chuck
    11. Unfortunately we recognize them ... Fakes.
    12. Could be I see two different colors in the far right dark stripe: black/red/black
    13. And these treasures were succesfully sold in October, 2014 Somebody paid more than 40 000 euros ...
    14. Just to cheer you up chaps Etc. They tried to move these and some other "rarities" in June, 2013
    15. Hey Mike, I don`t think that there are currently any published sources. Only a couple of internet pages http://regiment.ru/reg/II/B/192/1.htm http://1914.borda.ru/?1-5-140-00000345-000-0-0 http://forum.vgd.ru/post/316/4407/p1050168.htm Cheers, Nick
    16. Or maybe they would speak of "Orders and Decorations" or "War Medals". I don`t know about all contexts and frankly I don`t care much. But since it comes right down to it, then Kunker sells fake "numismatic items" as well http://www.coinpeople.com/index.php/topic/32217-another-fake-on-kunker/ http://www.staraya-moneta.ru/forum/fоrum11/tоpic31441/ http://coins.su/forum/index.php?showtopic=134294 Allerweltsjunge, so to speak
    17. Simple try to google Künker Auktion - Orden und Ehrenzeichen and you will see how many purely faleristical auctions they had Objection! This is speculation
    18. Strongly disagree First, they are selling medals and orders for many years. So this is not their "first time deal" + For quite some time they try to position themselves as (direct quote) Fritz Rudolf Künker GmbH & Co. KG is among the leading auction and trading houses for coins and medals. Second, they are charging brigandish 23% comission for their "activities". So I guess (for that kinda money) they have some real top notch experts working around the clock. No?
    19. Check out this hologram. Looks pretty cool and kinda responsible You see, animals can be very handy for some people to justify their dislike of humans (forgeries included ).
    20. Hi Emmanuel! Two medals are known and both are currently in Kagoshima Prefecture One should be here Satsuma lore Museum of Ibusuki (12131-4 Higashikata, Ibusuki, Kagoshima Prefecture 891-0404, Japan) And another here (9698-1 Yoshinocho, Kagoshima, Kagoshima Prefecture 892-0871, Japan) http://www.shuseikan.jp/eng/access.html https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/尚古集成館 Best, Nick
    21. I see nothing is sacred to you Mit Originalitäts-Expertise (!!!) des Staatlichen Historischen Museums in Moskau (!!!) vom 21. Juli 2014. What kind of a man are you, anyway?
    22. Of course every major auction sells fakes now and then. Intentionally or because of "an honest oversight" But this time it is something surreal. Both in qualitative and in quantitative terms Kunker. September 2015 Etc ...
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