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    Everything posted by GdC26

    1. I'm looking for information (and if possible, a pic) of Bavarian Generalmajor Martin Zöllner (or Zoellner), former commander of Bavarian Infanterie-Regiment 2 Kronprinz. The information I have compiled on him from various versions of the Bavarian Militärhandbuch and one posting on this forum is set out below. I'd appreciate it if any of you could please correct and/or complete it. Many thanks in advance. Regards, Sandro Martin Zöllner Geburt: 28. März 1857 Gestorben: [*] Dienstgrad Patent[1] Offiziersreife: 1877 Leutnant: 23. November 1877 Oberleutnant: 23. November 1887 Hauptmann: 12.Februar 1893 Major: 24. Oktober 1900 Oberstleutnant: 22. April 1904 Oberst: 12. Oktober 1906 Generalmajor: 26. April 1909 Zur Dispositionstellung 26. April 1909[2] Stellenbesatzung 1900 12. bayerische Infanterie-Regiment Prinz Arnulff[3] 1903 Stabsoffizier beim 5. bayerische Infanterie-Regiment Grossherzog Ernst von Hessen[4] 1907 Kommandeur des 2. bayerische Infanterie-Regiment Kronprinz[5] 1909 Kommandant der Festung Germersheim[6] Orden und Ehrenzeichen (laut Angabe in das Militärhandbuch des Kgr. Bayerns 1913, S. 508) Bayern Militär Verdienstorden, 2. Klasse Bayern Jubileumsmedaille Bayern Dienstauszeichnungskreuz der 2. Klasse (XXIV Jahren) Preussen Rote Adlerorden 3. Klasse Preussen Kronenorden 4. Klasse Japan Orden der aufgehende Sonne, Komturkreuz [1] Militärhandbuch 1909, S. 196. [2] Militärhandbuch 1913, S. 508. [3] Militärhandbuch 1900, S. 59. [4] Militärhandbuch 1903, S. 43. [5] Militärhandbuch 1907, S. 39. [6] Militärhandbuch 1909, S. 146 u. 196.
    2. Many thanks Andy, very much appreciated. Regards, Sandro
    3. Sorry for the funny header, this post got away from me before I was finished. Gents (ladies not excluded), I'm looking for information and, if possible, a picture of Otto Graf zu Castell-Castell, longtime Flügelajutant of HM the king of Bavaria. Set out below is the information I have compiled from various copies of the Bavarian Militärhandbuch, including the 1916 version. I'd appreciate it if someone could fill in the missing details. As said, any further information you may be able to provuide is also highly appreciated, as is a picture. Many thanks in advance for your help. Kind regards, Sandro Otto Graf zu Castell-Castell Geburtsjahr: 1868 Gestorben: [*] Dienstgrad Patent Offiziersreife: 1888 Leutnant: 15. Februar 1889 Oberleutnant: 7. November 1896 Hauptmann: 28. Oktober 1901 Major: 28. Oktober 1908 Oberstleutnant: 22. Februar 1913 Oberst: [*] Generalmajor ausser Dienst: [*] Stellenbesatzung 1900 1. Ulanen-Regiment Kaiser Wilhelm II, könig von Preussen 1903 – 1918 Flügeladjutant S.M. des Königs Orden und Ehrenzeichen (laut Angabe in das Militärhandbuch des Kgr. Bayerns 1916, S. 2) Bayern Militär Verdienstorden, Offizierskreuz mit Schwertern Bayern Militär Verdienstorden 4. Klasse Bayern Verdienstorden vom heiligen Michael, Offizierskreuz Bayern Prinzregent Luitpoldmedaille mit der Krone in Gold Bayern Jubileumsmedaille mit der Krone Bayern Dienstauszeichnungskreuz der 2. Klasse (XXIV Jahren) Baden Orden vom Zähringer Löwen, Komturkreuz mit Schwertern Braunschweig Orden Heinrich des Löwen, Komturkreuz Hessen Orden Philips des Grossmüthigen, Komturkreuz Hohenzollern Hohenzollern Hausorden, Ehrenkomturkreuz mit Schwertern Mecklenburg Greiffenorden, Offizierskreuz Oldenburg Hausorden, Ritterkreuz 1. Klasse Preussen Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse Preussen Rote Adlerorden 3. Klasse mit der Krone Preussen Kronenorden 4. Klasse Preussen Johanitterorden, Kreuz der Ehrenritter Sachsen Albrechtorden, Ritterkreuz 1. Klasse Sachsen Weimar Orden der Wachsamkeit oder des weissen Falcken, Ritterkreuz 1. Klasse Sächsische Herzogtümer Sachsen-Ernestinischer Hausorden, Ritterkreuz 1. Klasse Württemberg Friedrichsorden, Ritterkreuz 1. Klasse Lüxemburg Orden der Eichenkrone, Offizierskreuz Österreich Leopoldsorden, Komturkreuz Österreich Orden der eiserne Krone, Komturkreuz Österreich Franz Josefsorden, Komturkreuz mit der Stern Österreich Militär Verdienstorden, Komturkreuz mit Krigsdekoration Spanien Orden Isaballa la Catolica, Komturkreuz 2. Klasse Spanien Militär Verdienstorden 2. Klasse
    4. Arnim, Or perhaps you should learn how to express yourself better. There's a big difference between a person selling you some 15 mm ribbons, and accusing a person of "assembl(ing) and sell(ing) German ribbon bars on eBay a few years ago". And then there's the issue of you copying bars shown on GMiC and selling them for commercial gain. I don't see you denying that you're ebay seller Grist (in fact, your response seems to imply that you are). Christophe has asked some pertinent questions - perhaps you could enlighten us Sandro
    5. If this is true then Arnim's accusations against Sogieman are truly pathetic, really. Regards, Sandro
    6. Arnim, I don't know who you are or whatever it is you believe makes you an expert in this field, but you may want to read up on forum etiquette before posting anything like this. Regards, Sandro
    7. Many thanks Sascha. Have you (or has anyone reading this thread) been able to attribute this bar? Regards, Sandro
    8. Thanks Stogie. What did the monkey fingers do, other than replace some devices? Specifically, did they mess around with the ribbons, as Arnim suggests? Frankly, the bar looks to me like the ribbons have always been attached in the order they are currently in - I don't think the back has been replaced. And as other discussions over ribbon bars have shown, "Es gibt nichts das es nicht gegeben hat." But I look forward to further views. Btw, I've had this bar since the late 1990's, well before the recent "ribbon bar revival". Regards, Sandro
    9. And the final one. Greatful for your observations/informed comments. If identification is possible that would be great.
    10. The images confirm that the Württemberg ribbon had a device attached. It also seems there was a device attached to the EK II ribbon at some point. I must admit I don't understand the greenish thread protruding under the swords on the ROA/Hessen ribbon. Studying the pics, I noticed that the device on the Reuss ribbon is attached by a thread around the top of the crown. Details on the LW eagles and the swords on the ROA ribbon look a bit weak to me, but I'm no expert on these devices.
    11. Further pics, taken in daylight conditions, as promised. Any comments appreciated. Btw, is it my computer, or the Forum increasingly unstable? Both yesterday and today, it took me several attempts just to open the thread and post a response .... Anyway, it's done now. Regards, Sandro
    12. Gents, Many thanks to all for your input sofar. DonD and Stogie are correct, there indeed are holes for the laurel leave wreath on the Wuerttemberg ribbon - I omitted to point that out n the description, sorry. Stogie, many thanks for the sugestion that the ribbon in fifth place could be Hesse - hadn't thought of that. I'll take better pics tomorrow and post them for further reviw and input. Again, thanks for all of the shared insights sofar. Regards, Sandro
    13. Rummaging through my collection, I stumbled upon this ribbon bar. Unless the ROA ribbon is used to denote a decoration of a state other than Prussia (as did ocassionally happen, I gather), the sequence on the bar strikes me as odd: 2x Prussia, Hindenburg cross, 2x Württemberg, ROA or ribbon used for decoration of another state, Reuss, 2x LW long service. Can I invite views on originality, and if original and identification is possible, can someone please help identify the original owner? Many thanks in advance for your help. Regards, Sandro
    14. Christophe, Great grouping, thanks for sharing. Any idea what the good major is wearing on his right arm? Regards, Sandro
    15. Nothing nearly as exiting as that, I think. It strikes me that Stogie is telling us the ribbon bar is now for sale: http://gmic.co.uk/in...sale-group-one/ Regards, Sandro
    16. lew, You may wish to check out this link, particularly posts 7 and 18. Regards, Sandro http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/14563-double-lifesaver/
    17. Another (if you still need it. Just chanced upon this post). Regards, Sandro
    18. Many thanks Glenn, very much appreciated. Inbetween things, I 've been trawling through copies of the RIR 31 and IR 31 regimental histories to see if I can reconstruct von Wegerer's wartime service. I'll post the combined data from this thread and this search here when I'm done. Best, Sandro
    19. Many thanks for your kind words, Mike. KAGGR officer's tunic, and indeed one of the nicest of the old prussian army. Best, Sandro
    20. Christophe, Couldn't that be a "Garde Stern" on the pommel cap of the good general's M-89 IOD? Unusual place (I'm used to seeing them on the sword's hilt), but then "es gibt nichts das es nicht gegeben hat". Regards, Sandro
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