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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Bob

    1. http://www.e-yearbook.com/yearbooks/United_States_Military_Academy_West_Point_Howitzer_Yearbook/1967/Page_175.html Is it possible for somebody to graduate in 1967 and be a 1stLt by around 1969 - early 1970's? If so, I may have pinpointed W.E. Cates as a Westpoint graduate.
    2. I have a Zippo as well - bought it while travelling in Vietnam almost 20 years ago (urgh, that sounds bad!) Code at the bottom indicates it's a 1969 Zippo. It appears to have belonged to a 1stLt W.E. Cates Jr He appears to have been a member of the 1st Infantry Division... and the 16th Infantry Regiment. Is there any way to find out more about him or possibly get this back to the family? http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_10_2013/post-679-0-43372500-1381623164.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_10_2013/post-679-0-96983000-1381623173.jpg
    3. Here's Soyombo nr 83. It came with Order of SB nr 561 which I unfortunately was not able to acquire. I am still keeping my fingers crossed to get document(s) related to the recipient. I have a strong hunch the recipient is nr 140.82 in the big blue book of awardees (page 47) - Zavkhan province herder if not mistaken? After having it in my hands for a while it became clear that the rivets were loose (not uncommon for this award) and I gently pried it open with my fingers, getting the entire front plate (with the blue enamel) off. Turned out that the recipient had glued it back together after the rivots had been broken and it appears he put a lot of effort into cleaning up the reverse causing it to be rather shiny. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_10_2013/post-679-0-95590100-1381622414.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_10_2013/post-679-0-84083400-1381622425.jpg
    4. http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/39929-general-suurin-baldan/page-3?hl=sharavyn yes, he's on the list - post nr 60, 5th from top (name was translated by a friendly Russian young lady who spelt it a bit differently)
    5. Got another Mongolian group with a Soviet Combat medal (well, the document for one, unfortunately not the medal itself); awarded on the same date as yours. http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/60269-major-yondon-nanzaddorj-sovietmongolian-cross-over-group-of-documents/
    6. Just received two pictures of Jamyan with other leaders / high ranking military staff members of MPR. Both photos date back to 1977 (one has the year mentioned on it in handwritten note, also referring to the venue). It's the photo with Tsedenbal on the left of the speaker. The venue is the Army Party conference. The photo with Tsedenbal is taken (based on the banner of the conference in the background) during the opening of the conferences of the party grassroots secretaries of the armed forces and ministry of public security. Jamyan is on the right of the speaker in the background - along with various other hotshots seated around Tsedenbal: - Army General Dorj - Lt General Yondonduicher - Col Gen Bataa - Gen Namsari - three Soviet Generals / advisors - etc. The second photo shows Jamyan on the far left, then Army General Dorj, Member of Political Bureau Jalan-Aajav, Lt General Yondonduicher (standing, making the speech), Lt Gen Yondon and General Danzan. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_10_2013/post-679-0-56790000-1381533261.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_10_2013/post-679-0-03458100-1381533265.jpg
    7. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_10_2013/post-679-0-56790000-1381533261.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_10_2013/post-679-0-03458100-1381533265.jpgJust received two pictures of Jamyan with other leaders / high ranking military staff members of MPR. Both photos date back to 1977 (one has the year mentioned on it in handwritten note, also referring to the venue). It's the photo with Tsedenbal on the left of the speaker. The venue is the Army Party conference. The photo with Tsedenbal is taken (based on the banner of the conference in the background) during the opening of the conferences of the party grassroots secretaries of the armed forces and ministry of public security. Jamyan is on the right of the speaker in the background - along with various other hotshots seated around Tsedenbal: - Army General Dorj - Lt General Yondonduicher - Col Gen Bataa - Gen Namsari - three Soviet Generals / advisors - etc. The second photo shows Jamyan on the far left, then Army General Dorj, Member of Political Bureau Jalan-Aajav, Lt General Yondonduicher (standing, making the speech), Lt Gen Yondon and General Danzan.
    8. A group of 12 document belonging to Dorjpalam. RUSSIAN - Medal of Combat Brotherhood (document + medal) - awarded in 2004 - Centenary Medal of Zhukov (document + medal) - awarded in 1996 MONGOLIAN - Badge of the 60 Years to Mongolian Socialist Trade (document + medal) - Medal of 50th Anniversary of Victory at Khakhingol (document + medal) - Badge if the Winner of the Socialist Labor Plan (document + medal) - Medal of 50th anniversary of People's Revolution (document + waiting for medal to arrive later) - Medal of 60th anniversary of People's Revolution (same) - Medal of 70th anniversary of People's Revolution (same) - Medal for 60 Years to Armed Forces (same) - Badge of Veteran of MPRP (same) - 2 other documents
    9. SOVIET 1) Soviet Medal for Victory over Japan - awarded in 1946 2) Soviet Order of Red Banner... awarded in 1950 for his participation in the war against Japan. He was Commander of the 19th Cavalry Regiment of the 7th Cavalry Division during the war 3) Soviet Medal of Combat Valor... awarded in 1971 along with many other veterans. Will check if he’s on the Ukaz for this awarding posted elsewhere or if he was awarded this medal on a different occasion. 4) Centenary Medal of Zhukov - no date MONGOLIAN 5) Order and Medal Booklet listing the Honorary medal of combat awarded in 1947 (nr 2640) 6) Mongolian people's revolutionary Army Officer's Personal ID card # 5101. The ID card bears the stamp of the Defense Ministry and genuine signature of Lt. Gen. Lhagvasuren (Deputy Commander of MPRA). The ID card has his full name, DOB: 1910, place of birth: Tuv aimag, Erdene county and name of the spouse: Dejid. It also lists his rank: Major (bestowed in April 27, 1944). He was appointed as Commander of the regiment in Feb 2, 1946. 7) Doc of the Medal for Victory over Japan (signed by Lt. Gen. Lhagvasuren) 8) Doc of the Medal of 25th anniversary of People's Revolution (signed by General Ravdan) 9) Doc of 30th anniversary of Khalkhingol Battle 10)Doc of 40th anniversary of Khalkhingol Battle 11) Doc of 30th anniversary of Victory over Japan 12) Doc of 50 Years to MPA 13) Doc of 60 Years to MPA 14) Doc of the Medal of 50th anniversary of People's Revolution 15)Doc of the Medal of 60th anniversary of People's Revolution 16) Doc of the Medal of 70th anniversary of People's Revolution 17) Doc of the Medal of 80th anniversary of People's Revolution 18) Hard cover doc of the "veteran's glory" by Mongolian Veteran's Committee 19) Honorary Badge of Ministry of Defense of MPR with a certificate awarded in 1990. 20) Badge of Combat Brotherhood awarded by the Political Department of Ministry of Defense of MPR Soviet Red Banner is number 287089, awarded May 15, 1950 Soviet Medal of Combat Valor is unnumbered, awarded March 29, 1971 http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_10_2013/post-679-0-18371000-1381532684.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_10_2013/post-679-0-80030100-1381532724.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_10_2013/post-679-0-67701000-1381532768.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_10_2013/post-679-0-21097900-1381532807.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_10_2013/post-679-0-91957200-1381532848.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_10_2013/post-679-0-45310700-1381532888.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_10_2013/post-679-0-20705700-1381532928.jpg
    10. Couldn't find the thread focused on the "mother" of Khalkhin Gol badges so posting this here... Screwplate missing, but for the rest in excellent condition and with an original certificate awarded to a Mongolian (Tserenyondon) for taking part in the battle at the river Khalkhin gol in 1939. The badge was awarded in March 17, 1942 and signed (hand signature) by Deputy Commander of the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Army Lahgvasuren. Also the document bears the stamp of the Military Ministry. This is the very first type doc for this award. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_07_2013/post-679-0-05901100-1374612194.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_07_2013/post-679-0-65574100-1374612317.jpg
    11. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_07_2013/post-679-0-42845800-1374612132.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_07_2013/post-679-0-19150900-1374612318.jpg 20 years of the Republic pin - small but nice, and interesting to see the hammer / sickle
    12. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_07_2013/post-679-0-65588700-1374610934.jpgHere some additional documents / awards 1) Hard cover VIP doc for Medal of 40th anniversary of victory over Japan. 2) Badge of the 50th anniversary of Mongolian Sports with a document (recall Jamyan headed the Wrestling Union for a long time). 3) Badge of the Best Care taker of the young generation with a document which has a serial nr 1. The badge itself has no serial nr. 4) Conference Program of the Mongolian Revolutionary Youth League branch for Border Guard Troops.
    13. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_07_2013/post-679-0-84088100-1374610701.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_07_2013/post-679-0-17097500-1374610879.jpg Here's a second class with a ribbon to put on uniform - not seen this design before
    14. Some more goodies arrived from Jamyan! First, the Lt. General shoulder boards which belonged to him. Jamyan's 1944 type border guard senior officer tunic was also available but had to set priorities so forewent that one.
    15. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_06_2013/post-679-0-66007400-1372604672.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_06_2013/post-679-0-12517600-1372604718.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_06_2013/post-679-0-94798200-1372604764.jpg Did not expect to get this added to my collection anymore, but certainly very happy that it suddenly appeared! A beautiful (large!) badge and undoubtedly with an interesting life!
    16. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_06_2013/post-679-0-66195100-1370379636.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_06_2013/post-679-0-40475100-1370379638.jpg Just in, nr 24 Soyombo's are a great deal considering their rarity when compared with prices for SB's
    17. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_04_2013/post-679-0-98353600-1365855544.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_04_2013/post-679-0-68617300-1365855611.jpg Finally: some cloth ribbons!
    18. Here's a similar one: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/3763-order-of-queen-tamar/?hl=tamara#entry35728 And here as well: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/1032-the-worlds-most-bizarre-award-a-new-chapter/page-4 I've also once seen a much more elaborate document with very nice graphics. Unfortunately I underbid. Can anybody read the names of the two people who signed the document?
    19. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_02_2013/post-679-0-85839000-1360442223.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_02_2013/post-679-0-90061000-1360442224.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_02_2013/post-679-0-60833000-1360442225.jpg Nothing like breathing (a bit) of life into an old thread - just in: Meybauer '2nd class' Still haven't been able to get a ribbon bar, but the hunt is half the fun!
    20. Thanks - very useful threads which I hadn't spotted before
    21. Yes, but I don't recall seeing them on a type 1 Polar star before
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