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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Bob

    1. ebay Item number: 250418436595 "4 Orders identical people obtain. Mongolian senior general, Yu Ren Duo " Hmmm.... :unsure:
    2. Unfortunately, not much else to tell - loads and loads of party/politics related documents / membership badges. The larger docs are pure text, nothing eye catching.
    3. By the way, the virgin lands medal is now the 3rd data point (of not so many!) on exactly the same day of awarding: 24-10-1979
    4. and finally, a significantly older man than 10 minutes ago... somewhere in these documents is a "life story" - wish I could read Mongolian!
    5. Not so sharp pic, but 1981 (around when he got his second polar star)
    6. Similar in 1975... note the pin - will have a look later to see if it's recognizable
    7. A 1961 MAXN document (he gained some wait, or stopped using old pictures )
    8. A small 1960 document for sitting in a town council or something (?)
    9. Give a shout if there's a specific document you'd like to have a close-up shot from. First, some pic's of the man himself mixed with a few doc's. In chronological order. His first award was the Soviet victory medal (famous unit 9999 as mentioned elsewhere on this site).
    10. Then, the big overview... this guy has more "mandat"/deputy booklets than I can handle! 52 documents in total, all to one and the same person.
    11. And now for an incomplete but very documented labour (a politician i suspect) group. Haven't decyphered the chaps name yet. First the group of awards itself.
    12. Ha - lucky me, the answer is only a few posts above me in the same thread :speechless:
    13. Have a look at below site (may be interesting for several reasons ) http://dolf-soviet-mongolian-awards.blogspot.com/ Now, looking at Lot 9, the award document has a rather interesting first line. Could it be an indication of a replacement award? Anybody else with such an example?
    14. ebay: 380121844184 the middle order on his left, it reminds me of the old style industrialization order... but it isn't, is it?
    15. Perhaps some of that stuff (or at least similar) finds it's way to ebay (just check right now, for instance) :rolleyes:
    16. Your posts are tempting me again Ed More to "know" the story and if it's real than to "have it" in my own hands actually. Wish I could (sounds like an old Twilight Zone episode) freeze time, walkk into the Mongolian archives and spend at least a few days just "browsing" :cheeky:
    17. Mmm a good reason for you to return to Mongolia and for a lot of the rest of us to finally visit it I was told there were 4 mongolians who received a red banner at the same ceremony... who knows...
    18. To clarify a point, the seller indicated he'd not want it back if it was sent for expertise and deemed a fake because - here it comes - he'd not know for sure if he might then be getting a very good fake back. Which (circular logic, I know) implies he doesn't really know if he's selling a fake or not now either. I do not know for sure (of course) if it's a fake, all I'm doing is passing on this one. As mentioned, happy to help anybody else get this one and I'm getting the research (if possible) anyway so hopefully we can read more on this later.
    19. Perhaps, but I'll pass on this one. For fun, i'll request the research from Russian archives anyway. If anybody on the board would like to acquire the item (and I'll throw the research - if any - in for free) just PM me and I'll help to facilitate it (the asking price is NOT low).
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