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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Bob

    1. http://www.forum.uniforminsignia.net/viewt...445b7cfabd5773b A useful site for Albanian unifirms plus some nice pics!
    2. Yep, got that far with my basic latin skills as well... but I'm completely unknowledgable when it comes to coins :unsure:
    3. It's the exact same size though and clearly there are similarities... maybe a fake, maybe something interesting - who knows? :jumping:
    4. So I bought a bunch of these thalers while in Yemen, but the I came home and one of them was "different" (I wasn't paying attention when buying it). Can anybody help me out here - what DID I buy?
    5. When in doubt, always take pictures :cheers:
    6. To be honest, I had no clue what I was looking at (and nobody around to tell me either) so just did my version of the cliche of Japanese tourists and just too pictures of everything:) Below is another interesting one... awarding ceremony (with the president and lots of kids)?
    7. OK, here's some more pics of medals from the Sana'a Military Museum
    8. I was in Sana'a as well a few weeks ago. Will have a look in my pics to see if there's anything interesting. Military (i.e. medals) were very difficult to find (it was easier to get offfers to buy pistols to be honest... incl. people trying to convince me that there'd be no problem to put it in my stow away luggage, go to the airport and then they'd come with me to clarify to the security that they should just let me check in the luggage incl. x-ray of pistol because it was just "antique"... never mind that it was in full working order; in the end i did manage to convince that the Belgian customs would be less "understanding"). Anyway, only saw a few ribbons/medals (all modern era) for sale in Sana'a at exchange bureau's (who do some business on the side switching valuables for $ i guess) and at a small military shop in the center off town. Apparently in the Taizz souq there's a good militaria show but I didn't hear about that until I'd already passed Taizz...
    9. I remember first going to the wrong museum. It's NOT in the Kunsthistorisches Museum, it's on the other side of the street. I believe it was called the Museum fur Volkerkunde inside the Hofburg. They have a huge collection of arms etc.
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