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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Bob

    1. These look so much alike that you start to wonder whether they could belong to the same individual after all...
    2. Excellent... and "nice" award he has on right hand side of the pic :jumping:
    3. Was just reading about a dutch millionaire who bought one of only 20 maybach convertibles recently. His response to the question whether he had doubts in buying due to the recent economic crisis: "it doesn't affected my spending habits the slightest bit" We'll see...
    4. So possibly one should then think,ok that's what the hero of labor is maybe somewhat for... But I get the impression those are essentially awarded for long work, useful inventions, and "popular" artists. No awardings however to "incorrect" people... Eg during grobatsjov era, no dissidents from the past were "reinstated" and "legitimized" by a hero award?
    5. and there's also another Markov / thenewyorksale coming... where's the winning lottery ticket when you need one :speechless:
    6. Ignoring all the awardings for physical (military) courage, the birthday or other "political" / propaganda awardings (e.g. athletes), did this award ever get presented for MORAL courage?
    7. For some reason it always happens that just as I'm running short on cash... MULTIPLE great auctions just pop up out of nowhere. Like a law of nature :speechless:
    8. And for the lover of LABOR groups (there's one quite active on the mongolia forum ) 422 *Aleksandr Yukhanovich Vil?man: Eight: 1) Order of the October Revolution (McDaniel type 1, variation 1: 12311), awarded 1971; 2) Order of the Red Banner of Labour (McDaniel type 6, variation 2: 781587), awarded 1973; 3) Order of Friendship of Peoples (engraved: 56359), awarded 1986; 4) Order of the Badge of Honour (McDaniel type 4, variation 2: 1349068), awarded 1976; 5) Order of Labour Glory, Second Class (engraved: 19063), awarded 1983; 6) Order of Labour Glory, 3rd Class (McDaniel type 2: 628261), awarded 1980; 7) Medal for Valiant Labour (McDaniel type 2, variation 2); 8) Medal for Distinguished Labour (McDaniel type 2, variation 2), very fine ?1,200-1,500
    9. Indeed! 359 *Brigadier-General Charles W. Lawrence, Deputy Commander of the Technical Division, Air Training Command, U.S. Army, One: 1) Order of Suvorov, Second Class, type 2, with screw-back suspension, the central portrait medallion and wreath in silver on a fivepointed gold star, incuse legend enamelled in red, reverse stamped (2986), in red and red velvet-lined case of issue, with original warrant book, virtually mint state and toned ?18,000-22,000 One of four awards of the Order of Suvorov, Second Class, to U.S. Officers which were authorised by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet on 25 April 1946. The citation reads: ?For valour and gallantry in the war against Hitlerite Germany and for distinguished service in the shuttle bombing operations and delivery of lend-lease aircraft and equipment to the Soviet Government? Sold with three photographs of the presentation ceremony held in Washington on 12 March 1947, including one of General Lawrence receiving the Order from S. K. Tsarapkin, Charg? d?Affaires of the Soviet Embassy, and also four related newspaper cuttings. See also inside back cover illustration.
    10. http://www.soviet-awards.com/forum/soviet-...st-class-2.html I won the ebay auction which triggered the GMIC thread. Now, on the other forum another such case has been found :jumping:
    11. i'd seriously consider selling all my SB's to get that Hero Star... unfortunately even then I'm not sure it would raise enough cash:( you mean that dagger belonging to a mongolian government member or something? I bid on it but was slighly under... regretted it but it appears from your post that something not right happened:( intresting auction, that's for sure... too bad the collector wasn't an active member of gmic!
    12. Theres a HERO STAR in that auction :jumping:
    13. ddr section... a LOT of awards from 1 group
    14. One up for auction on Zeige.com... with documentation!
    15. Scans (finally) came in... but not (yet) of the key awards Will chase for more
    16. RECENTLY SOLD pinback - USD 795, nr 857, www.collectrussia.com - 1998 - USD 740, nr 1.938, www.collectrussia.com - 1999 - USD 780, nr ?, www.collectrussia.com - 2002 - USD 945, nr 1.233, www.collectrussia.com - 2004 - USD 1.870, nr 1.918, Nota Bene - JANUARY 2007 - USD 1.880, nr 1.785, Nota Bene - JANUARY 2007 (boxed) - USD 1.950, nr 860, www.russianglory.com - MARCH 2007 - EURO 1.600 (roughly 2.100 USD), nr 1.183, www.huesken.com - MARCH 2007 - EURO 1.650 (roughly 2.200 USD), nr 1.514, www.huesken.com - JUNE 2007 - EURO 1.300 (roughly 1.700 USD), nr 1.246, private seller - SEPTEMBER 2007 - EURO 1.600 (roughly 2.200 USD - before fees!), nr 1.514, Andreas Thies October auction - OCTOBER 2007 - USD 1.850, nr 1.947, Nota Bene - NOVEMBER 2007 - USD 2.150, nr 1.837, www.collectrussia.com - NOVEMBER 2007 - USD 1.950, nr 1.437, Nota Bene - JANUARY 2008 - USD 2.000 (excl. 15% auction premium), nr 1,246, Dmitry Markov auction - JANUARY 2008 - USD 1.925, nr 902, eBay - FEBRUARY 2008 - USD 2.200, nr 1.617, somewhere in Russia - MARCH 2008 - USD 2.750, nr 1.635, www.collectrussia.com - MARCH 2008 - USD 2.750, nr 860, Nota Bene - APRIL 2008 - USD 3.200, nr 1.600, www.collectrussia.com - APRIL 2008 screwback - USD 820, nr ?, www.collectrussia.com - 1998 - USD 1.375, nr 89, www.collectrussia.com - 2003 - USD 985, nr 523, www.collectrussia.com - 2004 - USD 1.150, nr 519, www.collectrussia.com - 2004 - USD 1.680, nr 644, Nota Bene - NOVEMBER 2006 - EUR 1.630 (roughly 2.150 USD), nr 585, Albert GMIC - MAY 2007 - USD 2.650, nr 644 (again!), Nota Bene - OCTOBER 2007 (boxed) - USD 2.900, nr 640, www.collectrussia.com - NOVEMBER 2007 - USD 2.500, nr 777, somewhere in Russia - DECEMBER 2007 - USD 3.250 (excl. 15% auction premium), nr 427, Dmitry Markov auction - JANUARY 2008 - USD 3.225, nr 556, private seller - MAY 2008 - USD 3.500, nr 261, Coinsell (on eBay) - SEPTEMBER 2008 CURRENTLY FOR SALE - USD 5.800, nr 448 (screwback), www.collectrussia.com - USD 3.800, nr 1.388 (pintback), private seller PREVIOUSLY FOR SALE BUT NOT REPORTED AS SOLD screwback - USD 5.000, nr 227, Coinsell (on eBay)
    17. That's a long motivation - last time I read such a long sentence was when I was translating ancient greek in high school :)
    18. 230300230687 :banger:
    19. Have made an overview of all my award doc's plus what I've seen here on GMIC: AWARD NAME DATE DECREE Medal for bravery Zyra Radhima 5.11.1953 1626 Order for bravery Mehmet Refat Kodra 5.12.1955 2178 Skanderbeg 3rd class Idris Razip Resuli 13.7.1959 2939 Hero of People Shokhut Haxhi Lezhi 29.4.1963 3677 MEDALJEN E PUNES SKENDER HAMDI SINES 9.10.1978 5776 URDHRIN PER PUNE TE SHQUAR NE EKONOMINE BUJQESORE 3rd class XHEMAL RAKIP HOXHOLLIT 27.1.1979 5828 Medaljen per sherbime te shquara shteterose dhe shoqerore Organization 26.4.1980 6185 URHRIN NAIM FRASHERI 3rd class SKENDER HAMDI SINES 30.7.1984 6904 Medal for distinguished labor in agriculture AGIM KHEVDET DANIT 24.8.1984 6907 Medaljne per sherbim shumerjecar ne forcat e armatsoruaa XHEMAL JASHAR JAHJAS 24.12.1984 6939 MEDAL FOR DISTINGUISHED STATE AND CIVIL SERVICES Zenun Rahman Precit 23.3.1987 7115 Medal for distinguished labor in mining / geology Kadri Novruz Hitajt 11.5.1987 7125 order of labor 3rd class FAIK BAJRO GRAMSHIT 20.11.1987 7175 Medaljen per sherbime te shquara shteterose dhe shoqerore FAIK BAJRO GRAMSHIT 22.12.1987 7183 Medal for Meritorious Service to the People Lumturi Shefki Vrapit 4.3.1989 7286 Hero of Socialist Labor XHEMAL RAKIP HOXHOLLIT 13.11.1989 7335 order of labor 3rd class AGIM KHEVDET DANIT 13.1.1990 7350 Order 40 years PPSH FAIK BAJRO GRAMSHIT 4.2.1989 - Order 40 years PPSH Aleksandra Vasil Karajanit 16.10.1981 - Order 40 years PPSH Selman Kadri Cobanit 5.11.1990 - Order 40 years PPSH Omer Hasim Meros 16.10.1981 - Will get all the award names in English later. What's interesting... my hypothesis is that 1 decree equals 1 awarding (at least, I've yet to come across documents with the same decree number). This would imply only very, very few awardings! Roughly 200 per year. This would also explain why we see so few award documents. Perhaps only 7.500 awarded? Of course, maybe some medals, etc. were given away without a decree (or document for that matter). What's "good" to see is that the dates / decree dates are perfectly ascending. So probably awardings were all centralized in Tirana. Would appreciate if anybody with new docs could PM me: - award name - awardee name - date - decree ...both to further expand on the list and, potentially, to reunite groups. Could somebody please make this a sticky thread?
    20. True Eric - I've in fact started to now also document decree nrs / dates / etc. for all my documents and really have the impression that the decree numbers represent unique awardsing (i.e. 1 award to 1 person) and that the decree numbers only relate to awardings of medals (i.e. in between a decree nr will not be for building a bridge somewhere) Coming weekend I'll look at my stash of documents and complete the list and post here - should also help to identify volume of awardings and approximate timing. In the meantime, research in the archives is still something which is on the horizon... not close by, but not impossible either.
    21. Labor: For good work and help given to fulfill tasks appointed from Party and Government. Through his attitude of honesty towards the work and society has become an example for the sector where he wroks, in keeping running the first two turbines of Fierza Hydrocentral. Frasheri: For good work in developing the agriculture propoganda in radio. Has well explained the directions (policies) of Party regarding the agriculture. Has worked hard in propagating the advanced experiences. -------------------- Agriculture propaganda on the radio... gotta love that:)
    22. for state and civic services. As a member of Democratic Front Organization has been hard working to fulfill the appointed tasks. order of labour third class Distinguished in hard work and honest discipline in fulfilling continously the tasks according to the planning in the sector where he works.
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