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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Bob

    1. http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=3515...mp;#entry337310 Hi there - 11 piece cloth ribbon bar - pretty international grouping (italian, albanian, romanian, etc.). What's the German one on here? Thanks! :cheers:
    2. Italian, but any more info? It reads on front: Unione Nazionale Ufficiali in Congedo D'Italia On reverse: Senesi Milano, Via Bassini, 52
    3. Good I have some things very nice coming as well... one is a documented group (and when I say documented... I really mean an incredible amount of documents!), the other is a documented (with photograph) type 1 sukh bataar. The Mongolia forum is coming alive again!
    4. I'm hopeful it'll turn out to be the real deal on the document. It's one of those difficult cases though where my guy is the "middle man".
    5. Anybody know? For years this has been "on the horizon" but real progress is difficult to actually see :rolleyes:
    6. Just had this offered to me. Still awaiting better scans of the reverse and - keeping fingers crossed - of the award document. Serial number is 14210. The Mongolian connection is what interests me here. Some questions: - are these researchable? - does these appear to be real/fake? - what would be the reasonable price without and with document? Thanks
    7. Anybody know a good site where I can look up the Italian ribbons? First row: Commendatore dell'Ordine dei Santi Maurizio e Lazzaro / Grande Ufficiale dell'Ordine della Corona d'Italia / Commendatore dell'Ordine Coloniale della Stella d'Italia Second row: Commander in the Order of Scanderbeg / Sovrano Militare Ordine di Malta, Ordine di S. Giovanni di Gerusalemme, di Rodi e di Malta / x / x Third row: Bulgarian Order of Civil Merit? / x / Ordine Equestre del Santo Sepolcro di Gerusalemme / Romanian Order of the Crown (knight?)
    8. www.winkler-auktion.de Some REALLY nice Tamaras AND award documents up for auction: yummy! :jumping:
    9. Scanning through the blue bible i found this (referring to 2004.6) Awarded to a russian it seems!
    10. I THINK (but not sure) I've found this guy in the blue bible as well (page 492 on top) but will keep scanning to reduce uncertainty... pics in a minute. The surname looks currect (Tovuu), not sure about the first name. Perhaps in my doc's it's abbreviated.
    11. http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=5226&st=60 Interestingly enough mine was awarded roughly (same year) same time as Ed's, yet mine is unnumbered (both on the medal and the document)... some inconsistency here.
    12. Suspect the country of manuacture is derived from the reverse of the suspension which - at closer inspection - actually shows a small mintmark: - an "m", a line below it, and a "w" below that - below this sign, the word "MET"? Scanning the blue bible... page after page... to find this person
    13. And the "category" in which this award was given (any translation help?)
    14. Second - the bio! ANY translation help (full, literal translation please) would be much apprecaited!
    15. Bingo! For the large group, I've found in the big blue book the bio related to the merit medal! Page 662. It gives the date of awarding (1981-07-09) which matches with the date in the document I have and it also provides a number (233) which appears to be a decree nr (there are more awardings of the same award on that date). Remember, this merit medal is organized in "groups" in the book... presumably categories such as art, science, etc. - and the 233 represents a decree I believe cutting across those categories. First - matching pics: bible vs. polar star doc
    16. Excellent Sparks Love seeing these - can never get enough! Besides, more documented numbers is always useful to expand the database:)
    17. And last two scans (for now) of the socialist competition big document
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