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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Bob

    1. When I changed employer 5 years ago I was already very much into travelling in the former Soviet Union but not yet into ODM. This changed after a trip to Ukraine 3 years ago or so (and since then my bank account has had to suffer, but it's been a great learning experience!). Even then, it wasn't until a year ago or so that I asked my former boss and good friend (who is Russian) about her family's wartime experience. Turns out her grandfather fought in the Finnish war and later - as I suspect as she didn't know much about him - in the siege of Leningrad. Later on he went to do top secret research for chemical warfare / missiles and stuff (his daughter and also his granddaughter - my friend - also studied chemistry). Obviously I had to ask: does he have any awards? And after some logistical troubles (my friends mother had to travel back to St Petersburg to fetch them) they were finally on my desk. A bunch of jubiliee medals, a numbered (thankfully!) order of red star and a 1985 order of patriotic war. That's all that was left... apparently there used to be much more but his childred used to play with them outside and just give them away ( ) to their friends many decades ago. Nevertheless, this was sufficient to proceed with research and I essentially gave Nota Bene a blank cheque - after all, family of a friend we're talking about here I have to say, Alexei = god of research! With only a number and a name I have received research back in barely 2 weeks! I will now get it professionally translated so it can be made into a nice package for when Nicholas (great grandson of Ivan) is old enough to take remaining awards and research into possession from his mother. In the meantime, would like to post already the scans here for any first "hot off the press" impressions. Short feedback from Alexei was already that Ivan was on some sort of "special reserve" (whatever that is) which means data is limited through research 12 scans to follow - appreciate any pointers
    2. Bob

      Angola medals

      Yep - makes sense These Angolan medals certainly are difficult to find.
    3. Bob

      Angola medals

      Another one of these... but with inscription on the reverse: 2 AN PROCL FAPLA (or FALLA?) 1-8-74/76 Would like to get a ribbin to make the appropriate suspension for this award. The ribbon should be plain green and fit a typical soviet steel suspension. Any idea where these can be obtained?
    4. No pics of reciptients nor award but interesting datapoints
    5. I'll think of more, but at top of my head additions to the key research q's: 6) Where are those 50 USD a piece SB screwbacks? 7) What's the story behind the early Polar Stars (type 1 and uighur's) - were they indeed to be handed in for a newer type (hence botched up numberfing and very few type 1's despite sonnenberg's guide having one in 800+ range) 8) 3 types of soyombo hero of labour? 9) Is the 25 years mongolian revolution for foreigners real? 10) Are there names to match the deputy badges? 11) Idem for medal for unselfishness?
    6. Yeiks Alexei's supply is clearly also jacking up prices... look at the KGB badge he has on offer... nr 704... 1850 USD... boxed (but not specific to the badge).
    7. Christian - does Ranko have a website? Other contact details you could provide? Thanks
    8. http://www.visualrian.com/images/item/60434 a cavalier of cavaliers
    9. http://www.visualrian.com/images/item/38626 Yumzhagiyen Tsedenbal decorates the Air Colonel General Alexander Pokryshkin with the order Chairman of the Mongolian Council of Ministers Yumzhagiyen Tsedenbal (left) decorates the Hero of the Soviet Union, Air Colonel General Alexander Pokryshkin (right) with the Red Banner Order. Location: Russia, Moscow Date of event: 01.12.1971
    10. http://www.visualrian.com/images/item/38625 IMPORTANT PIC - because it shows that (at least for a marshal) SB's were awarded... cased Yumzhagiyen Tsedenbal decorates Marshal Alexander Vasilevsky with the order of Suhe-Bator Chairman of the Mongolian Council of Ministers Yumzhagiyen Tsedenbal (left) decorates the Soviet Union Marshal Alexander Vasilevsky (right) with the order of Suhe-Bator. Location: Russia, Moscow Date of event: 01.12.1971
    11. http://www.visualrian.com/images/item/38687 Marshal Horlogiyn Choybalsan decorates Senior Lieutenant L. Orlov with an order Marshal of the Mongolian People's Republic Horlogiyn Choybalsan (left) decorates Senior Lieutenant L. Orlov with the Red Banner Order for fighting in the battle of Khalkhin Gol. Location: Mongolia Date of event: 01.05.1939
    12. http://www.visualrian.com/images/item/38492 Not entirely sure if this should be here - will have to check other threads later - these pics (and dates) are great though! Marshals Alexander Vasilevsky, Matvei Zakharov and Nikolai Krylov Soviet military leaders (left to right): Marshals Alexander Vasilevsky, Matvei Zakharov and Nikolai Krylov being awarded the order of the Mongolian People's Republic at the Mongolian Embassy in the USSR. Location: Russia, Moscow Date of event: 01.09.1971
    13. http://www.visualrian.com/images/item/53757 Marshal Zhukov receives the Order of Hero of Mongolia Yumzhagyin Tsedenbal, Mongolia's Prime Minister, left, gives the Order of Hero of Mongolia, supreme martial award, to Soviet Marshal Georgy Zhukov Location: Russia, Moscow region Date of event: 18.09.1971
    14. http://www.visualrian.com/images/item/30081 Yumjaagiyn Tsedenbal, Nikolai Patolichev and Georgy Zhukov Yumjaagiyn Tsedenbal, First Secretary of the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party Central Committee, left, and Nikolai Patolichev, U.S.S.R. Foreign Trade Minister, right, congratulate Marshal Georgy Zhukov upon receiving the Order of Sukhe Bator. Location: Russia, Moscow Date of event: 01.04.1969
    15. http://www.visualrian.com/images/item/53753 Leonid Brezhnev receives Order of Sukhe-Bator Yumzhagiin Tsedenbal, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party and Chairman of the Council of Ministers (Government) of the Mongolian People's Republic (left), reads out decree of the Great People's Khural (Parliament) on awarding Leonid Brezhnev (right) the Order of Sukhe-Bator. Russia, Moscow Date of event: 15.09.1971
    16. 310040950884 Interesting set of books spotted. Reminds me of the Soviet duo set with Hero biographies. Anybody collecting Vietnamese ODM, have a look.
    17. Reading back some old posts... and boy was I wrong. Having checked all major dealer sites and being frequent visitor of eBay I think the conclusion is just a different one: most if not all of the "good stuff" has found new collector homes. Looking at major dealer sites... there's actually nothing left which sparks my interest (apart from some items on Nota Bene which sold a long time ago already). Only a few items which I'd really only buy "if the price is right" because of their beauty but not really to further my collection. We're in a drought - and the "hype" is continuing but just for "lower end" items. The inflation on simple order of red banner, herder badge, etc. on eBay is simply staggering. What next? (while I like the answer "research", I'll believe that when I see it!).
    18. Pickings are slim for a long time on ebay... but I'm amazed at the prices now even becoming reality for these herder badges! 170216144094
    19. Time for me to hit the history books to decypher your posts No worries, that's the great thing about this forum - learning something new every day!
    20. Letter from the Ministry of Defence of the USSR regarding awarding Bazhanov the Chinese Order Yun-Gyu? anybody know about that order? what else does the letter say?
    21. I have an award booklet for one (elsewhere on this forum). Off the top of my head, it looks very much Soviet produced as well.
    22. I have an award booklet for one (elsewhere on this forum). Off the top of my head, it looks very much Soviet produced as well.
    23. Interesting... and if they would source badges from USSR... why not also medals?
    24. Well - I hope for the best. I acquired it from the source of other sources (i.e. in Berlin) whom I'd put quite some faith in. Let's see what comes out of research (i hope).
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