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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Hauptmann

    1. Hi all, Just found this photo when I was looking through an old album and thought I'd share it. This was probably about a year into my Soviet collection. Yet another display I put together only to have to remake it and change it a gazillion times since as I've added... and added... and... well, ya'll know the drill. [attachmentid=50843] Dan
    2. My Heer: [attachmentid=50839] [attachmentid=50840] And last, but not least... my HJ: [attachmentid=50841] [attachmentid=50842] Dan
    3. Hi all, Here's what I have left in the way of German buckles. Used to have Luftwaffe's in both combat and utility, a few more Heer, a couple more Imperial as well as one that had the complete belt dated 1916 as well as the SA that now resides with Pat up in Canada. First off my two remaining Imperial's: [attachmentid=50834] [attachmentid=50835] [attachmentid=50836] [attachmentid=50837]
    4. And some shots of my other armbands, pennants and such: [attachmentid=50831] [attachmentid=50832] [attachmentid=50833] There's a few of those that I sure wish I'd held onto. But we can't keep it all. Wish we could. Dan
    5. Hi all, I believe what I have here is a Kreis level armband... but not positive as to the exact rank level within that group. In my opinion it's about as mint as they come and complete with the RZM tag. No moth nips, no damage... nothing. Picked it up in an antique store over twenty years ago (yes, that magic number again ) for $45 if I remember correctly. No earthly idea what they would run now. It's one of only two armbands I still have from a slightly larger collection of armbands, pennants and such I used to have. [attachmentid=50826] [attachmentid=50827]
    6. Hi Theodor, Short answer... I sincerely doubt it. PM sent. Thanks, Dan
    7. Hi Theodor, "Very" nice rifle you have there! Only one I've ever seen. And the mechanism seems very reminiscent of the U.S. Trapdoor Springfield. Sounds like the same problem that was facing the U.S. at the end of the Civil War... tons of the old Springfield muskets/rifles but they were by then obsolete. What to do? Convert them to fire cartridges instead of the old front loading system. I was supposed to inherit one from my father... sadly it, along with all his other guns and other collections were stolen from my. Long and rather sad, depressing and frustrating story. I sure miss his stuff as they were all pieces I grew up with. But I do hope to somehow manage to get a trapdoor one day... they are terrific rifles and great pieces of history. But these Russian rifles sure look tempting as well. I'll have to keep my eye out at future gun shows and such. Thanks so much for sharing this great piece of history. And best of luck on the restorations. Dan
    8. Hi Rick, Many thanks! Would still love an absolute confirmation if you or any of the others happen to run into such somewhere. But after having dealt with tons of plated or rolled items in my time dealing with pocket watches for instance, I've not often seen them look quite as nice or hold up quite as well as the gold on this piece. In fact, it must have been lovingly stored the vast majority of the time and only worn on very special occassions for it to be in such beautiful condition. And assuming that the ribbon is original, and I've never had occassion to doubt that, then it's survived amazingly well. This was, if I remember correctly, my first "find" and I'm as much in love now as I was the first day I laid eyes on her. I would love to eventually find the other two but at the prices they run it would have to be another circumstance like the first... and I fear the planets don't tend to line up quite that often in one's lifetime. And I agree... the eagle is something else! When you have this in front of you and check it out, even without a loupe the detail is exquisite! I simply can't say enough about it. I only hope someday we're able to get together and I can show this one to you in person. I think you'll agree that it's well worth it. Dan
    9. Hi Joel, Very nice bar! And I agree... these definitely seem underappreciated... seems everyone waits and gets really excited by 1870 IC's. I for one have always been hooked on the Kaisar medal pictured on the end of your bar. Thanks for sharing. Dan
    10. Hi Keith, Just had to say... a lovely award! Love that beautiful enamel! Many thanks for sharing! Dan
    11. Hi Rick, Sounds like a great book. I've always liked the look of Finnish Orders and such but never managed to get any. If I did, I think this Olympic Order... or the whole series of them would be my choice. Of course knowing my luck they're exceedingly rare like the German ones and will be far, far out of range of my humble budget. But sure nice to look at even in books. It's one I've wanted to post for some time and just had to wait till I'd gotten a scanner and managed to get it up and running. Applause is most welcome... especially since it's the "holy Epson". And the price was definitely right... $000.00. Figured I couldn't beat that with a very big stick! In other words... I'm awaiting approval of "die Scan Meister". Dan
    12. Hi Pete, Much obliged! Can't wait to see it in color... and would LOVE to see all three classes at some point. Just beautiful, even in black and white. Thanks, Dan
    13. Hi Jeff, Many thanks for the additional info. Every little bit certainly helps and is deeply appreciated. I looked for a ton of years before I ever found anything out about these. A quick question if I may... is the gold and enamel such as I have real gold or gold plated? It's always struck me as being real but I've never been able to confirm it. Oh, and although it's probably not important I thought I'd mention that I'd checked the ring for makers marks as on Iron Crosses... didn't know if makers in countries of other nations such as the U.S. also put their marks their. In any event, no marks that I could detect. However it is a solid ring... you can just barely tell where it was silver-soldered and the entire ring is gold in color. The craftsmanship is just outstanding... it's always been one of my favorites. Thanks again for the help on this one. Dan
    14. Hi all, This is a piece I've only seen in a book... Ribbons And Medals by H. Taprell Dorling, Edited And Revised by Alec A. Purves. I think it's rather similar to the 1936 Olympic decoration, right down to it's ribbon: [attachmentid=50719] But I think it's a very striking design and I for one would love to have one! I've no idea how much these go for and can only assume they are quite rare as again, I've never seen one outside of this particular reference book. If anyone has a color photo... or happens to have one or knows more about them please pass it along. I for one would love to see this one in color. Thanks, Dan
    15. Hi all, Here's the dedication page... hopefully one of you can make out the name of the Ensign in case the seller got that wrong as well. I've never been very good with most handwriting so keeping my fingers crossed. [attachmentid=50718] Thanks, Dan
    16. Here's a closer view of the reverse: [attachmentid=50714] And a closeup of the reverse of the eagle: [attachmentid=50715] I got this one over twenty years ago. I found it in a small militaria shop in a cabinet in the front window. It was in a small riker mount which was covered in dust and looked like it hadn't been touched in ages. The second I laid eyes on it I fell in love. I'm a sucker for enamel... and green happens to be my favorite color. I also love gold so this just has it all in my eyes. I think I paid all of $30 for it and felt it was a bargain even at the time. Although I never dreamed they were rare or worth the kind of money I later saw them sell for. I've learned a bit about these over the years. Basically this Society was for Veterans of the Spanish American War. The head of the Society and one of it's founders was General Leonard Wood... along with Teddy Roosevelt of Rough Rider's fame and later one of the greatest Presidents of the United States. My understanding is that there were three levels or classes of this medal, which I believe is a member medal. A bronze or 3rd class for lower ranking members. A silver or 2nd class for mid ranking members and the gold or 1st class for the highest ranking members of the Society which would have included the General and Teddy Roosevelt. I've been told they are extremely rare in any class. I've only seen two others... both on Ebay. One was a bronze level award which as I recall has no enamel. It was complete with ribbon and in very good condition and I believe sold for around $700. The other was a gold like mine, however lacking it's ribbon and with a small bit of enamel damage. However, it was engraved on the reverse medallion with the name of the original recipient. It sold for over $800. I've also seen one of the original member books on Ebay but at the time I couldn't afford to make a bid although it didn't go for a ton of money. I'd even be happy with a Xerox copy of one to go with my medal. I've always felt it went nicely with my original piece of the Battleship U.S.S. Maine: [attachmentid=50716] [attachmentid=50717] When she was raised and prior to her burial at sea all her superstructure was stripped off as was anything useful. All the brass was shipped home to bell foundries and mints to be made into bells for churches, schools and monuments... or to be made into memorial plaques or souvenirs. This piece is documented as having been saved by the owner of one of those bell foundries as a souvenir. The edges clearly show where it was cut from a larger piece and the L shaped notch at the top actually gives evidence of the explosion where part of the metal was literally blown or ripped off of this piece... and the inside looks blackened as well. And last but not least what I've been told is a naval button from this period: [attachmentid=50908] [attachmentid=50909] I hope you've all enjoyed seeing these as much as I've enjoyed sharing them with you. And again, if anyone has any additional information on these pieces or the Society I'd deeply appreciate hearing from you. Thanks, Dan
    17. Hi all, Finally have my scanner up and running and he's one that I've been saving for just this occassion. I'm still having problems with getting the full inscription to come out right on the central medallion... would appreciate any helpful hints to help me correct that. Otherwise I hope it looks good enough to do it more justice than my camera. And I have to say that any "imperfections" you see are due to the scan as this is in stone cold mint condition. The enamel is perfect as is the gold... even the ribbon is in excellent condition. The inscription reads: Society Of The Army Of Santiago 1898 Here's the full obverse: [attachmentid=50701] This is, in my opinion, an extremely beautiful award. I've learned a bit about it over time but am still open to learning more. Here's a closer view of the eagle: [attachmentid=50702] I think this is by far one of the most beautiful eagles I've seen on an award to date. It's very detailed and believe me when I say the scans just do not do it justice. It can only be truly appreciated when holding it and looking through a jewelers loupe. The chains that it is grasping symbolise the U.S. breaking the chains of Cuban oppression during the Spanish American War. I'd always wondered if there was a piece missing... it seemed so unusual an addition to this piece. But it came to me when I saw another one on Ebay a few years ago. [attachmentid=50703] Here's a closeup of the fort pictured on the central medallion: [attachmentid=50704] I've always wondered if this is made of real gold or if it's gold plate. It shows only the lightest of tarnish around the side edges of the cross but no more than some gold coins I own and have seen over the years. The green enamel was a big draw for me, as was the gold. I'm a sucker for both... enamel and gold... and since green is my favorite color this one is a real winner in my eyes. It's extremely well made... at least to the standards of old world European craftsmanship. Although from what I understand these were made by Baily, Banks and Biddle who I believe, and please correct me if I'm wrong, were the equivalent of Tiffany in the area of Orders and medals in those days. Here's the full reverse view: [attachmentid=50705] The reverse inscription reads: Santiago Campaign June 14th July 17th
    18. [attachmentid=50698] Well, that's it for now. Hopefully over time I can get better at sizing with this scanner... but I'm hoping these are okay for reading and getting the info out of them. Thanks, Dan
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