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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Hauptmann

    1. Here's the Georgian hunting license: [attachmentid=50664] [attachmentid=50666]
    2. I believe this one is for a young communist: First the cover... very nice and the only one I have so far: [attachmentid=50656] And the booklet itself: [attachmentid=50657]
    3. [attachmentid=50653] And here's a Mandate: [attachmentid=50654] [attachmentid=50655]
    4. Hi all, Okay... my scanner is up and running! So I've been working on getting these booklets scanned. If anyone can tell me anything about these... the names of the individuals, any of their history or background, I'd be much obliged. Here's the Lenin Orders book: [attachmentid=50650] [attachmentid=50652]
    5. [attachmentid=50647] [attachmentid=50648] I got this one back in the mid 80's or thereabouts. My folks were looking to buy a place up near us in North Florida at the time. They went through a realtor out of Quincy Florida. When we were at his office I happened to notice on one of his bookcases that he had a set of Imperial German wound badges. Turns out, he bought houses to restore and had found a box the size of a small shoebox in the attic of one of those houses. He was not into militaria and only kept that set out as keepsakes. I happened to have a black powder rifle... modern and one that I only had $90 in, including all accessories, powder, etc. He wanted the rifle but was not intro'd in the rest. He offered to trade his box for it. In amongst several full sets of Imperial wound badges, as well as a few extra black and silver ones, some WWI British and American aviation items, WWI French train tickets, etc. was this Imperial pilots badge in cloth in it's issue packet. Needless to say the first time I saw it in the box and removed it from the packet I about fell over. I'd never seen the like before or since. Oh I'd seen the cloth IC's which I think are ugly as sin, and the WWII badges in cloth but never an Imperial badge. To say I love this piece is an understatement. I've no earthly idea what it's worth and don't believe I'd ever part with it. To me at least it's one of those once (or few) in a lifetime finds that just don't pop up very often... if ever. If anyone has any additional info on this piece, has ever seen one, perhaps has a picture of one being worn... I'd be very grateful if you'd post same. Also if anyone has any specific requests for views on this one please don't hesitate to ask. I'm happy to try to get closeups, etc. Just let me know and your wish is my command. Thanks, Dan
    6. Hi all, I've finally got my scanner up and running so thought I'd post this badge. I'd put it in a couple of the other threads but not in it's own. I'm hoping against hope to find out more about this piece. I've been trying for ages and so far no one's seen another one like it. [attachmentid=50644] [attachmentid=50645]
    7. Hi all, Again not "positive" this one goes here... but as I've never seen another and have never been able to find more info on it... here's my Imperial German pilots badge... in cloth with issue packet. [attachmentid=50640] [attachmentid=50641] Also, these are scans... I've finally gotten my scanner up and running. Still have alot to learn about it but hoping these are a vast improvement over my pics using my digital camera.
    8. Hi all, Here's the link over at SAF which discusses these Umalatova OGPW: http://www.soviet-awards.com/forum/showthr...light=Umalatova Dan
    9. Hi Dave, Many thanks to both you and Jeff for helping out on this. I'm hoping to find more photos of the Admiral and more info on his career as well as perhaps some info on the Ensign he signed the book for. Thanks again, Dan
    10. Yes, think you're right on that one. Just knew it was the Red Banner... just the earliest type. As to what it was I believe cloth... I don't think paper would have held up to constant wear under so many different conditions. Thanks! Dan
    11. Hi Dolf, Very sorry... misunderstood your post #51: "Being a vet, I've been told before by more experienced gentlemen on the hobby that they are allowed every kind of excentricities," Took that to me you were saying you were a vet. However, sounds like you certainly were too close for comfort in more than a few "combat" situations. So let's make a correction... not a vet, but "thanks for surviving" as don't know what we'd do without you. In some ways I'd think you are a vet... you survived some combat and some very sticky situations involving same at a very young age. And hey, you've certainly got my respect. I've never had bullets flying around me... never even been anything but an observer in a reenactment. So you're way ahead of me there. One major difference between what you went through and being a soldier... at least much of the time they have choices and they're at least trained and paid to be soldiers. You, as a kid had no choice and you certainly didn't get paid but sounds to me like you went through an awful lot of the same dangers and such. Anyhow many apologies for the misunderstanding but again, you certainly have my respect. Dan
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