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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Hauptmann

    1. Hi Paul, Many thanks! This was a "find". A realtor I knew had found a shoebox sized box in the attic of an old house... up in the rafters... filled with mostly WWI Imperial German badges and such with a few U.S. and British Aviation pieces as well. Seemed to be the kind of thing an allied soldier would have gotten from prisoners as souvenirs and just tossed together in the box. I kept the best of the several full sets of wound badges and a few other pieces and this... which I consider to be the best of the lot by far... have never seen another or even been able to find out anything much about it. You can see the outline of the badge having been in the packet. The badge has never been sewn on a tunic either. I truly wish I could find out more about it but it seems to be an oddball piece. May never know. But I do love it and feel very blessed to have found it. Got that whole box in trade for a rifle I'd gotten, along with accessories, powder and such for $90... and even got to keep all the accessories and supplies. All he wanted was he rifle in exchange for the whole box, minus one full set of WWI wound badges which he wanted to keep on his bookshelf in his office. Needless to say I think I did okay on that one! Dan
    2. Hi all, Since the Bulgarian medal and packet that I have were already posted here's my contribution... not a medal but since a wound was posted figure this one is okay: [attachmentid=44811] [attachmentid=44812] [attachmentid=44813] Dan
    3. Hi Rick, Really! WOW! I had absolutely no idea. Guess when it comes to some things I have fairly good taste as this has always been one of the favorites in my collection. Thanks... I deeply appreciate the heads up! Dan
    4. Hi Paul, Many thanks to Mamiko for the translation and you, Paul, for the post. I deeply appreciate the info. Another warrior's name is now known and not lost to time. I will pass this on to the museum, if will be in my report and will now be remembered by all who see the book. Thank you both sooooo much! Dan
    5. Ooooh coooooookies.... (sound of Homer Simpson making gurgling I want some noises!). Save me some! Dan
    6. Hey, let that UN numbnutz get his own chicks! As for me, I can only look... can't touch! But hey... that can be worked into any treaties I guess. But there comes a time when we have to stand up and negotiate these things for ourselves. Otherwise the uppity ups get the good chicks and we get the leftovers. And I don't think we want to play that... "Do you want what's behind veil number one, veil number two or veil number three?" game! Dan
    7. Hi Rick, As always, mucho thanks! Just out of curiosity, how hard would it be to locate the ribbons I need for those two? Thanks! Dan
    8. Hi George, Definitely! Sounds like a good sized piece. Great place to keep those midnight snack cookies or chips and such. Great piece! Dan
    9. I think I've found this one: http://cgi.ebay.com/2-german-WW1-inert-37m...1QQcmdZViewItem 2 nice tracer pompom 37m/m shells . They are INERT . 1st: Kaiserliche marine mark C/97.98 . Dated XI/1902 . Karlsruhe 54 . Has 2 point markings from refilling it when fired . 2nd: Kaiserliche marine marking C/97.98 . Dated X / 1900 . Karlsruhe 23 . Has been 6 times refilled 6 small points on the back of the case . ( not so often you will find them with these additional refilling markings . Found in Belgium/flanders so they have seen front duty !!!! These shells are used for close infantry support sturmbattalione . Test have been made to put them in large aeroplanes from the fliegertruppen . Have been used as AA-gun and on naval boats . [attachmentid=44194][attachmentid=44195] Dan
    10. Hi George, Beautiful piece!!!! Have never seen the like! What is the size on this... just in rough terms? Looks "big" and heavy! Very unusual and definitely a centerpiece for any collection of German memorabilia from that period. Gorgeous! Great find!!!! Congrats!!!! Thanks for sharing! Dan
    11. And last, but not least... my favorite and what I consider the jewel of my Austrian collection: Die Jubil?ums-Kreuze 1908 The Crown Jubilee Crosses of 1908 (cased with miniature) [attachmentid=44183] [attachmentid=44184] [attachmentid=44185] [attachmentid=44186] [attachmentid=44187] I do hope to add more eventually. Would love some of the higher orders like the Order of Franz Joseph and even the Red Cross Order. Beautiful pieces... beautiful enamel and designs! Thanks for stopping by. Dan
    12. And although post war Hungarian... I'm going to pop this in here: Commemorative Medal of the World War [attachmentid=44181][attachmentid=44182]
    13. (Signum Memorias) [attachmentid=44176][attachmentid=44177] Kreigserinnerungsmedaille (War Commemorative Medal) [attachmentid=44178][attachmentid=44179]
    14. Hi all, Here's my humble little collection of Austrian awards. Used to have a few more and like an idiot let them go. But kept the bulk of them so here they are for your enjoyment. Die Milit?rverdienstmedaille (Signum Laudis) Miltary Merit Medal [attachmentid=44171][attachmentid=44172] Die Kriegsmedaille 1873 The (General) War Service Medal [attachmentid=44173][attachmentid=44174]
    15. Hi Tony, Basically took pics of all that I could so if it's not in the pics it's not there. That's not to say it might not have been removed, but considering that even the instruction booklet and accessory pack was still attached it looks as if it's very complete. Name on the bag is U.S. It was a Sgt. Putnam who also brought back some of the German souvenirs I posted. His name and info was printed on the top of the German Stahlhelm shown in that post: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=9005 Again no such red marking was in the helmet so don't know. I "think" there is at least a name on the chinstrap but it's probably that of Sgt. Putnam. Will try and remember to check next time I'm over there... may not be till the coming weekend at least. Thanks! Dan
    16. Hi Spotter, Again definitely on track with you on this. Had I noticed the sound of the powder when I was getting that one... I would have just told the store owner to call the authorities to have them check it out. It was after all only a buck and not worth getting hurt over. But I would have passed on it. Just wish I'd realized cause now it's my problem. But assuming on that one that it's basically like an oversized rifle round... as long as it doesn't get in a fire or no one pounds on the cap it should be okay... but if it's live I'd just rather not have it. I'm sure if I explain to them then it won't be any problem. They're pretty good about stuff here whereas in some cities, especially nowadays they'd have the NG, Sheriff, Police and just about anyone else they could think of on my doorstep to "pick it up" with some gadget or other. Whereas I think I'll just stop buy as there's usually a Sgt. on duty over there and I can simply check with him and if it's okay'ed by him I'll bring it in and if they want it, they can have it as they'll be able to handle it better than I will. But let me know if that sounds like what I should do as I'll hold off doing anything till I hear back from you again. Thanks! Dan
    17. Hey guys... if we don't invade then we "MUST" immediately conclude a treaty of absolute friendship!!!! Then have the female contingent over for a sleep over!!!! All in the interests of international peace and friendship, you understand. Dan
    18. Doc, I can't wait to see them!!!! Especially that GC set cased. To me, the most impressive of Orders look a thousand times better "cased". I hope and pray that I can somehow, sometime get a case for my GC of the Romanian Crown. Would also absolutely love a case for my Order of the Griffin. And eventually my GC of the Legion of Merit... haven't posted that yet, but coming soon to a theater near you! Kevin said he'd check around out his way for the Romanian one. I do hope he has some luck. That poor set has been crying out for a case for ages. I got it in a riker mount and then had to use that for other things. Don't have near enough rikers for what I need them for and about the only time I ever got them was in deals with stuff in them or if I occassionally found them for cheap at flea markets. I have some nice bigger display cases including three locking metal types but they're all big and just don't have the space to display with them... yet. I keep hoping someday... So for now smaller types like the rikers are what I have to go with. Well, keep them cards and letters coming! And lots and lots of pics!!!! Love dem pics!!!! Thanks! Dan
    19. Hi Spotter, Will do... kinda figured... am always EXTREMELY careful with such things. Had a Civil War Hotchkis shell that was "supposed" to have been disarmed. But I could find no drill holes and the fuse looked like it had not been out in a gazillion years. Didn't fool with it and as much as I loved it I felt it was too much of a chance so I passed it on to more experienced collectors to deal with. Also, in my post #2 in the first three pics... I got that for like a buck ages ago in an antique store. Didn't realize till later... if you shake it a bit it sounds like powder inside. Here's the markings on that one: ZEL-1-47-62-20MM 55A3 No idea if that's a practice round made that way with say sand inside... but kinda suspect it might be a live one. If so, is it dangerous and should I get rid of it and if yes to that, how? Should I take it to the local Guard Armory and let them deal with it? I can't get in any trouble if I do that can I? I'd much prefer to have nothing dangerous in my collection. I'm hoping the small one is not dangerous... there seems to be no firing pin like on the #2 post above. Only other live stuff I have is like rifle or pistol ammo and it's all properly stored and locked up so no one else can access it. And it's all stored in the basement/bunker. Will await your advice. Thanks!!!! Dan
    20. Hi Doc, Great pieces! Especially LOVE that case!!!! An absolute beauty. Seems most of the Warsaw Pact countries cases lacked bases... except for Hungary, although there were a few nice Bulgarian ones with bases too. And in Poland at least for the higher ones I suspect... like my Polonia Restituta. No idea why as it seems like a no brainer... gonna make a nice case, go the extra step otherwise the award gets jostled around inside. As you've seen my Cross of Valor (later type... 1944) has no case... but hopefully some day I'll be able to pick one up so she'll have a home. My bronze Cross of Merit is in the same boat I'm sad to say. But all things come in time to those who wait. Keep em' coming! Dan
    21. QUOTE(Rick Research @ Jun 18 2006, 00:05 ) ← Several of those appear to be upside down to my weary bleary 1 AM eyes. Go to Lukasz Gaszewski's WONDERFUL ribbons of the world website and at least they will be ID'd. If I did this right, the link will be directly to his East German ribbons page: http://www.medals.pl/de/ddr.htm Hi Rick, Well, just received my first (and hopefully first of many as I think I'm hooked now! ) DDR ribbon bars. Even though I didn't think I'd be so lucky... the big one is indeed a two row!!!! And you were right... upside down. So with the shorter row on top... I believe the one on each side is out of order, correct? And if so, would it be okay for me to "carefully" switch them round? Also, would the one currently in the center remain there in the same position? I'm still amazed at them using paper ribbons... are they not the only nation to have done so? You'd think if they were caught in a sudden storm or something such things would be ruined very quickly. The backings are cool... especially with the way they attached the two bars... has that little bit of jiggle to it. Can just hear the undertone of clicking as they marched! But they all look to be in great shape and I'm so glad I jumped on them. If only I can luck out and find some more at anywhere near that kind of price... but have a feeling that won't happen much... if ever again. I'm so thankful for these... it's been a looooooooong wait but well worth it! Thanks! Dan
    22. Hi Spotter, Sorry about that. Was just bonkers last night and had to get some . Here's some info: On the smallest of the three there are absolutely "no" markings that I can see. I tried to get the head to screw off but it's tight. I don't want to use pliars as that may damage the aluminum. Will have to figure out some way to get it off to see inside... if that's even adviseable. I have no history on this other than it was used by a friends dad for ages as a paperweight when he sold knives at flea markets. No telling where he got it or when. And as I don't really know anything about these... is there any danger in unscrewing one that's tight? The two German ones come right off and are hollow inside. Anyhow the smallest one measures: 3 inches in length 5/8's of an inch in diameter at the base at the widest point The German ones are: 3.25 inches in length 5/8's of an inch in diameter at the base but that does taper out slightly on the main body of the shell. The markings are: On the aluminum: AZ150* eeo 52 (* = obscured by small gouge... would think z). AZ150z eeo 53 44 On the body right above the band: 44 bk z4k (Waffen Amt) WaA 411 W (same on both). Both have a red color all around where the stampings are above the band. From there up to the head it's the remnants of a mustard yellow color. The bottoms on these two have a pinkish material in them... looked like dirt at first but definitely something pinkish color upon closer examination. When I unscrew the heads, the shells themselves are empty with only a small dot or circular impression dead center at the base. The heads are threaded of course and on the base of them they have a square notch in either side which seems like it's for some sort of spanner tool or something... no idea what or why. And inside has a dot or tiny circular impression dead center. Anyhow hope this helps. Need any more info your wish is my command. Many thanks, Dan
    23. Hi Spotter, Many thanks for all the info. And shoot no... no biggie. I still think it's neat. Be happy to get you any and all info on the other rounds... but have to do that later today. Getting ready to sign off and hit the bed and that's all down in the bunker. But will post asap later today. Thanks! Dan
    24. Hi Spotter, That's okay... I think it was a gift and I made the assumption it was German. So not a biggie. But good to know and many thanks for the info! Thanks! Dan
    25. Hi WC, Yes, that's it! The Inner Circle (1991)... great film! Highly recommend it. Also Stalin with Robert Duvall (1992). Also, there's a great movie... a comedy... a bit offbeat though but great... called Children of the Revolution. It explains how Stalin "really" died. Dan
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