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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Hauptmann

    1. Hi Pat, Seems there are concerns over the Luftschutz... if you don't mind lets try and confirm on that one before wasting a good ribbon on a bad piece. But if we can't confirm it in time I'll include it and if nothing else you can always pop it back inside a letter hence no concerns on heavy postage and customs and leaping through hoops and wrestling alligators and... well, you get the idea. Dan
    2. Hi Pat, You'll have a ribbon for this one soon. Dan
    3. Hi Pat, You'll now have a ribbon for this. Will be there soon. Dan
    4. Hi Pat, Not sure on this one. That back looks soooooo rough! Generally most TR pieces tend to be finished... even late war stuff tended to be much more finished than it probably should have been. Habits die hard I guess. Unlike the Japanese that basically gave up all attempts at finishing things off and just knocked stuff out and got it out the doors as quickly as they could. Hence alot of their firearms not being recommended for anything other than wall hangers as far as late war pieces go. Just too many shortcuts. I could be wrong on this as again I'm far from being an expert... but all the stickpins I've ever seen that were authentic (and I've seen a bunch... at Jack Angolia's alone!) were well finished and looked great front and back. But again there always seem to be exceptions to the rules. Dan
    5. Hi Pat, Definitely need better pics on both the silver and the bronze. But on the bronze it's incorrectly mounted on what appears to be a Schutzenschnur. This is an award for shooting... kind of like our markman badges in the various services. They were used from Imperial times (I believe) all the way up to present day and were also used by the DDR. And they were also service specific with a Kreigsmarine version, Luftwaffe version, etc. But this is not the correct insignia for the lanyard. I would definitely take the bronze infantry assault off of that (carefully) and then examine and take pics of the reverse of the bronze. It could well have a makers mark or gives clues to the maker and indeed the originality (or not) of the piece. But from this pic I just can't tell. Hoping once you post the new pics of both that others will comment. I really hope these turn out okay... or at least the bronze. I used to have several of these but only have my framed set from John Angolia now... along with a stickpin mini like those you see in cased sets on occassion. Framed set: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=7841&hl= Stickpin: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=7485&hl= I'll be keeping my fingers crossed and looking forward to seeing better pics. Dan
    6. Hi Pat, I'm not an expert on these by far... but I just don't like the look of the pin/hinge setup on this one. Could be wrong and hope others comment as well but just something about it as well as some of the look to the front makes it something I would probably have passed by. I really hope I'm wrong... have been rooting for you, but better to find out now. Hope this helps, Dan
    7. Hi Pat, From what I understand Russians were "mad" about collecting all these sorts of little pins. There seems to be a gazillion tons of them! And they're definitely fun to collect. Generally you can find "big" batchs of them on Ebay for not too much money. Good way to get a ton of them, sort through, pick the ones you like and then use the rest for resale or trading stock. Or just have a huge collection, which is not bad either. Some of my very first Soviet pieces were some similar type pins but with military subjects, etc. I've added more over time, mostly as "extras" folks have sent along with stuff I ordered or bought over the years, or brought back as gifts from trips. I'll have to do up some pics at some point but may wait till I get my "Epson" scanner (See Rick... I'm listening! ) so I can do them justice. Dan
    8. Hi Pat, May have found this one. Thought I'd seen it the other day when I was searching out some things. http://www.thirdreichmedals.com/mini.html (E992) A stick pin membership badge for the Army Civilian employees. The badge shows the army eagle holding the swastika. This is identical to the eagle that you find on the helmet tropical plate and it is nicely cut out with nice detail. Nice to find. In vgc.GBP ?30.00 Picture (E1677) An Army civilian employees badge being a down winged eagle holding a swastika. This is mounted on a pin that has been shortened probably by it's original owner. GBP ?20.00 Picture Seems then that it's for civilian employees of Das Heer. I actually do have one... but mine is gold? Go figure?! Perhaps it was for civilian employees of the Kreigsmarine. I'll try to do pics of it when Kim and Nick get back home from the Badlands (sounds like something out of Planet of the Apes... "The Forbidden Zone"! ) as they have the camera. Not even sure if that would do it... might have to wait till I can get it scanned one way or another. Hope this helps! Dan
    9. Hi Pat, I'll second the motion on this one... definitely Bundeswehr. Dan
    10. Hi Pat, Hey, from tiny acorns mighty oaks do grow. I started out with one or two pieces myself once upon a time... now I don't even have a count on how many I've got. Drives me nuts sometimes... especially getting ready to move last year! I envy a guy who can toss all his worldly goods into a neckerchief, tie it in a bundle on the end of a walking stick off take off for the next locale. Too much stuff can be nice but it can be a real curse too. Many thanks for looking and hopefully you'll have more in your set before too long. Thanks, Dan
    11. Hi Paul, Many thanks for your kind words! My "purties" all thank you too! And I honestly never thought anyone would be intro'd in or like the Knight's... almost expected to get some "shame on me's" for having them... or at least putting them with real ones on display. But I do agree, I think they look very nice, very accurate and they sure cost me one heck of a lot less than real ones, even in "good old days" prices. "If" I remember correctly... I think I probably got the swords one for $10 if that, and the other was $16????. Pretty close I think. So for under $30 have both of them... don't think I could find that deal for even one real one. Of course if I do... it sure won't take me long to pull out the wallet on that one. Shoot, gold fillings if I have to! But needless to say I'm very happy that I didn't put anyone out by showing those... as I really do love the overall effect they give to the display. Now all I have to do is dig up one of each in gold and that'll close that book. Thanks! Dan
    12. Hi Sam, Hey, wow... an appreciative audience for my soapbox rantings... now all I need is a beer hall and... oh wait, did I say that out loud! Seriously though... I found this quote... can't remember if it was used by another member here or what but I fell in love with it: As Benjamin Franklin said: If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. I'm working hard towards my copy of the McDaniel Soviet reference as we speak. Hopefully I'll be able to order it on Monday (fingers tightly crossed) and have it within the week (fingers at breaking point!). My biggest problem is that I can't afford every reference book known to man, at least for my various hobbies. I guess some would say I've spread myself too thin... but hey, keeps me off the streets. And I must say... I love that book you found! Covet, covet... heavy on the covet!!!! I sincerely wish I could find one even a third as good as that one seems to be. Great find! And I say it yet again... Rick is fantastic! Terrific! Wonderful! Glorious! The Greatest! Now to go collect my 10% fee again! Seriously he does work miracles... come to think of it he does look a bit God-like and messianic in his avatar... I wonder? Might explain alot. He could be God... or, dare I even think it... President of the Epson Scanner Corporation! On my interest in Soviet... well, I've always been interested in it. Would see documentaries my whole life plus all the interest in the space race... they were like our arch rivals during most of my early life so we were always hearing something about them. But could never find much in detail on their militaria. Once the wall fell I was dying to jump in but knew I had to learn tons before I did. I managed to get a few pieces here and there in trades and such but never with high values. I passed on an Order of the Red Star early on which was at like $300. It was beautiful but at that stage I didn't even know what it was much less what it was worth. May have been worth that... but probably not. Plus, my wife Kim loves the beautiful enamels the Soviets used on many of their awards. Always pays to keep the wife happy. So this stuff is something I can really share with her and she appreciates it. Plus TR stuff was getting so screwed up with fakes and dishonest folks ruining everything. If you can't have fun move on... which I basically did. Still love the stuff but just got tired of that plus having to explain to all and sundry that I'm not a nazi just cause I collect the stuff. I never collected camp or SS stuff. Shoot... I have Jewish relatives for crying out loud! And funny thing is, I've yet to be accused of being a commie because I collect Soviet or Warsaw Pact stuff. Lord knows the commies have probably killed a gazillion times the number the nazi's did and yet there is not the same stigma. It's a strange world. Amen on learning the history! None of this stuff would mean anything without the history behind it. I mean, take the smallest, most common ribbon or medal. By itself it's nothing... meaningless. But you learn what someone had to go through to be awarded that little piece of cloth or metal and suddenly it takes on great meaning. Remember the line from The Blue Max? "It's a piece of scrap worth exactly 5 Marks!" Yes, but it's the deeds and the men behind that piece of scrap that make them priceless... or nearly so! History to me is a living, breathing entity. If you understand it, it can help to guide you and help you avoid mistakes. It changes minute by minute. And what is written about it can also change rapidly depending on who is doing the writing. Those who have lived in it's corredors scream out to we who have come after them... remember... REMEMBER! Don't forget what we have done and why we did it! If we do we have committed a crime against all who have gone before us... as well as ourselves for we too do history make! So how did you get hooked on collecting the red? I'm looking forward to see your TR posts and also more Soviet as if the book was any indication will be well worth waiting for! Not sure about other badges having been issued similar to the DVG's... have to step aside for those with more know how on the subject than I. Well, I'm off to a long awaited and I hope well deserved sleep. But can't wait to get up and see all the new posts and hopefully make a few more of my own. Hoping to start posting my DDR collection, or at least the awards over the next day or two or thereabouts. Have a great one! Night all! Dan
    13. Ditto that! WOW! Rick never ceases to amaze... great job as always. Now everyone be good kids and start passing around the collection plate! Wish I could find a nice document like that for $5... shoot, I wish I could just find a nice document like that! Terrific catch there... here's hoping that you find many more... and share them! Dan
    14. Hi Sam, Personally I agree on pricing. As for myself I feel like a total cretin if I know everything else, I buy something and end up "then" being told by fifty of my fellow collectors that I paid too much and could have had it for pennies on the dollar. In my eyes, we need to teach not only about repops, dishonest dealers, etc. but also things like pricing. And that tends to vary so much throughout the country and the world. In some locals daggers seem more popular... in other medals. At least that's how it was back in the day... assuming it's the same now. If I remember correctly Tennessee and Kentucky used to drink up daggers like no tomorrow as a for instance. And I'm not trying to say anything to go against the fact that "gentleman" should not brag about how well they did on this or that purchase. I, personally never take such as bragging unless it literally is written to come across in that way. I think most of us are mature enough to know the difference. I ask about pricing quite often... and often don't get answers. So I flounder... and end up very frustrated. I have a ribbon bar that I just purchased which I "think" I did well on... but so far no confirmations on that. So I just hope it was money well spent. It was an item I didn't set out to get but as it was so unusual and I got the thumbs up on it from two people I deeply respect I went for it. I'm proud to have it in my collection... well once it arrives that is... but I'd really like to know how well I did on it. Money has of course always been a tricky subject... along with sex, politics and women (in the case of men) and such subjects are generally taboo in an officer's mess, at least in the U.S. for the reason that such subjects can get some folks hot under the collar. So I deeply hope no one will take anything either of us are saying here in a bad way as that is certainly not how it's meant. To me it's like any other piece of info I want to be armed with when making a purchase. Do I get this one for $$$$ or should I wait, comfortable in the knowledge the same or better can generally be had for $? I'd much rather know before I reach back and grab my wallet and start forking over my hard earned cash. And honestly, there are pieces that I just don't know this on. Thankfully, when I was recently "seriously" considering trying to work out a purchase on a Soviet medal with document, I shared this with one of the members and asked for advice. He said steer clear. Number one the set was a mismatch... which as I do not read cyrillic I didn't know and number two they went for much less than what it was being advertised for... and commonly so. So I'm now happy to wait, secure in the knowledge that another, perhaps several, will come my way and for much less than I was possibly prepared to shell out. Actually if you check out my original GPB post: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=7391 you'll see in post #5 Rick gave me the following info on my GPB: "71889 was given to somebody processed as a member between 5th and 13th December 1927. My Gau Hessen-Nassau list brackets your number with these dates." Again many thanks to Rick Reseach for that information. And to me, that's a pretty darned narrow time frame! A nine day period! Like... WOW! Can't do much better than that unless you nail it on the head and know when and to whom it was awarded... at least not in my estimation. On collecting TR... I've actually pulled back from it a great deal over the years. Fakes got to be too much trouble for the kinds of money things go for nowadays. Was bad enough back then. And as I've full well admitted many times I do not mind nice "copies" when sold as such, purchased as such and used as space fillers for items that are well beyond the budgets of most collectors or are just unobtainable at any price. I mean, how many of us can seriously afford an original German Order... or a Soviet Order of Victory... and they don't even come up for sale! As for me, the beauty of such pieces is too great to just drool over them as pictures in books. If I can obtain a "nice" copy for not too much money then I have no problem with that. What I hate and dispise are those who misuse such pieces... or pure and simple "junk" to take advantage of those who are new to the hobby and just don't know. But then again that's why I preach over and over again to each and every new collector I meet... study, study, study!!!! Buy references more than pieces to begin with. Read them until you memorize them and then read them again. Join a group like this fine club. Meet with fellow collectors and view their collections. Go to museums and view their collections as well. And if you are nice, polite and have a very good sad puppy dog look the curators of same will "sometimes" give you the private tour and let you see behind the scenes and perhaps even (gasp) get to handle some pieces you'd otherwise never see outside of reference books. I'm a strong believer in the theory that the more good (and bad) pieces you see and handle the better armed you are to defend yourself against fakes and those who would try to con you out of your hard earned money. Knowledge is your best defense! I see an old fashioned war time poster in that... Well, to climb down off my soapbox... I for one would love to see what TR pieces you have. I still love them, yet just don't tend to actively seek them out these days. Got far too hooked up in Soviet and Warsaw Pact goodies... but I always love to see new goodies, even if it's the hundreth wound badge. Always a pleasure. So please, post away! And last but not least (Whew! Deeeeep breath! ) the Westmark badge. Here's what one dealer site said: "Used by residents of Westmark traveling outside their homeland to identify them." Beyond this I don't know alot about them. I liked the black enamel and it was cheap at the time so it came to live with me. Hopefully some of the other members can fill us in in more detail on this one. Looking forward to seeing your posts of TR goodies you've acquired over the years. Thanks for stopping by to chat and to drool over my pretties! Dan
    15. [attachmentid=39990] [attachmentid=39991] [attachmentid=39992] Well, there you have them. Hope you like them. I do... for what they are they serve the purpose well. Thanks! Dan
    16. [attachmentid=39988] [attachmentid=39989]
    17. Hi Laurence, Your wish is my command! You're lucky you caught me as I'd actually just signed off and was making a quick check of email. Been sick the last couple of days and although I'm feeling better today I got kind of wiped out with some errands and such I had to run earlier as well as entertaining a guest this afternoon. Was heading off to rustle up some grub and perhaps either take a nap or just hit the sack a bit early. I took a chance and took photos with the flash and several lights on and it seems to have done okay. Sadly, even in optimum conditions I can't get any closer than this. Yes... I hear you oh spirit of Rick R... must... get... scanner... EPSON Scanner! [attachmentid=39986] [attachmentid=39987] Anyhow I hope this does well enough that you can see what you need/want to see. The without swords is 800 "silver" marked although I sincerely doubt it's silver... but then again I really don't know what either of them are made of. Got it from a company in Flushing NY that did rather nice quality pieces back twenty some odd years ago. Actually they'd written me a "rain check" note on my order as they were out of the swords. Then somehow the note disappeared and they of course had no records of it so I never did get the swords from them. But I didn't get charged for it either so no biggie on that one. The swords was from someone else later that year if I remember correctly. And I've never noticed before but it is also marked but looks like L/56... not sure as my poor old eyes are not what they used to be... and they never really were. Even with a loupe it's just not clear to me. Could be 800 and just worn in all the right places. I've always hoped to pick up a pair of these in gold someday to really "finish" the set for once and for all. Again originals would be nice and would definitely be better... but I know many times over the years I would likely have had to sell one or both off had they been original, so guess it worked out well in the long run. They look good in the display and for what I paid back then it was a steal.
    18. Hi Sam, Why rude? At least in my eyes it's part of everything we do and should be doing here with our fellow collectors. Prices are part of what every collector needs to learn. I myself have an awful time with this on many of my TR and other pieces I got fifteen to twenty some odd years ago. I dropped out of the loop for many years and when I came back it was like I'd walked into the twilight zone with some of this stuff and how it had gone through the roof. I can't speak for now... but back when I got this... which was I believe around eighteen to twenty years ago if I remember correctly, I believe I paid around $300-$350 for it. Those that are ID'd of course go for more. And yes, some can be traced through the SS ranglistes and such. Sadly I have no ID for mine but I keep hoping that someday I'll get one. Perhaps one of the other members would be kind enough to step in as far as prices now as I really don't know. I moved into Soviet and Warsaw Pact militaria and awards years ago and only dabble in TR now on rare occassions. I've let alot of my TR go during the years and just haven't kept up with pricing unless I needed to know in order to sell something off. Anyhow hope this helps a bit at least. Dan
    19. Hi Laurence, Not really any story other than what was in my first post... could have afforded originals in those days but just didn't buy them. Didn't want that kind of money in one or two items collecting dust on a shelf. So I was insane... I admit it! Just nice copies. Be happy to do pics of them if you or anyone else are intro'd... just figured since they're copies no one would be. Nothing special other than they've had alot of compliments from other collectors over the years. One is even marked which seemed to impress a few of them. They just have a decent look to them. And since I wanted a full set... there they are in the case. I actually contemplated not showing them. I do have a few nice copies in my collection as fillers for more expensive pieces but figured again, as they are copies no one would be intro'd in seeing them here. So I just don't bother. But let me know as again I'm happy to do pics and post them. Only thing is it may not be till Sunday as Kim and Nick are going to the badlands to meet some friends and they're taking the camera. I'd do it now but I get my best results in sunlight and it's dusk here now. Anyhow just let me know... happy to oblige. Thanks, Dan
    20. Now for a late war painted example which is soon to be in it's new home: [attachmentid=39969] [attachmentid=39970] M1/163 Next is a DVG Westmark badge which is going with it's brother to a new home: [attachmentid=39971] [attachmentid=39972] And last, but not least my HJ member badge: [attachmentid=39973] [attachmentid=39974] [attachmentid=39975] Otto Hoffmann Ges. Gesch. Many thanks for taking a peek, Dan
    21. Hi all, I know I've posted the GPB before but figured I'd put all these together as a group, especially as two of them are getting ready to go to a new home. So without further ado, we'll start out with my Golden Party Badge: [attachmentid=39964] [attachmentid=39965] #71889 Next are my standard Party badges, starting with the enameled type. First off is one with an unusual (at least in my experience) pin on the back... one reason I love it so much: [attachmentid=39962] [attachmentid=39963] M1/120 M9/72 Another standard Party: [attachmentid=39966] [attachmentid=39967] [attachmentid=39968] M1/120
    22. Hi Marcus. Not an odd request at all. Funny thing is as I took the pics the fleeting thought went through my head that I should take the reverses as well as "someone" would surely want them "if" I didn't. And sure enough... As far as me calling them field issue packets it's just what I was told they were. They were a gift from a dealer many, many moons ago if I remember correctly, back when no one was really intro'd in such things as packets and ribbons and the like. Sigh. The good old days when stuff was cheap and buffalo ran free in herds and... erk... end tangent, Norman coordinate! Not a whole lot to see I'm afraid but for what it's worth... (drumroll please!). First the no swords: [attachmentid=39957] And now the swords: [attachmentid=39958] Hope it helps. Dan
    23. Hi Paul, Ooooh... a discovery! Me like to make discoveries! It's really a great book. Wish I was fluent in German. I know enough to get by in the hobby and perhaps then some but not enough to do an entire book. Plus, from what I understand the German language as used in the east got "infiltrated" with alot of, shall we say... Sovietisms which just don't translate well for most folks. I've tried to run some portions of my DDR references through online translation programs and it spitters and sputs an awful lot! But the pictures are terrific, even those in black and white. It goes in to types, variations, documents, you name it but other than a few exceptions it's pretty much just the military awards... medals, badges, etc. Also has a great color ribbon chart but again it doesn't cover every ribbon... mostly those for the military. But some great color plates of big ribbon bars belonging to high up general's and such. Terrific book if you can run down a copy... I'd highly recommend it. Dan
    24. Hi Pat, The last three rows... the last three in each row... Happy Birthday! They'll be on their way to their new home soon! Dan
    25. Next the War Merit Cross 2nd Class with Swords: [attachmentid=39888] [attachmentid=39889] And field issue packet: [attachmentid=39890] And the War Merit Cross 1st Class with Swords: [attachmentid=39891] [attachmentid=39892] It's marked 14 on the outside of the pin. Thanks for looking, Dan
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