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Soviet Achievement Medals
Hauptmann replied to Hauptmann's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
Chris, Whew... okay, this makes me feel a bit better for sure! MANY thanks for posting that!!!! I'm actually breathing again! Dan -
Soviet Achievement Medals
Hauptmann replied to Hauptmann's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
Hi Chris, Okay, you say your's is an earlier one. There was nothing mentioned in Byrnes about serial numbers so I'm not sure what's what with that. But I've been looking at one with document where the document is numbered but from the picture there is no number on the award. I'd think there should be a matching number on the medal as on yours. I hope someone can tell us about this in more detail as now I'm a bit skittish about trying to do anything on the other one as perhaps the medal and doc do not match. However, if later awards didn't necessarily have the numbers on the medals then perhaps it's okay. It's a 1955 award which I "think" is in bronze by the look of it in the pics. So if anyone has any more info please let us know. Thanks! Dan -
Amen to Paul's comment. Just a beautiful set! Especially the bullion boards and the embroidery on the cap. I've never seen them done like that... have only run into the basic run of the mill stuff you see at most surplus stores... or did once upon a time. I would simply love to get a nice set like this... just terrific! Again you are a lucky man Grant! Dan
Hi Grant, Extremely nice set (drool, drool, covet... heavy on the covet! ). It's a shame as so many West German caps and uniforms have been butchered by folks to make up TR stuff... same with DDR pieces. It's so refreshing to see a nice set that's been kept together. With some awards on that puppy it would be a knock down drag out beauty contest winner! I hope I'm lucky enough to find as nice a set some day to go with my small (but I hope ever growing) Bundeswehr awards. You are truly a lucky man! Thanks for sharing. Dan
Hi Ron, I think if you'll post all the pics you sent to me of "all" the items with detailed views the same as I'd requested that it will be a good start. Then, if someone needs a "specific" view of an item or items they'll be able to request that and go from there. Hopefully then we can nail down for sure if this set is authentic or not. For everyone else, this all came as a grouping... two tunics, two pair of pants (one damaged), a belt (sans buckle unfortunately), an ammo pouch, bayo with frog, sidecap, helmet, camo smock, shovel with leather cover, and an infantry assault badge. It came from another individual who supposedly got it from the vet who brought it all back. However, this other individual did not want to divulge the name of the vet or allow Ron to get in touch with him to ask questions, etc. I hope he's able to somehow work that out and actually be able to contact the vet in order to find out more of the history and provenance of these items, assuming everything turns out to be okay. I can certainly understand someone not wanting to bother an older vet, but I also know fakers come up with "tall tales" to make their garbage more appealing. But if this all did come from the vet I know it would be much better to have more of a provenance on it, especially if it was all captured from one individual or location since one of the pieces is named, albeit hard to make out... but hopefully those who read German script can help figure it out. I've tried to help Ron with these... but I have "limited" experience with Waffen SS uniforms and as I know SS items in particular have been copied ad nauseum I figured it was best for Ron to come to "the experts". Thanks, Dan
Russian Federation Some Russian Federation awards:
Hauptmann replied to Hauptmann's topic in Russian Federation
Thanks Dudeman! That's it! I knew it was one of those "stan" places!!!! My brain is just slowly turning to onion dip these days... well, perhaps not so slowly. Now just need to figure out the other one. Thanks! Dan -
Welcome to the forum. Glad you could make it. And please, don't hesitate to post everything as there will be something for everyone. Also make sure you set your personal settings so that you'll be notified by email whenever someone responds to this post (or anything you post). That way you can get back to it at your convenience. I've got my fingers crossed and hope it all works out. Thanks, Dan
Russian Federation Some Russian Federation awards:
Hauptmann replied to Hauptmann's topic in Russian Federation
Hi Ed, You're absolutely right... so please PM me for my snail mail address, pack it up and ship it off to me... as all donations are gleefully accepted. Seriously though, that's a great looking medal. I've seen pics but always from a distance... never up close and detailed. About what do they run? Think I'll have to add it to the high part of my list. Thanks, Dan -
Soviet A few of my labor awards
Hauptmann replied to Hauptmann's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
Hi Doc, Before I run I'm finishing up these last few replies and caught this one. Which ones did you get? I got the "Order of Stalin" one with doc about a month or so ago but haven't had time to post it yet. It's the one similar to the Order of Lenin... just made a heck of a lot cheaper. It even pales in comparison to copies of the OL and that say's alot! I've put in a suggestion for discussion about the possibility of having a separate section for Russian Federation and umalatova awards but haven't heard anything back on it yet. Keeping my fingers crossed. Really love the enamels on them... not like old world quality but better than just plain medals. Dan -
Hi Paul, Yeah, the old girl has definitely been there and done that. Got it from Alexei many moons ago. Great piece. He always referred to it and the others in this series as "The Gulag Medals". He told me they actually went more to the guards who watched over the prisoners as they worked on these various projects. I'd always thought they were for the folks who actually did the work. No idea what the qualifications were but assuming McDaniel's book goes into that. You can't tell I'm like pining away to get that book, can you? Perhaps one of the other members will kick in and let us know on this one. Thanks, Dan
Hi Paul, I'm awful at seeing minor differences any more so I'll take your word for it. I'd probably have to see them side by side, if then. Never been good at estimating distances either. But that's a fine looking medal... not extremely salty like mine! Hey, I just love em' all! Thanks for sharing, Dan
Soviet Achievement Medals
Hauptmann replied to Hauptmann's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
Hi Ed, Great group! You've got me drooling too! Thanks so much for posting them! Dan -
Soviet A few of my labor awards
Hauptmann replied to Hauptmann's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
Hi Eric, Yeah, actually have dealt with them before down in Florida. Good glass but other than one guy they all seemed to be morons. And not just in the glass department. But we do have an excellent little home town hardware store here and they do glass... I've got a beautiful Case commemorative picture which is framed behind glass. One of two things that the glass broke in on our move. But lucky more didn't get broken... it's actually amazing as we had two big trucks and in one section of road we went through in Minnesota it was just bouncing up and down through nearly a third of the state! But they did a terrific job putting in new glass and you'd never know it happened. Only thing on this aluminum case is that it has to be put in by someone familiar with those types of cases. They have to know how to get them apart and also have to be able to put the gasket seal in properly. But I think I may take it up and see what they can do, if anything. If not I may have to take it to one of the bigger cities. But the other wood ones should be fairly simple and I'm sure they can handle it. Just have to wait a tad bit longer in order to build my war chest back up and then I'll take them over and let them have a crack at it. Thanks, Dan -
Soviet Anniversary of Soviet Cities
Hauptmann replied to order_of_victory's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
Hi Doc, Wow! And you can tell that from my lousy pics? You're GOOD! Mucho thanks! Dan -
Soviet Achievement Medals
Hauptmann replied to Hauptmann's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
Hi Doc, Hey, no problem at all. Glad to help out if I can. I think it's a great area to move into. Just hope my budget starts to agree with me soon! Just too many shiney things out there that keep calling my name! Thanks, Dan -
Soviet A few of my labor awards
Hauptmann replied to Hauptmann's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
Hi Doc, Definitely worth going for. I'm still working on my campaigns as well. It's never ending isn't it? Of course, that's good... keeps us all off the streets! Thanks, Dan -
Soviet A few of my labor awards
Hauptmann replied to Hauptmann's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
Hi Eric, No biggie on the Vet medal... it's an easy mistake that I've even seen dealers make. That and the Labor Vet medal just look so much alike, even down to their ribbons... it's almost like they were trying to screw us up! Methinks another commie plot has been discovered! Thought so on the umalatova... they're really nice awards, especially in their use of enamels. I only have a few but hope to add more along with the Russian Federation awards. But money and time wise I often wish they'd stop putting stuff out for a few years just to allow me and everyone else to catch up! Seems they ended the USSR and then just went right into cranking out new awards working overtime all the while. Too little money, too little time, far too many shiney things! I'll have to check that place out... those are really nice looking cases. On rikers they serve the purpose but they're not overly attractive like wood and the flocking inside can often drive me nuts! Seems to stick to stuff whenever I try to put a piece in or take one out and throws off everything else in the case. But they're inexpensive and far better than just chucking stuff into a box... heaven only knows how I've had to do that. I keep getting more goodies quicker than I can get cases for them. I have several big wood and metal display cases, but they're either too big for the space I have right now or they need new glass. One of my three nice locking aluminum display cases needs new glass put in and not quite sure where to get it done. Got broken right before we moved. Dan -
Russian Federation Some Russian Federation awards:
Hauptmann replied to Hauptmann's topic in Russian Federation
Hi Rick, I know... I'm sooooo sorry. Seems the camera does really well on some pieces and awful on others... I don't know why. Can be under the same conditions yet two pieces will end up totally different no matter what I do. Definitely going to take your advice scanner wise (be looking for the residuals check in the mail! ) just as soon as we can afford to get one. But in the meantime I figure posting this way is better than not posting at all. Not sure if I'll have time today but I'll try to get better shots of these in natural sunlight. Just so much going on today... may have to do it tomorrow assuming the sun is out again. But I'll definitely keep trying. Thanks! Dan -
Soviet My Soviet Ribbon Bars
Hauptmann replied to Hauptmann's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
Hi Rick, Many thanks! Had no idea that second one was bad but good to know. Also good to know I'm not the only one to do that with the US ribbon mounts. Seems an easy way to pop them on and off and yet can be removed with no harm to the bar. I guess great minds think alike! That's also great to know on the good one. I definitely need to start getting more but know for sure I'm going to check any potential purchases ahead of time on here to avoid any more bad ones. Of course the "marshal's" I just wanted because it was cheap, looked neat and had so many and not due to any possible history it had if it did turn out to be real. I'll PM you with the dealer info on that one. Thanks, Dan -
Soviet Anniversary of Soviet Cities
Hauptmann replied to order_of_victory's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
Hi Doc, Okay, here's my lack of McDaniel showing but here I thought I just had "two" Leningrads... didn't know there were two variations much less that I had them! What is the difference between the two? See, learn something new about stuff every day. Since joining the club I've learned more about my collection than I have in twenty some odd years! Thanks! Dan -
Soviet Achievement Medals
Hauptmann replied to Hauptmann's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
Hi Doc, Many thanks! I too fell in love with them the minute I saw one. In fact, I didn't recognize it at first. Knew I'd seen something like it somewhere. My problem is that my copy of Byrne's book is a xerox copy someone gave me years ago when I started out in collecting Soviet awards. Only two bad things about that... one the ribbon chart is in black and white which doesn't do a whole lot of good. The other is that it was not a great copy job and some things are slightly cut off or not clearly shown. I definitely need to get a copy and hope to soon. Did you know there is also one in this series for French awards and another for Belgian awards? When I first got this I didn't even know it was an honest to goodness book... just something someone did and put out there for the benefit of fellow collectors. Anyhow I dug through all my refs and then grabbed Byrne's and there it was in the back... hard to make out but there nontheless. I managed to get the gold for $11.50 (including shipping) and the silver for $8 (including shipping) so I don't think I did too bad on them. I'm keeping my eye out for more as they're just terrific little medals. Would love to get some of their big brothers as well. And it's another great design to boot. Next time I see a flurry of them I'll give you a nudge and perhaps you can grab some too! Thanks, Dan -
Soviet A few of my labor awards
Hauptmann replied to Hauptmann's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
Hi Ed, Many thanks! Glad others agree on these... as even the medals seem to have very pleasing designs and as Eric has shown can make a great little display when put together with all their brother awards. And yes, this club is an absolute treasure trove of information if one takes the time to look through and read everything that is available. There has been little I've searched for that hasn't at least been mentioned if not gone into in detail. I've learned so much and have much still to learn. This after studying this stuff since I was about five years old (I'm 43 now) and having collecting for around twenty-five years. There's always something new to learn or to discover about this terrific hobby. One can never get bored with it. Thanks to great folks like you and the rest of the membership a militaria collector never needs to feel alone or isolated. We need only pop on here and we have a vast array of knowledge and resources at our fingertips, along with some good old fashioned comradeship... guess that's an appropriate word to use here in a Soviet forum. Just great people all pursuing the things they love and sharing with the rest of us. Just can't say enough good things about this place. Dan -
Soviet A few of my labor awards
Hauptmann replied to Hauptmann's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
Hi Eric, Nice display! And fine looking awards as well. I'm sure you know but the one second row from the bottom on the right is actually a Veteran Servicemans medal. And which one is the bottom on? That's one of the Umalatova awards, right? One of the anniversary medals I believe? That's a nice looking case too (covet, covet, heavy on the covet! ). Where do you get those? I'm always looking for better ways to display my stuff. I've got a bunch of rikers but never enough. I've actually never just ordered riker mounts... I've tended to get them with medals, badges, etc. and they just came together. And after a few years the glass ends up seperating from the cardboard when the glue gives out. They get torn up... just a mess. Although I hear they've come out with them in plastic now instead of cardboard which may help. I like how they're easy to stack together, you can do great displays in them, they're easy to access and yet they generally don't take up a ton of space. Again great display! Keep up the good work! Thanks for sharing, Dan -
Soviet 25th Anniversary of the GPW
Hauptmann posted a topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
Hi all, Okay, I finally broke down and got one... been driving me crazy, that empty space in the set. I always felt like this was a rather shabby way for the Soviet government to honor the vets of WWII . But over time, the more I looked at it, the more I began to appreciate it's design. There's alot of symbolism there. I just have to keep reminding myself to get over it's rather tinny appearance. In fact, I never got into TR tinnies either... just looked too cheap to me. But this one cost me all of $3.05 including shipping so what the hey. And, if I like it in person then perhaps I'll try and pick up some more examples. They really do look rather nice... just wish they were in thick, heavy metal as that would have added an awful lot to them I think. Can't wait to see it in person. Dan