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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Hauptmann

    1. Hi Paul, Whew! I sure needed some "good" news after that medal bar debacle. Feeling like an absolute idiot right now! I'm sure part of it is that I don't as yet have the McDaniel book... I've wanted it since it originally came out but it seems like every time I get that much money together... upwards of $100 as I'm sure you know, something else comes along and sucks it up and then I have to start all over again. I keep looking for used copies for a bit less but seems every time they show up on Ebay, which is the only place I've seen them used, they go up, up, up into the upper stratasphere. So looks like I'm just plain stuck getting a new copy from the one source that seems to still have a large supply. Not sure how much my pay from my second job is going to be this time but it should be pretty good. If it's "good enough" I may try to go ahead and order the book. I'm sure that will be a huge education in an of itself, as is being a member here for sure. But glad to hear that I did good on the rifle. Just out of curiosity but what would you estimate it's value at? I know that's a toughie as alot depends on the bore (which is in very nice shape), bluing (again looks fine), etc. But this is one "major" problem I have. I don't have any earthly idea how much stuff I actually have all told or any idea what it's all worth. I'd always try to get things for the absolute cheapest price possible, with the exception of a very few things I just had to have whatever it cost... and that was rare. Anyhow guess I'm off to the next few replies and then hoping to post some more of my numbered Soviet pieces and perhaps a bit more before the night is through. Thanks, Dan
    2. Hi all, Just got back in from work. Whew! Lets just say I'm happier to be here again! So, from what I'm here from all here (thanks everyone! ) I'm thinking it's best to not put it back the "way it supposedly" should have been. So is it better then to just stick it in the spares drawer "just in case" the parts are needed for a repair of a legit bar, etc? Course I knew I should have checked with ya'll before I jumped in. Feel like a bit of an idiot now... a bit poorer as far as some of the medals I've bought, which thankfully haven't cost me a lot. I figure I've now got two sets of the Irreproachable Service medals, one set boxed and the other in a riker (had those already) plus a blank doc for one of those, as well as some of the anniversary medals, which it probably doesn't hurt to have extra's for anyhow. Was never my intention to make a "fake" or "fraudulent" group(s)... just thought it would be good to "restore" what I thought had already been. Of course I had no idea why anyone would want to take the individual medals from these bars. Was just stupid... should have asked. I'll just take it in stride... use it as a learning experience and move on. Many thanks. Dan
    3. Not quite sure what you mean by "destroy" but as far as those four that would be numbered... if nothing else for display purposes I could just put on two Valors and two Combats that were unnumbered... at least I'd think so. But again I'm open to suggestions on those first four on the nine medal bar. Anything that would save me money, etc. as if it's only a case of changing out those ribbons and putting on four unnumbered medals "that would make sense" in that order then I'd have no problem with it. I've got all the common stuff I didn't have on the way and should probably be here by tomorrow. That will finish both of the other bars and only leave the first four places on the nine bar. Got to run for now as I got called in for a bit but hope to be back soon. Thanks, Dan
    4. Okay... here's one I've been wondering about. Been trying to get those individual medals I don't already have in order to "rebuild" these. But want to make sure they "make sense" and are not some crazy put together. I got all three on Ebay for $13.09 plus shipping of $6.50 priority mail (thought that was a bit high for something this light but got them so cheap what the hey?) and figured taken individually, based on what I see them for on some retail dealers sites, I saved $70 some odd over what it would have cost me buying the bars and ribbons separately. I'd originally thought of just reusing the bars to better display some of my pieces but then when I got them I figured what they hey, I have some of them and most are super cheap so why not just rebuild the bars. Only problem ones will be the two Red Banners as those are gonna cost a bundle I'm sure. Would almost like to consider replacing those with something cheaper. I wondered, would two Valor medals work? As it is even if they do I'll have to buy two Valors and two Combats for it so it's still gonna run a bit but nowhere near even one Red Banner. Anyhow as always opinions welcome. Thanks, Dan
    5. Definitely velly strange! But I'm looking at all this in the best light possible. I don't have alot in them, probably what the individual medals themselves would have run back then outside of a group so don't think I did bad at all. And I love them and guess that's what counts. But again, would any of the ones pictured on either bar be good candidates for research or would it most likely be a waste of time and money on these? I'm going to be posting the rest of my Soviet Orders and medals that are numbered but as several are labor I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be worth it from what I've heard in the past. But I have been hoping and praying that "something" I have would be worth it. I do so envy everyone who has done it and gotten back histories... even if it's nothing spectacular, at least they're able to place a name and some history with the award. Sure it's great to find out it was Stalin's pool man or something really neat and quirky but just to "know" who it belonged to originally and "dream of dreams" to get a picture of them actually wearing the self same award(s)... I just can't imagine it getting much better than that. Anyhoo, I'm off to make more posts. Will work hard on getting more of the Soviet pieces up to see what ya'll think. Thanks, Dan
    6. Hi Terry, Actually I think Jack does mention in FF&F that none have ever been discovered so no one knows what one looked like if it did indeed exist. And knowing the Germans penchant for liking to make fancy looking cases for most of their awards... the higher the award level the fancier or better the case... I can't believe something like that would not have had one made for it. But I suppose it's possible. But I can only hope (dream) that someday I'm the one who makes the big "find". Dan
    7. Hi Darrell, Good to see you again as well. I mean as far as it goes wouldn't vets or perhaps even collectors possibly replace older ratty looking ribbons on occassion? I remember when I was in Navy JROTC anytime our ribbons or awards got dirty or messed up we were required to replace them. Made perfect sense... we needed to look our best in uniform. Not that I'm defending it... if it's a put together then it is what it is, no doubt about it. And since I don't know any more of it's history than I've set down in here there's no way for me to know for sure. Even if I could remember the name of the gent I got them from there's no telling if he's even still around or if he is if he'd even remember these... it was probably well over ten years ago at least. Again, if nothing else, for presentations sake should I try to "tighten up" or "neaten up" the ribbons if it's not too hard to do? I don't generally screw with anything other than a gentle cleaning if a piece needs it and then very carefully. As tempted as I've been to clean alot of my medals and Orders and such I've tried to resist the temptation as I know some collectors love the old patina's, etc. just like coin collectors. From my training we always were shining and polishing everything and no one would think of wearing dirty or tarnished awards. Thanks, Dan
    8. Hi Rick, Good to see you again! Hmmmm, never knew. I had a dealer tell me years ago: "Would assume this is a WWII issue as on a 5 bar of all WWII period awards. Not sure, but before 1950." Another gentleman I spoke with, Ed Maier, had said "WWII to pre-1950?" (his question mark). Only thing is I can't remember if either actually saw them... I think I just decribed them and gave the numbers so that may explain alot. I mean either way I still love the bar, but have of course dreamed they would both be research pieces, etc. But hey, they're still nice, I love them so guess there's nothing wrong with that. :-) Would still love to know the history on them eventually but guess it's not as good an item to research as it might have been. How about the Order of Glory and the Valor and Combat medals on these bars? Would they be worth looking into, even if they end up being from different individuals? Also, although I've yet to actually put together any Soviet ribbons on a medal bar is this something that I should try to "neaten up" if possible? And how difficult would that be? At least until I confirm they're not supposed to be together I'd like them to look their best. Will be keeping my fingers crossed. But many thanks for the info. As much as I'd have loved to hear great group and research material the truth is important and as I say I still love them. Many thanks! Dan
    9. Hi Kevin, Many thanks for that info. Didn't know they were covering that over there. I'll have to run over and check it out when things calm down a bit over here. And yes, that's what I'd heard from the guy I did the trading with and got it back from. Basically anything they could scrounge, the theory was if it worked or could be made to work with very little effort and the parts on hand they used it. I really do love the old girl and am so glad I got her back. Didn't really want to trade it to begin with but was torn as didn't want to lose the other stuff I got and figured I could always pick up another one. Was just one of those "meant to be" things. Only thing is, I've never fired her. I hope to this summer as soon as I decide to plunk down the money and buy a few rounds. I only have a few pieces in my collection that I haven't fired. I finally was given some ammo by some friends who used to hunt on our place so I could fire my Nambu. Only fired like two or three rounds and saved the rest. And I hear their firing pins are rather fragile so didn't want to push my luck. I have a couple of Arisaka's and a Moisen Nagant revolver that I've not fired but other than the older more fragile stuff I think I've shot everything else. Dan
    10. Hi Christophe, Hey, I said any and all comments. I actually got these quite a few years ago when we lived down in Florida. Was from a fellow who lived over in Tallahassee but had some things in one of those "antique malls" over in one of the next towns over, Havana which had a good sized antique district. He sold under the initials DERK but for the life of me I can't remember his name right off hand. I may have it somewhere but we're still digging through boxes after our move so no telling. I even tried doing a google search as I think he used to have a site. He also dealt in diecast cars, military vehicles, German steins, etc. Worked for the prison system down there. I just fell out of touch with tons of folks after awhile as I got into other things. Of course I guess the only way to be absolutely sure is to get something researched and see if it all comes back together. On the ribbons there's no telling as you know how often such things can be replaced... they get worn out, etc. All I know is they're literally the way I got them... still in the riker mount. But by all means if you can think of another way to tell please don't hesitate to let me know. That's one of the reasons for this great club after all... to learn all we can and try to keep things as accurate and original as possible. Thanks, Dan
    11. Hi Terry, Very nice indeed! A sharp example and in much better shape than mine. Me likee! Come on folks... pull out those cameras and show us some more! And the prize goes to anyone who can come up with an original cased first class!!!! Thanks for sharing Terry... veeeeeeeery nice! Dan
    12. Hi all, Here's the next installment in my WWII medal bars. Again any comments, opinions, etc., would be most welcome. Can't wait until I can get a copy of McDaniel's book so I can join the rest of the Soviet awards collectors universe! And especially opinions on it's merit for research are also most welcome. Once again here are the numbers: Order of Glory (743,693) For Valor (3,376,705) Combat Service (2,952,415) Enjoy! Dan
    13. Hi all, Here's one of my WWII medal bars. Would welcome any info, opinions, etc. on this or the others I'm posting as I don't as yet have a copy of McDaniel's book. Yes, yes, I know... it's the bible... have to get it. Believe me... I want it... just trying to scrounge up the money as for me right now it's a fairly major investment, albeit one that is well worth it from all I've heard. Sure wish I could find one used for cheap... As I know the numbers are hard to read in some of these here they are: Order of the Red Banner (366,733) For Valor (2,697,271) Have had this for a number of years and it's one of my two favorite bars of those I'm lucky enough to own. As with my others I wonder if these are worth researching as if and when I can ever afford it... not that I know how much it currently costs or that much about how to go about it, if it can be done I'd love to do it eventually. Thanks for looking! Dan
    14. After collecting Soviet for several years I'm convinced there was a Soviet medal... well perhaps order, for changing diapers! It's about the only thing I think they haven't covered... that I know of. Of course just watch... some wag will probably pull one out of the woodwork and post it now! Kind of reminds me of the old Der Gauleiter cartoons where they'd show awards that should have been, could have been or might have been. Dearly wish I had a full set of the old DG's just for that. I've kept the several years I got way back when. Lord how I miss that! In fact, if my memory serves I think they published at least one compilation of those cartoons... sure wish I had a copy, they were sooooo funny! Well, look at it this way... all you need to do is go to Russia as a tourist, save someone from a burning building, save a drowning person, do something to promote tourism in Russia and perhaps you'll end up being awarded the Fire and Lifesaving medals and the Order of Friendship! Shucks... if all the Soviet collectors did that they'd never lose anyone from fires or drowning and Russia would rival Disney as the happiest place on earth as far as tourists are concerned. Perhaps we should become travel agents and start booking tours! Dan
    15. I take it their vets no longer wear special vets uniforms like in the old days... would have been nice for that if nothing else. Unofficial or official they sure are nice! I love the coloring on yours and I've also always been very partial to the Afrika with palms model. Dan
    16. At least in "the day" it was a rather plain common medal but I've always liked it. And IMHOP all awards are taken to the next level by being cased. Has anyone ever found a case for a 1st class Luftschutz I wonder? Sure would love to see one. Dan
    17. Hi all, I'd hoped to post this one last night but just plain ran out of steam. Now I'm rested, just finished lunch and figured I'd jump in and tackle this and a few more. I've had this one for about twenty years like much of my TR material. I've never seen another one pop up with the case and my understand is that the cases don't turn up that often. Sadly the material in the back where the top joins the bottom is losing it's battle with age. It's getting to the point where I'm contemplating a repair but I don't want to run into it... I'd want to make sure it was done right.
    18. Hi Grant, Ooooooh! Covet... heavy on the covet!!!! On both counts! Beautiful! Well, that confirms then that the stickpin is a 57 as I suspected. And I never knew they actually reissued the cuff titles as well! I'm impressed... can't wait to get them both! Oh, good news on the job front... looks like things won't be as bad as I thought. Seems the state and my company are getting it all worked out and I won't be squashed when the giants fight which is what I thought was going to happen. Needless to say I'm very happy. Would be even happier if I end up with a raise since even they admit that I've been doing a great job and they're veeeeery happy! And I'm still pondering selling some more TR pieces... in a way it's like selling old friends but money can be friendly too if in enough quanity! Thanks for sharing! I'm in love all over again. Dan
    19. Hi Stephen, Wow! Terrific piece! Hey, that would look great with my torch holder... Seriously though great find! And the story that goes with it is "just the ticket"! Hey, assuming with that nick that you're into GPB's? I just put mine in over in TR civil awards under My Golden Party Badge if you'd care to take a peek. Hoping perhaps you might be able to add to what the others have discovered so far. Gotta run but very much enjoyed seeing this piece. Thanks for sharing! Keep em coming folks! Dan
    20. Hi Rick, Wow! This is starting to get narrowed down a bit! In fact quite a bit... sounds like only a matter of a few days! I can't tell you how grateful I am that you could dig this up for me. I owe you a pizza the size of a planet if you're ever in our neck of the woods... in fact it comes with the absolute best fried chicken if we hit them during the buffet! At this rate, I'll have the member it was given to, his photo, biography and if he's still alive his current contact information by end of the day today! Ya'll are simply amazing! Thank you soooooooo much! So what did you think about that HSU photo and that of my friend that I pm'd you with the other night? I think they could be twins! And I'm still thinking sleeper, although I've known Rik since he was about 8 so I know better. Perhaps a long lost cousin. Also I won that auction I was shooting for so I'm an extremely happy camper. Be happier if it was a real one but on my budget this will do nicely till a good one comes along and I've just won the lotto! Thanks again! Dan
    21. Hi Kevin, Thanks for the additional info! That's one thing I love about this group... someone always has the answers to questions and boatloads of info that makes everything that much more enjoyable. I kind of suspected that it could also be police but didn't think of those other organizations. Wish there was a way to nail it down more specifically. But I'm just so happy I got her back. there's a ton of history there from WWII right on up. Now all I need to do is get a cleaning rod for her and she'll be all set. Thanks, Dan
    22. Hi Don, Thanks for stopping in to take a gander at the old girl. She is a beaut... a bit on the dusty side... now I wish I'd prettied her up. I'll probably have to do that and redo the pics so she'll be a nice and perty! And I think you're right on them being Allach although I'm not going to say I'm positive. Perhaps one of the other members could confirm if this is correct. I've seen a few Allach pieces at Jack Angolia's and this does have that same beautiful white color that you can lose yourself in. It's beautiful stuff for sure. Thanks, Dan
    23. Hi Paul, You're all quite welcome. I think we're all the same when it comes to wanting to show off a bit... it seems to be a big part of collecting. I always tell folks something changed in me during my first session of show and tell in kindergarten and I haven't been the same since. And I thank God for a club like this where we can do just that as well as seeing all the goodies the other "kids" bring in. This is like the ultimate show and tell. I actually used to see them quite often when I was actively in TR but then I got into so many other things and I fell off that radar for a long time. I'm sure many have gotten broken over time. Mine has a few little imperfections but hey, if I look that good at that age I'll be a very happy camper! They're definitely nice pieces. Thanks, Dan
    24. Hi Rusty, Thanks for checking her out. I think you're right on the enamel... doesn't hot enamel generally have some pattern underneath in the medal it flows into? This doesn't seem to. But it's preeeeeety all the same! I just love the contrast between the silver and blue... simple but stunning. Just drew me in like a siren's song. Thanks for the translation. Kinda figures it would say something like that and not give more info. Those secretive Russians... just don't want to give anything away. I'd be happy to do a pic of the back but it's just plain metal... not even a maker mark. But if it would help and you still want to see it give me a shout and I'll take one and pop it up. Thanks for stopping by. Dan
    25. Hi Stogieman, Thanks for stopping by to check out the new acquisition. I agree... very pretty... she's got that certain something for sure! And I'm a sucker for enamel in the first place. It could be for best underground drainage superintendant (that's sewer inspector... straight from Ed Norton too! ) and if it was well designed and full of enamel I'd have to surrender to it's charms. Sure hope I can find out more about it at some point. Thanks for takin' a peek. Dan
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