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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Hauptmann

    1. Hi all, Here's my only remaining 1939 IC 2nd. Once upon a time I had another... in beautiful shape but ended up having to let it go. Sadly someone has done a not so professional touching up job on the center. Only thing that's ever bothered me about this one. There is a makers mark on the ring... I believe it's a 24... the lower portion of the "2" is not there but I'm at least 85-90% certain it's 24. How I wish I could do a decent restoration job on the iron center of this one as it's a nice cross other than that. Thanks for lookin'. Dan
    2. So there you have it. No makers marks that I can fine. Passes the magnet test. Looks good... a good, decent example. No fancy pedigree... didn't belong to Hitler's pool man or anything like that. Just a plain old ordinary cased IC 1st class. But oh what it cost me... and I suspect it cost the last owner a good deal more. I love it just the same. In a way it was one of my first real loves in this hobby... not just alot of glitz but true love. I guess in a way most things we truly love turn out to be pretty expensive one way or the other. Dan
    3. Now don't get me wrong. I love this IC as much as I did the day I first laid eyes on it. But again, it means alot more to me as a reminder... don't be that stupid again. I know I'll always make mistakes but I think it's helped to keep me from making really big ones since then. Okay, now that you know what it cost me and what it means... here's the rest of the story... the picture part:
    4. As soon as we went out of this guys house (I was giving his other friend a ride home) he told me that I was an idiot... he did it nicely and to teach me a lesson. He told me what I'd just given up and what I'd given it up for. I'd no idea at this stage that cased awards were not at all uncommon or particularly special. Nice, yes, but not nice enough in this instance. Well, I've never again owned an original 50 year FSC. And I've never let go of this IC... it's a reminder of just how stupid and short sighted I can be. And let's just say my trust quotient went down a good deal after that. He's this guy who has been teaching me about all this stuff. And had he been honest with me and told me what it was worth he would have still gotten a deal... not that good a deal but a good deal none the less. But instead the teacher decided to take advantage of the student. And the student was not a happy camper. So the dealing got farther and farther apart. I mean this guy had eaten dinner in our home as our guest. He'd spent time with us as a friend. He'd come over and watch movies and now I just couldn't trust him like I once did. Then he did it again. Another friend came over out of the blue one day. He had no interest in militaria but he was carrying a WWII Japanese helmet... in absolute mint condition and as complete as they come. Turns out his dad had sent it home from the war and it ended up in his mother's attic. She was going into an assisted living facility so they were cleaning out the house in preparation for putting it up for sale. He'd found it, given it to his son who then decided to give it to me... yes, that's right, give! So my friend and teacher see it next time he comes over. He shows a passing interest. Talks it down a bit along with Japanese helmets in general. And of course he has things I "really" had to have so he decided to be nice and cut me a deal and take the Japanese helmet in partial trade for what I wanted. Well, he took the helmet and took me again. I later found out what that helmet was worth... I don't even want to know what they run now... haven't seen one that nice in my entire collecting life since then. And I started to regret trading it off even though the friend who gave it to me didn't care and said it was mine to do with as a pleased. I tried to buy it back... even through others... no luck. He would not budge on it. That and a few other minor things that had happened was all I could take. It ended then and there. I bought references, I read, I studied and needless to say his free ride ended. Hope he had fun and hope it was worth it.
    5. Hi all, Okay, this one is very special... to me. It cost me dearly and not in money... in trade. And in a lost friendship that I guess I never had. It was well over twenty years ago down in Florida. We were living in Dunedin at the time and I'd decided, after studying and reading about military history and military for ages that I'd jump in and start collecting. In my travels I met a dealer at the Wagon Wheel Flea Market in St. Petersburg. Got to know each other over time, did a bunch of deals, etc., and so I thought became friends. He had taken me under his wing and was teaching me the in's and out's of the hobby. Got alot of very nice pieces from him and spent I don't even want to know how much money with him. He went to Europe with his wife one year... my wife and I didn't... should tell you something. I trusted him. Big mistake as he got greedy. We went to a show in Ft. Lauderdale... my first really big show. I was like a kid in a candy store. And he'd warned me... don't buy anything until you've walked around the entire show one full time and then go back around and see what you really want. Well, the temptation was too much. I found my treasure... a 1st pattern Luftwaffe dagger... no chain, leather had problems... just an okay example so I got it. Then just three tables over was another one, in excellent condition complete with the chain for around the same price I'd paid for what I got. I learned. Late in the show after finding a few more smaller "treasures" my friend and another friend of his he'd brought along came over and got me and took me over to show me something they'd found. It was a small plastic box filled with what looked to me as a newbie like tons of TR goodies, some rare. The guy wanted like $700 for the box, marked down from like $1,500 then $1,000 and so on. So we huddled... we discussed and decided that if I bought the box that when we got home we'd divy it up as I wanted certain things, as did each of the others. So I bought it, for a bit better price. Sure enough, we got back to my "friends" place and started to divide the booty. Since it was still my box I got first dibs on whatever I wanted. We got a ways into it when he mentioned that he liked one of the pieces I had chosen... an "original" 50 year Faithful Service Cross. Now keep in mind... I'm a newbie at this stage... and I wasn't yet into Civil awards. Had nooooo earthly idea what I was holding in my hands. And the other friend was like kicking my ankles under the table and big dopey me I had no idea what his problem was. And so stupid me... I decided I would consider trading... but I wanted a particular treasure. I had admired his IC 1st class in the case for months. To me this was "the ultimate" IC... because it had a case... had to be the best, right? So we made the trade along with them paying me for all their goodies from the box. And I thought that I did pretty darned good and got the cased IC 1st to boot.
    6. Really? Have had this for ages... came just this way. I keep them all together and haven't changed a thing. Wanted it just like the original recipient had it. My biggest question on his group is why he wouldn't have received the 30th Victory medal? With the 20th, 40th and 50th I'd think he should have gotten it. But perhaps he did and it just didn't come with the group. I'm not positive but I think he died and his grandchildren were the ones that sold it to the dealer I got it from. I wish I knew more of the history and better yet had a picture of him. Had to have been a brave man to face Chernobyl.
    7. Hi Marshall, Well, that's one! Probably when I get up to five or six I'll then start the celebrations! But the old ticker is feeling like... no heart attack tonight... definitely a good thing! Seriously thanks so much. I'm beginning to feel much more at ease. As I say I've had this one forever and a day. I've actually had a ton of offers, but I've always wanted to hang onto it. I'll never forget a story I heard before I got mine. There was a militaria club meeting down in Tampa or St. Petersburg Florida, can't remember which. Meeting was running late and everyone was at a point where they were sitting at a table and tossing out stuff for sale or trade. One young man... probably early 20's who was a visitor... had never been there before, tossed in an IC 2nd. Several folks gave it a cursory glance but in those days they were so common and cheap that interest was not high. There didn't seem to be anything special about it... just a common, ordinary IC 2nd from WWI. Finally one gent asked what he was asking. $25 was the reply. Seemed a bit on the high side but he decided to go for it. So the meeting finally started to break up. Everyone took off. Only a few of the old time core members were left, including the one who had purchased the IC. He'd just stuck it in his pocket. But he decided to take it out and look at it again. You've probably guessed by now. It turns out it was an 1870 sans the 25 year device. No one, including the buyer had thought to turn it over to check on the date... probably because of it's being so inexpensive. Well, he asked around about who the young man was as he did not want to take advantage of him and wanted to offer it back to him for the same price. No one knew him, they couldn't locate him and he never showed up again. No idea if this is true or not... but it's what I was told many many moons ago. I heard that and just knew I "had" to have one of those "legendary" 1870 IC's no matter what. As I say I got this one in trade. Was at a reputable militaria dealers in Tampa at the time. A friend of the owner came in to meet me as I had some things he was intro'd in. Basically I had three cased Italian Orders of the Crown in various degrees... I think it was like a couple of the ones that hung on ribbons on the chest, one with the rossette and one without and one of the neck orders. He had several pieces that interested me including the 1870 and the owner gave his opinion that everything was fine both ways. We came to an agreement and made the trade and I've had this ever since. I do hope to someday obtain the 25 year oaks but even if I don't at least I have my very own 1870. Can't thank you enough for getting the ball rolling on this. If nothing else I think I'll sleep better tonight than I have in a long time as this has just been nagging away in the back of my mind forever and a day. I always seem to see the black cloud in every silver lining so glad that it seems as if the Bundy luck has passed over me this day. Thanks again, Dan
    8. I'm not familiar with that site... I don't think. Unless I've seen it and haven't heard it referred to that way. Could you send me a link? Mucho thanks! Dan
    9. Thanks Dolf. And I didn't know about that site so double triple thanks on that one! Methinks I've got some reading to do. All I need now is a tad more free time! Thanks, Dan
    10. Hi all, Okay, this is "the" post I've dreaded... even though I have no reason to suspect any problems with this I know I generally have the Bundy luck (if you have seen Married With Children... you'll know what I mean) and I'm just terrified of hearing anything but good things on this... at least as to originality. I've compared this to God only knows how many pics of what were supposed to be real ones and I can't see any difference. I've done the magnet test and it passes. The core is iron. There are no maker or silver marks or marks of any kind that I can find on the frame or the ring. The ring is solid... no sign of a join. And the frame does indeed appear to be silver and is the standard type used on IC 2nd's. Now before anyone jumps in on the ribbon... no, it's not original to the piece! I have the original... or at least what originally came with it. It's not in the greatest of shape so it's safely stored away. The non-combattant on it was originally in much better shape but somehow it's become tattered at the end like this over the years. But I put it on to make it stand out so it couldn't be accidently confused with a standard WWI of which I used to have about twenty. So just disregard the ribbon. I probably should have just taken the pics with it off but I was in a bit of a rush to get all my pics done so it just ended up being left on. Also, please excuse the lack of scanner quality photos. I am planning to get one but for now I'm stuck with a digital camera which considering has been doing a pretty good job with all that I've posted so far. Okay, now that the apologies are over... here go the pics. Keep in mind I'll be on my knees wearing out the carpet praying for the blessings of all the expert members that this is A-Okay, no problems, nice piece, etc. Pleeeeeeaaaase don't let my prayers be in vain! Okay... really, here goes... No... really, right now... Okay, okay, I've stalled enough... now for sure: I've even shown this one to Jack Angolia... he saw nothing wrong with it but admitted he's far from being an expert in Imperial... his specialty having been WWII items. Alot of folks have seen it... none have ever had any problems. But none have been as expert as the members of this club. But I figure if ya'll give it a good, clean bill of health then I can finally and completely sleep the sleep of the dead at night, at least on this subject. And keep in mind I obtained this in a trade over twenty years ago. I do not have a ton in it. I am not going to jump off a cliff "if" God forbid there is a problem. I may start to seriously mumble to myself incoherently and have to be put into a home... but that's beside the point. Point is... I need to know for once and for all, for sure, absolutely positive so I can stop this nagging doubt in my head that seems to pervade all German militaria these days. Okay... enough lunatic raving... oh wait... saving that type for after the results are in... depending on the results... I leave it to you oh wise judges of all that is good and all that is not. Pleaseeeeeeeee be merciful with me! I beg thee! Thanks, Dan ... prayers starting.............. now!
    11. Hi all, Decided to take a break from Soviet for a bit and come back over here to Germany... or in this case the German states. Here's one I picked up a number of years ago. I looooove enamel and this has it in droves. I also love gold and it's got the gold color so what's not to like? Just a good looker! Heavy as all get out too. And built like a brick battleship. I think I paid $100 and not positive of value now but think I've seen one go on Ebay for many times that. Just one I couldn't resist when I saw it... kind of draws you in. Thanks, Dan
    12. On the OGPW... I just checked as it's nigh on impossible to see in the pic... and yes, there is a smaller sized mint mark/name between the screw post and the serial number. The mint mark/name looks like that on the back of the Red Star... just much smaller. Again hope this helps to narrow it down a bit. Thanks again, Dan
    13. Hi Dolf, Many many apologies! I had intended to type in the serial numbers as I know they're never clear enough in my pics. I kept getting side tracked in all this and it just slipped my mind. But here they are: Order GPW 2nd (907,735) Order Red Star (1,655,214) Hope this helps to narrow things down a bit. Sorry about that! Thanks! Dan
    14. Nice little group to an old soldier who had to endure nuclear hell at Chernobyl. Thanks, Dan
    15. Here are the award booklets:
    16. Hi all, Okay, here's a small group. I picked this up a number of years ago for $30. I liked it because of the Chernobyl medal, the fact that it was a group to one individual and that the Chernobyl had the booklet. From what I understand it was all awarded to Kordiakin Porfiriy Semionovitch and contains the following: 20 Years of Victory with booklet 40 Years of Victory with booklet (military type) 50 Years of Victory with booklet (issued in Ukraine) Chernobyl Disaster medal with booklet (issued by factory Bolshevik in 1990) This was explained to me as follows: The medals were issued by the government but handed out at the recipient's work place. So this individual used to work for a factory named Bolshevik.
    17. Okay, now for what I was told about it: It's a standard hard cover award booklet with the usual "valid without photo" stamp. Issued to Lar'kin Vasili Alexandrovitch, with awards as follows: Order of Lenin (December 22, 1976) Labor Glory 3rd Class (April 20, 1977) Red Banner of Labor (October 10, 1979) October Revolution (January 30, 1980) Dates and serial numbers seem to make sense. Facsimile signature of Georgadze, Secretary of the Presidium of the Supreme soviet. Issued December 23, 1976. Then goes the standard text about Soviet orders, etc. Okay, that's what I was told about this one. Is this correct? Does anyone have anything they can add? Thanks! Dan
    18. Hi all, Here's an order book I got a number of years ago. First the pics and then what I was told it was:
    19. Hi all, Okay, I got this one for like $6 waaaaay back when so if it's not good I'm not worried. So let the opinions fly. Oh, and I think that slight square shaped discoloration on the back is where a price sticker had been. Thanks, Dan
    20. Hi all, Finally getting back into posting. Here's one of my Orders of the Red Star and one of my 2nd OGPW's. I have two RS's and several OGPW's but these are the ones I was told are WWII. Forgot to add this first time around but here they are: Order GPW 2nd (907,735) Order Red Star (1,655,214) Anyhow here goes:
    21. Hi Raz, Nor had I. That's one reason I took it up for Jack to check it out at the time... was about six months after I'd gotten it if memory serves. He gave it a clean bill of health so I felt pretty good... especially if it is the first of another grade to show up or at the very least a variation. But I think I'd lean more towards the grades theory as with the rzm checking everything and keeping very close tabs on industry re: awards and such... I don't think they would have allowed this blatant a variation to get out. Unless perhaps it was for a special presentation. As for it making a good paper weight... you're definitely right there! And a big pile of paper it could hold down too... in a wind store. A heavy little sucker indeed! And yours is in fantastic shape! Congrats on a very, very nice piece. Thanks, Dan
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