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    Christian Zulus

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    Everything posted by Christian Zulus

    1. Dear Ed, I have to admit, that looks really a bit rather strange or even "perverted" . Best regards Christian
    2. Dear Andrew, we - as collectors - can be happy, that 99,9 % of the veterans didn't "overpolish" their orders . Best regards Christian BTW: I think, that even during the GPW the soldiers got their orders repaired - Nevsky, OPW, etc. -, when they got damaged - and specially for the "Victory Parade" .
    3. Dear Doc, very nice orders - and you got all 3 classes . Tell me, how is the market situation with Bulgarian Awards - are the still rather moderate priced ? William "new world" has a hughe collection of Bugarian Awards. Best regards Christian
    4. But the vast majority of the Red Army veterans had been used to the habit to get their damaged orders repaired . Awards had been very important in the everyday life in the Soviet Union. So, most of them had been kept in good shape. Just my opinion . Best regards Christian
    5. Dear Belaruski, for my taste the Glory 2cl looks now better with the enamel repaired . The job had been rather well finished, I think. Best regards Christian
    6. Gentlemen, up to now the GMIC-department "Soviet & Communist Era Militaria & Awards" shows 26.750 postings . That's No. 2 behind GMIC-Germany and far above all other departments. GMIC-Communist Era is also the fastest growing department, due to the highly attractive - and researchable (!) - Soviet Military Awards, but also due to the installation - many thanks to Chairman Nick - of very new GMIC-sections, like: GDR, Hungary or Yugoslavia, which attract many "old" collectors, but attract also a great number of new GMIC-members. GMIC-Communist Era offers also some special features, like a Fake-section and the famous Quiz-thread, which devoloped to the strongest - in terms of replies & views - thread at GMIC in general. GMIC seems to have achieved the status as the most important collectors forum in the www for Soviet & Communist Era Awards - congratulations . Best regards Christian
    7. Dear "Usairforce", at the first look it seems to be o.k. Compare it to the rather similar HSL Igor offers now for USD 1.900,-: http://www.collectrussia.com/DISPITEM.HTM?ITEM=16886 . Best regards Christian BTW: The HSLs are getting rare and the prices for a HSL are moving up.
    8. Commissar's / Elite Forces' Cap Badge Gentlemen, that's true, that the booklet mentioned that badge only for the JNA Elite Forces. But the old veteran from the flea market in Belgrade at the Kalemegdan next to the Military Museum, where I bought the badge, insisted, that he got the badge from an former Polit Commissar of the JNA. The badge of the Soviet Polit Commissars was also a Red Star with a Hammer & Sickle. So my theory was, that the old veteran might be right . Of course, the badge is IKOM ZAGREB, but it looks older, than all other I have seen - 1940s to 1950s ? The diameter is about 3 centimeters or 1,3 inches. It has a massive and long screwpost in the middle. Red Star is firmly fixed with cooper wire to the Silver Star. The screwplate is differnt to the modern ones and shows at the av. only IKOM ZAGREB. The enamel is of very good quality. I took the badge off the cap and made some scans for you - sorry, I have only a flat-bed-scanner . Best regards Christian
    9. Dear Filip, many thanks for your mail to the Military Museum at Belgrade . I spoke to some people of the museum staff at Kalemegdan the last time in spring 1999 - just a few weeks, before the NATO-bombing started - and asked for decend books about communist YU-Awards. They had been very kind, but they couldn't find any. They meant such books doesn't exist. We have to publish our own "Comprehensive Guide to YU-Awards 1943 - 1992" . I hope, they won't ask "fantasy-prices" for their services in the first moment, when they get an request from an EU-country . Best regards Christian
    10. Dear Filip, many thanks for the link . The next auction at SND will be at the 7th of june 2007 in Belgrad. Best regards Christian
    11. Dear Jim, congratulation to your win . Dear Frank, do you have any (working) links or further informations about that interesting topic ? What about the US-Embassy ? Best regards Christian
    12. Dear Jim, a little bit too expensive for a copy of a Glory 1cl . Also not THAT good job . Best regards Christian
    13. Dear Jim, highly interesting subject . Concerning the US-Embassy -is there any evidence ? Best regards Christian
    14. Dear Frank, THE MILITARY USE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC MICROWAVE AND MIND CONTROL TECHNOLOGY ???? I have no idea about this topic - sounds a little bit like science fiction . Years ago (in the 1980s) I read in the "Soviet Soldier" - last issue: december 1991 - some stories about UFO-research done by the Soviet Army. Never heard about any special departmants in the Soviet Army for UFOs, microwaves or mind control ... Well, the Soviets had been always very open minded to all issues concerning defense . Best regards Christian
    15. Dear Filip, many thanks for the information . At least it should be the US-version ... Is there no Serbian-DVD with English sub-titles ? Best regards Christian
    16. Dear Paul, you really got General Pavkovic's uniform with the "Order of Freedom"-ribbon on it ? Do you have scans of your "Belgrade-Treasuries", which you can post at GMIC? You have to try old & vat-aged Rakija from the mountains - it' something different . Kabul & Belgrade are two outstanding destinations for US-officers - that's not London & Paris ... Best regards Christian BTW: Maybe someone of our native speakers might find the link to the SND collectors show ?
    17. Dear Filip, many thanks for your great offer to us non-srpski-speaking members . Maybe you could mail a general request to our museum in Belgrade and introduce GMIC-Yugoslavia to them ? Best regards Christian
    18. Dear Filip, great case . Some month ago I got a rather similar set, including a nice key-ring, from the airforce of the JNA . Best regards Christian
    19. Dear Filip, sorry, I had been far too young to play in that great movie . Best regards Christian BTW: I have the "Battle of Neretva" only on VHS-video. Does a DVD exist with german/english language options ?
    20. Dear Ivan, so, your Grandfather and the President of Austria have 2 things in common: Their love to Serbia/Yugoslavia and that special award . Best regards Christian BTW: In summer 2005 there had been an official state visit of Heinz Fischer to Serbia and Montenegro, which had been very positivly presented in western medias - excellent PR for the Westbalkans!
    21. Gentlemen, maybe someone of our members, who speaks srpski, could write a general request to the Belgrade Museum ? If they are willing to make research and what the costs for these services might be. Many thanks in advance . Best regards Christian
    22. Dear Timo, really nice & authentic . Thick variant ? Best regards Christian
    23. B-weapons ? Dear Frank, there had been the 2nd SALT-summit with President Carter in Vienna at that time . Biological weapons ? Best regards Christian
    24. Almost 500 postings & 5.800 views at GMIC-Yugoslavia Gentlemen, it seems, that Yugoslavia - as a own GMIC-section - is developing at a very rapid pace and that we are the fastest growing section at GMIC . It also seems, that GMIC-Yugoslavia attracted some new and recent members of the "Gentleman's Military Interest Club" . Many thanks to the great contributions all of you have done, for your special interest in the phaleristic world of communist Yugoslavia and again many thanks to Chairman Nick, who installed a own GMIC-section . Best regards Christian
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