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    Christian Zulus

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    Everything posted by Christian Zulus

    1. Dear Christophe, congratulations . It's not possible to get that medal in Belgrade . Do they have more of them in Moscow or do you want to sell one of the two to me . Best regards Christian
    2. Dear Rich, is it possible to provide a bit larger exposures of the documents - our expert Rick might have difficulties to read all the details. Many thanks . Best regards Christian
    3. Germany vs. France Gentlemen, if I added right, then the score German cultural circle vs. French cultural circle is now 42 : 39 for the German side. Best regards Christian BTW: France (France, Canada (french part) and Romania) & Germany (Austria, Germany and Netherlands).
    4. Branko Karakas - YU-composer & head of JNA-Music Gentlemen, yesterday I had the honour to meet Col. Karakas and to speak with him about his career in the JNA and his years with Marshal Tito. He showed me a lot of photographs with Tito and him. I recognized, that Col. Karakas had 3 (three) different uniforms matching to the different events with Marshall Tito: - Colonel of the JNA-Army - Colonel of the JNA-Airforce - Captain 1st rank of the JNA-Navy I asked Branko Karakas: "What's that, you can be either Navy, Airforce or Army?" He told me, that Tito made a big journey with the Galeb and as the head of the JNA-music-department, he had been with him with some musicains. JNA-Music had normal army-uniforms. So, all the high-ranking officers & admirals were sitting togehter with Marshal Tito and all - inclusive Tito - had their bright white navy-uniforms - only Col. Karakas wore the olive-green jacket of the JNA-Army. Tito asked Branko Karakas: "Why do you wear such an queer army-uniform on board of Galeb?" Col. Karakas answered: "Marshal, JNA-Music has only army-uniforms, because we belong to the army." Tito told him: "For the future, whenever you come with me, you will wear the appropriate uniform: Navy, Airforce or Army." So, Col. Karakas had promoted to the only officer of the JNA - besides Marshal Tito himself - with matching ranks & uniforms in all branches of the JNA . He showed me his orders & medals: - Brotherhood and Unity 2cl - Order of Yugoslavian People's Army 3cl - Order of Military Merit 3cl - Order of Merit for the People 3cl - and some medals Well, I think, that's a nice collection for a renowed YU-composer, who worked as the head of JNA-Music . Best regards Christian
    5. Gentlemen, well, I think, that will be the last event, to see such an outstanding (and complete!) group for mere 32k bucks on the market. Despite the fact, that Igor's HSU-group is relativly moderate priced, he stills offers it at his website . Best regards Christian
    6. Dear Chairman & Senior Moderators, I strongly support Ed's suggestion, because the question of the different constitutions occoured frequently at the forum. Best regards Christian
    7. Dear Doc, almost 20 years ago I started for 3 month to learn Russian with a private teacher from the Russian Cultural Institute in Vienna and in a small group with 3 other comrades. Well, it went on rather fast and we got a basic knowledge within short time . Pronounciation had been rather tricky and difficult for us . I assume, that the Russian Cultural Institutes - attached to the embassies - still have execellent books and material for learning the language. Best regards Christian
    8. Dear Dan, it might be, that your badge had been a somehow non-official version - for everyday use - of the corresponding medal of "Veteran of Labour" . Maybe Andrew "Mondvor" knows about that badge ? Best regards Christian
    9. Dear Ed, you know the journalist, who did the story, that I might contact him ? Best regards Christian
    10. Dear Vic, that might be Andrei Andreyevich Gromyko http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrei_Gromyko ? He had been Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet from 1985 to 1988 and received 2x HSL. Best regards Christian
    11. Dear Rick, many thanks for showing such an exemplary example of an CPSU Membership Booklet to us . Best regards Christian
    12. Dear Bryan, congratulations to your victory at such a difficult question . Best regards Christian BTW: Maybe commander Christophe can sum up the scores again .
    13. QUOTE(orden_master @ Jul 13 2007, 14:05 ) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Gentlemen sorry but this is not Slobodan Milosevic, on the medal is the bust of Boris Kidric who was a leading Slovenian communist of the "first" days. He has some similarities to SM but nothing more! Marko stated this in his description too ! Best regards Milan Dear Milan, as I already stated, my knowledge of the Serbian language is almost zero, so I thought, that Marko was writing, that this is SM .... Can you tell us something about these "Narodna Tehnika"-table medals ? Best regards Christian
    14. Milosevic at a "Narodna Tehnika"-table medal Gentlemen, Marko in Belgrade offers a "Narodna Tehnika"-table medal with the picture of Milosevic on it: http://www.singidunum-online.com/shope/pro...productsID=5553 Best regards Christian
    15. Dear Ed, my daughter Milica is now in Belgrade and will buy a YU-made "Order of Bravery" for mere EUR 7,- (seven) at Marko for me . http://www.singidunum-online.com/shope/pro...productsID=4628 I have a nice old case of that order in my collection, but not the medal . Best regards Christian
    16. Gentlemen, Alexei deals now only with Mongolian Awards and stopped the other business (Soviet, YU, etc.) He works now as an expert for Soviet Awards and writes certificates. So, Alexei dosen't offer YU-Awards anymore . Best regards Christian
    17. Prices for the "Order of Bravery" in Belgrade ? Gentlemen, I have a case of the "Order of Bravery" - an old one, but in rather good condition -, but I don't have the award . Years ago I bougt a Soviet RB in Belgrade and got the award in that case . I want to buy an "Order of Bravery" now in Belgrade . Does anyone know about the current prices for the different variations of that order in Belgrade ? Many thanks for your expertise in advance . Best regards Christian BTW: My daughter Milica is now in Belgrade and will buy a YU-made variant for EUR 7,- (seven) at Marko: http://www.singidunum-online.com/shope/pro...productsID=4628
    18. MONINO Dear Christophe, then it has to be Monino http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monino . Where also the "Gagarin Air Force Academy" is located. Despite the fact, that Monino is located 38km east of Moscow, it still belongs to Moscow Oblast. Best regards Christian
    19. Dear Ed, many thanks for the links . Is it possible to download & save the radio story about Soviet Veterans - I tried, but couldn't manage it ? Best regards Christian
    20. Dear Paul, have nice booklets with the the constitutions - Stalin & Brezhnev - in German language, but not hardbound. There have to be thousends of copies of the English version issued by APN-Novosti in the 1970s of the Brezhnev-constitution. Best regards Christian
    21. Dear Vic, that OK really looks somehow strange - who is the recipient of the 4 RBs? Best regards Christian
    22. Welcome back on board, commander So, my guessing with the "Seven Sisters" is wrong ? Best regards Christian
    23. Dear Filip, the medal is really a beauty . Gospodin M. Bracun (Slovenian name ?) seems to be the designer of the medal, the artist, who created it. Well, my knowledge of the Serbo-Croatian language is almost non existing and I am not THE expert in awards of Yugoslavia . As far, as I can translate it, the inscription in the center medallion, it says: "FOR MERITS". And the inscription around might say: "10 YEARS OF TECHNICAINS OF THE MOTHERLAND". Best regards Christian
    24. Dear Filip, welcome to GMIC-Yugoslavia . I have never seen such a medal before . Is that a table medal or a badge for the jacket ? It seems to me, that it is not an award of the YU-government, but from an assoziation or union of technicans, celebrating their 10th anniversary. We have to wait for the expertise of our native GMIC-members ... Best regards Christian
    25. Dear Ed, these are wise words . Best regards Christian BTW: You are not the "lowly worm of a creature in the greater food-chain of GMICdom", but the #1 contributor to GMIC with more than 8.300 postings . GMIC without the expertise of Prof. Ed Haynes would represent a lesser phaleristic quality .
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