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    Kev in Deva

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Kev in Deva

    1. Pure fantasy items, ebay over the last year has been full of notes stamped to SS Units, Para Units, 99.9% chance the note is real and 99.9% chance the stamp is fake. Just another scam to part suckers from there 99.9% real cash. Kevin in Deva.
    2. If, its just nicotine staining (and here I concur with Stogieman, why both sides?) it should be safe to give a wash in a soapy water solution, without doing any damage to the item. It almost looks as if it has been deliberately painted on. Silver items tends to go black with time, and this item shows very little black, which I find strange and it sets my alarm bell ringing. Unless it was washed and more detailed pictures taken I would pass on it. Kevin in Deva.
    3. Anybody care to say what it was awarded for Kevin in Deva.
    4. The rifles, held by the group in the first picture, appear to be British 303 Lee Enfields of WW1 vintage I believe they were in use by the Iraqi Military, War Surpluss from GB in the late 1950's, 60's +. Kevin in Deva.
    5. Hallo IVB and Carol I, once again thanks for the clarifications. Kevin in Deva.
    6. A Romanian W.W.1. period Medal Bar to: 2nd Lieutenant CORNALIU TEODORINI Romania:- Order of the Star. Romania:- Order of the Crown with swords. Romania:- Order of the Crown Civil. Romania:- Balkan War 1912 / 13. Romania:- Cross of War. Romania:- Inter-Allied Victory Medal. Czechoslovakia:- Order of the White Lion. France:- Legion of Honour. Edit: Yugoslavia:- Order of Yugoslav Crown. Poland:- Order of Poland Restored. Kevin in Deva
    7. A Selection of Foreign Commemoration Awards made to Romania as an Allied Partner alongside the Romanian Military Virtue Cross:- Kevin in Deva
    8. Italian World War 1 Medals awarded to 2nd Lieutenant STEFAN MERLAS A Romanian volunteer in the 8th Italian Army. Italy:- Medal of Military Merit, in bronze. Italy:- Italian Victory in WW1. Kevin in Deva
    9. Decorations awarded to Captain ALEXANDER FILITTI, of the 9th ROSIORI REGIMENT. Romania:- Order of the Crown Civil Award. Romania:- Cross of War 1916 -1918 with Battle-bars, DUNAREA, CARPATI, JIU, 1919. Romania:- Officers 25 years Service Medal. Kevin in Deva
    10. Hallo Carol I, and thank you for the additional information, I had a great visit, basically I was the only person there for the whole day. And had a nice walk around all the displays, the only downside, lighting glare on the glass causing some pictures to be out of focus There could have been a little more additional information supplied with regards the personal awards on display, as there is room in the display cases. Outside I got some nice pictures of the Artillery park, and tanks. Kevin in Deva.
    11. Medals awarded to the WW1 Transylvanian Heroine LUCRETIA CANJA. Romania:- Cross of War 1916 - 1918 Romania:- Military Virtue Cross. Romania:- Inter-Allied Victory Medal of WW1. The sash I believe was worn post WW1 as a Veteran, Heroine of the Battle of OLT 2-3 September 1916, with name and commune on the yellow strip, County and Country on the Red strip. Kevin in Deva.
    12. Medals awarded to a Boy Scout HARALAMBIE MATEESCU for service in World War 1. Romania:- Cross of War with Battle Bars: T.G. OCNA (Targul Ocna), OITUZ, CARPATI, ARDEAL. Romania:- Queen Maria Cross 1917, (Third Class). Romania:- Inter Allied Victory Medal. Romania:- Military Virtue Medal. Kevin in Deva
    13. Captain MATEI VASILIU, served with the Romanian 33th Infantry Regiment, and was awarded the Military Cross in a War Office List dated 12 February 1920. Kevin in Deva.
    14. Hallo Gentlemen; I spotted this exhibit on a recent visit to the Romanian Military Museum, in Bucharest, on the 18th of March 2008. Awarded to Captain MATEI VASILIU for service in the battles of 1916. Medal Bar: Romania:- Order of the Star of Romania. Romania:- Balkan War 1912 / 13 Campaign Medal. Romania:- Cross of War with battle-bars: BUCHARESTI, DUNAREA, MARASESTI, DOBROGEA, CARPATIA. Romania:- Inter-Allied Victory Medal (Official Type). Poland:- Military Virtue Cross. Russia:- Order of Saint Anne. Romania:- Honour Decoration of the Romanian Eagle 1933 (awarded to Romanian Senators and members of Parliament). Singles: Romanian Order of MIHAI VITEAZUL 1916 Model / " MICHAEL THE BRAVE" 1916 Model, this is the Romanian equivalent to the British Victoria Cross. Great Britain:- Military Cross. Kevin in Deva.
    15. Hi Peter, Back again I found this online: http://www.artfact.com/catalog/viewLot.cfm?lotCode=HMsE17MM The search goes on Kevin in Deva
    16. Hallo Peter sorry to say no idea, but a very nice looking item May I ask why you say "generally associated with USSR" ? The typical Russian Soviet Era awards are this shape medal bar: Kevin in Deva.
    17. Hallo Gents, Possibly the only way to mount 16+ awards on one spange Hate to think of the damage done to fragile enamel Just to make a fashion statement. Kevin in Deva
    18. Dear Johnsy, I did say , with reference to the subject of Regulation regarding the wear of Medals and Decorations. Is it not true that Official Military Service awards, are to be borne on the left breast and unofficial awards to be borne on the right breast of the blazer?? I believe Regimental as well as Veteran Associations use this as a rule? I will amend my original post to the fact that there are two organizations using similar names and one has been the cause of some dispute in the way in which they portray themselves to the General Public by their dress and awards. As you are closer to the subject there, in Australia perhaps you would consider devoting a thread to the organizations in question, so we who live far from your shores can get a handle on them. Particularly the type of awards that they sport. Kevin in Deva
    19. Hallo Leigh, as far as I am aware, the Australian Association of Frontiersmen* Medal should be separate from any military awards, it would never be worn on a military uniform, and if worn by a Australian veteran it should be worn on the right hand side of the Blazer - Jacket, with his official Service awards on the left, they are not supposed to be mixed together. * there is a lot of controversy with regards this organization, some F.M. members turning up at Official Australian Veterans functions, Remembrance Day Parades with mix and match uniforms, looking very para-military in style and wearing a mix of Frontiersmen Association Medals amongst Official Military Awards, also some are sporting self awarded ranks and it has been recorded self awarded service medals. EDIT: As can be seen by Tiger Pie's post below, there are in fact two organizations, located in Australia who bear names that are very similar, and this seem to be the object of some confusion when talking about "Frontiersmen": 1. The Legion of Frontiersmen of the Commonwealth 2. Legion of Frontiersmen Australian Division. Kevin in Deva.
    20. Hallo Gents, I was standing next to this example yesterday, 18th March 2008 M.O.H. 1904 Model, Romanian Military Museum. Not possible to "touchy - touchy - feely - feely" though Awarded in May 17th, 1923 on behalf of: The President of the USA and the American Congress, by a Representative of the U.S.A. and American Military Attache in Bucharest. to Commemorate the Romanian Unknown Soldier of World War 1. Kevin in Deva.
    21. This is way off the original topic, but:- The reason the Bombs were dropped on Japan, was for rejecting the unconditional surrender, demanded. And to save the 1-3 million Allied casualties, it was estimated the Allies, would incur in taking the islands by invasion. The condition of the Japanese Kwantung Army on the Asian mainland facing the Soviets, in during, and after the Battle of Manchuria, would have had no bearing on the Battle for the Japanese home islands, in fact, the people of the Japanese homelands had hardly anyknowledge of how these troops were fairing and certainly the Japanese High Command were not telling the people of the Japanese Homeland about their losses, to much "face" would have been lost. It is also known that even after the second bomb was used, the Japanese High Command was still urging for the war to be continued, it took a direct order from the "Living God" to force them to accept the war was in deed over. More people died in the fires caused by the bombing of Tokyo, than were lost to the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Again a case of reaping what they sowed. The Japanese started the campaign in 1936 against the Chinese. Kevin in Deva.
    22. You are right, you are guessing, I believe he got his knighthood and pension and awards as befitting for for doing what he believed was right in WW2 along with his service pre-WW2. As to the opinions of the Hamburger's and Dresdener's, well, the losers in a conflict, especially one that they started, and supported, will always be sour, while they were on the winning streak and during the "Happy Time", I bet they did a lot of Swastika Flag waving and "Sieg Heiling", but, when the shoe is on the other foot they cry "no fair". With regards, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they were perfectly acceptable targets of high war production, belonging to a race of people who were busy killing, torturing and murdering, their way a cross Asia, with no consideration for anybody but themselves, and even today they still manage to avoid admitting they were guilty. Personally I do not see what your particular Religious Persuasion, has to do with your pamphlet writing job, unless, only Catholics are allowed to serve in the Austrian Armed Forces?? But there again there are many in Austria who have difficulty reconciling what was done in Austria, and by Austrians in the service of the Nazis, post Anschluss and in WW2. Out of sight is out of mind for some eh? Kevin in Deva.
    23. Is this thread going to descend into a "tit for tat" political discussion? The German fascist Air force bombed innocent civilians in Gurnica, Spain, with the experience gained there they went on to hit Polish, Dutch, Belgian, French and British targets like Coventry and other well known British cities. Also they targeted many Russian cities. The German population reaped what they sowed under their leadership, and despite what is posted on "Postanythingyoulikeikipedia" German Military War production did suffer and this was reflected in the falling supplies of war material. "Bomber" Harris did the job he was trained to do, he took the fight to the enemy nation, he targeted the infrastructure, which was in civilian areas, (you wont hear anybody who had to live under the Blitz condition in London or other British cities condemn him,) and there was no such thing as precision bombing, only carpet bombing. Kevin in Deva.
    24. Three Romanian soldiers injured in Afghanistan. http://www.nineoclock.ro/index.php?page=de...d=20080313-8449 published in issue 4140 page 5 at 2008-03-13 During a patrol mission along the Qalat-Kandahar motorway, their armoured amphibious personnel carrier drove over an improvised explosive device. published in issue 4140 page 5 at 2008-03-13. The soldiers are with the ?Sf. Andrei? Battalion 300 Infantry deployed to Qalat, Zabul Province, in South Afghanistan, for the second time last December. They were members of the crew of the first carrier that was opening a convoy of four armoured amphibious personnel carriers. The injured soldiers were rushed to hospital in Kandahar. Preliminary reports suggest that corporals Gheorghe Ionel Vasluianu and Dan Gheorghe Hamza suffered face contusions and bruises. The third injured soldier, Constantin Mihai Sbughea, suffered a fracture at his left leg and will most likely be taken to the hospital of the military base at Ramstein, Germany. ?Sf. Andrei? Battalion 300 Infantry Spokesperson, Major Corneliu Pavel, stated, according to Rompres, that two of the victims had already been discharged from hospital and would continue their mission. Hamza is at his second mission to Afghanistan, and the other two at their first. All three are from Galati and they are married. The circumstances of the incident are now being investigated by a commission headed by the commander of the battalion, according to a press release of the Ministry of Defence. Their families have been notified and the Ministry keeps in touch with them. Romania was among the first countries that sent troops to Afghanistan back in 2002. There are over 600 Romanian troops deployed to Afghanistan. A small share of those takes part in the Enduring Freedom operation. The rest are with the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF). The Romanian troops are mainly deployed in the most dangerous areas of Afghanistan, such as Kandahar, Kabul and Mazr e Sharif. Before this latest incident occurring yesterday, four had died and 12 had been injured. Before starting the Cabinet Meeting on Wednesday, PM Calin Popescu-Tariceanu inquired about the condition of the three Romanians and asked Defence Minister Teodor Melescanu to keep him informed on any developments. by Nadia Dincovici. - - - - - END OF ARTICLE - - - - - Kevin in Deva.
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