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    Everything posted by QSAMIKE

    1. Good Evening...... There was one sold on ebay just a short time ago for a very good price....... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/World-War-1-British-War-medal-J-V-BOURSEAUX-36-mm-Diameter-/360562093105?pt=UK_Collectables_Militaria_LE&hash=item53f32cec31 There is also a thread on BMF...... http://www.britishmedalforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=41&t=86714 Mike
    2. Good Afternoon Mervyn....... Here is a sweetheart pin that I picked up at a car boot sale in the UK when I was over on my visit for the princely sum of Four Pounds...... It was filthy and the voids were full of dirt as if it had been dug up somewhere...... I cleaned it and have had it tested...... It turns out that it is Platinum and Diamonds Mike
    3. Hi Peter...... I have used the above named product as well but before I put it on the blade I have cleaned it with a metal polish called FLITZ instead of grit as an abrasive it uses tiny pieces of chopped up fiber glass therefore it does not damage the metal...... I have even used it for fixing scratches on plexiglass and scratches in the paint on my car...... Mike
    4. Hi Chris...... It is entitled: HISTORICAL GERMAN INNER CIRCLE WW2 WAR MILITARY ESTATE UNTOLD UNSEEN HISTORY Asking price $1,000,000.00 Canadian...... Mike
    5. All I can say is WOW....... Is this really worth the price he is asking?????? http://www.ebay.ca/itm/220985442862?ru=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.ca%2Fsch%2Fi.html%3F_sacat%3D0%26_from%3DR40%26_nkw%3D220985442862%26_rdc%3D1 Mike
    6. Hi Again Larry...... They are not bad about 150 to 175 tables, a lot of military collectors, some come from eastern and western Canada and US this last one from 0930 to about 1300 the place was packed..... No it is held in a local community center...... The Thorncliff/Greenview Center........ They have not announced the October show dates yet..... Mike
    7. Good Morning Larry...... Yes they normally have a one dayer in mid-January, the big 3 day show Easter long weekwend and another one dayer in mid October..... Mike
    8. Good Morning Everyone...... I have posted this on other forms so is for your information just incase you have not seen them....... Saturday I attended the local Calgary Gun Show....... My prize purchase for the day was a Father and Son grouping of medals (13 in all)...... Now here is the question...... They ALL the silver medals have been chrome plated and the bronze ones it has been suggested are gold....... I have been running the following questions on BMF with a variety of answers..... What is your opinion on plating?????? Do you think that it will affect the value of the medals?????? Remember we are looking at the man not the medals...... Mike P.S. Here are the groups: FATHER: QSA - 3924 PTE. G. PARKYN 6th DRAGOON GUARDS ( CC, OFS, JOH, D.H., BELFAST) KSA - 3924 PTE. G. PARKYN 6th DRAGOON GUARDS ( S.A. 01 / 02) 1914 STAR (NO BAR) - 3924 PTE. G. PARKYN 6th DRAGOON GUARDS BWM - 6DG-3924 PTE. G. PARKYN 6th DRAGOON GUARDS ( INTERESTING NUMBERING ) VICTORY - 6DG-3924 PTE. G. PARKYN 6th DRAGOON GUARDS ( INTERESTING NUMBERING ) SON: 1939-45 STAR ATLANTIC STAR AFRICA STAR - NORTH AFRICA BAR BURMA STAR - PACIFIC STAR ITALY STARY WAR MEDAL - WITH MID (London Gazette September 8th, 1942) RNLSGC (KGVI) - MX 47967 H. T. PARKYN C.E.R.A. H.M.S. EURYALUS CANADIAN FORCES DECORATION - C.P.O. 2/c H.T. PARKYN Since posting I have obtained a lot of information with regards the numbering and even now have a picture of the son....... Mike
    9. They are not engraved or impressed officially but I have seen some done privately....... Mike
    10. Hello Sal..... Captain Henry William Gordon was on the Royal Engineers Staff for Engineering Services during the Boer War...... A duplicate set of medals was issued 15/08/18 His QSA would have Cape Colony and Orange Free State Bars His KSA would have the usual 2 Bars...... Mike
    11. One that was converted as well was the Ross Rife bayonet, since the soldiers did not like the rifle they put the bayonet to good use..... Mike
    12. Mervyn...... I have seen this before...... During the Stampede Parade last summer I saw an American high school band and they had a colour party guarded by two people with old 303's, bolt missing that had been painted white and two 1796 Light Cavalry Swords that had been chromed....... I just about cried....... Mike
    13. Thank You Mervyn and Brian...... I hope that I will be able to assist you in any way possible...... Mike
    14. Thanks Paul...... No the wet gauze did not work very well infact according to my Grandfather they were told to urinate on pieces of cloth and then put that on...... Mike
    15. Why POW art could it not also be called trench art????? Here are a few items from my collection.... Mike
    16. Go ahead you know you want it...... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Russian-SCUD-Launcher-Cold-War-WW2-Tank-/251206865595?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3a7d1892bb http://www.ebay.com/itm/WW2-Sherman-Tank-Tiger-Tank-/251206835936?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3a7d181ee0 Mike
    17. Good Morning Everyone...... We are finally up and running...... http://cmhs.ca/ Mike
    18. Hello Peter...... This I am afraid is one of those medals that you can purchase..... Cannot be worn with regular medals..... This is what is on line..... Mike THE FOREIGN SERVICE MEDAL Is available to all qualified British Commonwealth and Allied ex-servicemen and women and to Civilian Volunteers,(Police,Fire Service,Essential Services,Coast Guard,Merchant Navy,Ambulance Service,Red Cross, etc.,). The Medal is to commemorate overseas service in both War and Peace,that has not been recognised by any award. The medal is die-struck, with a high grade bright nickel finish,to the same high standard of military medals and decorations for which the Mints of the British Empire were so renowned. The design is deliberately reminiscent of the by-gone days of 'Empire'. The Medal's beautiful watered finish ribbon represents the colour of the eastern sky when the sun rises without a cloud:crimson falling into gold and gold into blue. The Medal is available with CLASPS to denote the particular areas of service.In this way one or more clasps representing various areas of Foreign service can be attached to the one medal as is the practice with all of the various British General Service Medals.The clasps,which are of similar construction and assembly to those used on those various General Service Medals are riveted to each other and then to the Medal ribbon suspender bar. Approximately 100 different clasps are available. The medal may also be ordered by Next-of-Kin. PRICE = £75.00 which includes the cost of a first (mandatory) clasp. Other clasps ( £25.00 each ) may also be added to the medal. A full list of all available clasps is included on the ORDER FORM. A Dress Miniature is also available: Price = £37.00 including one clasp. Additional clasps are available: Price; £12.00 Each.
    19. Hello Chris...... This is a World War One Cap Badge..... Yes it is still one of the regiments that are still in the Canadian Army..... The only difference is the crown, it now has the QE2 Crown..... Mike
    20. Hello Chris...... The Badge is the Cap Badge of The Royal Canadian Regiment....... See: http://www.theroyalcanadianregiment.ca/thercrmuseum/index.html Mike
    21. Hello Graham...... Can you give us the name of your G.Grandfather as I can look him up on the Kimberly Star roll..... There was a total of close to 5000 stars issued in silver and only two in gold to the Mayor of Kimberly and R. Archibald of DeBeers..... Suggest you put a post on our sister forum: http://www.angloboerwar.com Mike
    22. Good Evening Everyone...... I have been reading the threads about the Order of St, Sava in a nother section of this forum and I thought that I would insert this item from my collection...... SYMES, W. J. (William Johnston) CIVILIAN SURGEON REGT: ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS BARS: SOUTH AFRICA 1901, SOUTH AFRICA 1902 REMARKS / HISTORY: 1. ORDER OF ST. SAVA OF SERBIA - COMMANDERS GRADE (3rd CLASS) 2. Entitled to British War Medal and Inter-Allied Victory Medal (Capt. W. J. Symes) 3. From BMF: Are you sure the name is correct? There is a William Johnston Symes in the 1933 Medical Directory who received his MB and BS at Durham in 1900 and who served as a Civil Surgeon with the South African Field Force during thE Boer War. He is also Listed as Medical Officer, Angas Convalescent Home, Cudham; Hon. Visiting Surgeon, Chesterfield and N. E. Derbyshire Hospital; and Temp. Captain, RAMC. According to The Times he was the husband of Amy Doris, 2nd Daughter of Sir James B. Ball. He died on 2 MarCH 1948. I can find no indication that either William James Symes or William Johnston Symes received the ORDER of St Sava. Regards. Gunner 1 4. From BMF: Dick, It's William Johnston Symes all right, the award was granted 5th class on the 7th of May 1920, he was an T/Captain at the time. Kevin I wonder how many of the Order of St. Sava were issued to the British Forces. Mike
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