Wei? Generals (including medical officers with rank general); members of "G?ring" units; Goldgelb Fliegertruppe, Fallschirmj?ger; Nautiker as second underlay to the shoulder-strap Hochrot Flakartillerie, Waffenoffiziere, Feuerwerker; NCO?s and men of the General G?ring regiment as an edging of the collar; remaining active officials of the Luftwaffe as second underlay to the shoulder-strap Karmesinrot Generalstab Rosa Ingenieurkorps of the Luftwaffe Orangerot Offiziere z.D. (half-pay officers) Goldbraun Luftnachrichtentruppe Dunkelblau Sanit?tswesen Hellgr?n Reichsluftaufsichtsdienst (Aircraft control) Dunkelgr?n Wehrmachtbeamte, Nautiker Schwarz Reichsluftfahrtministerium Hellblau Officers, Wehrmacht-officials and Ingenieure on reserve as a piping on the collar and a underlay on the shoulder strap Bordeauxrot Wehrmacht-offcials of the Reichskriegsgerichts as second underlay to the shoulder-strap Hope this helps a bit.