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    Very nice group, but the price is somehow ... :speechless:

    Let's load the pictures on the board so they are not lost.

    Documented Group of 35 awards to Rear Admiral Grigoriy Okhrimenko

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    Amazing set!!!

    Igor also listed some other nice groups, which seem to exist in separate reality (pricewise) - unreachable for us mere mortal collectors.

    Prices used to be affordable (years ago), but all we have left for us is to drool over photographs of stuff we can't touch.


    YU-Hero documents of our Admiral


    an interesting fact:

    Some time ago, a (tombac) YU-Hero + document had been offered at e-Bay:


    Well, the tombac-medal is not correct, but maybe the document :unsure: ?

    Igor doesn't have such a document in his offered group :jumping: :

    My humble theory: The Admiral's Hero-document might be authentic, but the tombac YU-Hero is not :unsure: ?

    Best regards :beer:


    Posted (edited)

    YU-Hero documents of our Admiral


    an interesting fact:

    Some time ago, a (tombac) YU-Hero + document had been offered at e-Bay:

    Well, the tombac-medal is not correct, but maybe the document :unsure: ?

    Igor doesn't have such a document in his offered group :jumping: :

    My humble theory: The Admiral's Hero-document might be authentic, but the tombac YU-Hero is not :unsure: ?

    Best regards :beer:


    Most likely scenario - someone bought the document and combined it with un-issued tombac Hero medal.


    Edited by new world
    • 4 weeks later...

    There is a book 'Narodnij Heroji Jugaslvije' which was offered some days ago in aukcije.hr.

    The price was 699 HRK. This book was as I assume sold.

    It is still available :beer::P;)

    • 1 month later...


    I found lately documentation about Order of National Hero, regulation,...

    But unfortunately translation tools are not very useful. What does it mean exactly?

    On 3. October 1944 National Libaration Comittee stated:

    ? za Orden narodnog heroja predlazu najistaknutiji borci i staresine, najistaknutiji organizatori, pioniri nase vojske koji su pali na bojnom polju, u zatvorima I logarima. Predlazu se zivi borci i staresine koji su narocito poznati i popularni po svojim herojskim delima, koji su u svakom pogledu besprekorno cisti ljudi, koji vec danas zive u svesti naroda kao heroji.?

    On 14. October 1944 National Liberation Committee changed rules to

    ?dobijaju najistaknutiji junaci nase vojske, najistaknutiji pioniri i organizatori narodnog ustanka I narodnooslobodilacke vojske, koji su pali na bojnom polju, u zatvorima I logarima, ili koji su jos zivi, cija djela I imena moraju biti ovjekovjecena kao primjer danasnjim I buducim pokoljenjima?

    First statute of this Order changed again definition to

    ?odlikuju borci I rukovodioci Jugoslovenske armije koji su se istakli besprimernim heroizmom u borbi protiv narodnih neprijatelja I kao takvi predstavljaju olicenje junastva, ponos I slavu nase armije, I koji su po svoijm karakternim osobinama cisti, svetli I omiljeni u armiji I narodu?

    thank you.

    best regards


    Posted (edited)

    Gentlemen, I found lately documentation about Order of National Hero, regulation,... But unfortunately translation tools are not very useful. What does it mean exactly? On 3. October 1944 National Libaration Comittee stated: " za Orden narodnog heroja predlazu najistaknutiji borci i staresine, najistaknutiji organizatori, pioniri nase vojske koji su pali na bojnom polju, u zatvorima I logarima. Predlazu se zivi borci i staresine koji su narocito poznati i popularni po svojim herojskim delima, koji su u svakom pogledu besprekorno cisti ljudi, koji vec danas zive u svesti naroda kao heroji." On 14. October 1944 National Liberation Committee changed rules to "dobijaju najistaknutiji junaci nase vojske, najistaknutiji pioniri i organizatori narodnog ustanka I narodnooslobodilacke vojske, koji su pali na bojnom polju, u zatvorima I logarima, ili koji su jos zivi, cija djela I imena moraju biti ovjekovjecena kao primjer danasnjim I buducim pokoljenjima" First statute of this Order changed again definition to "odlikuju borci I rukovodioci Jugoslovenske armije koji su se istakli besprimernim heroizmom u borbi protiv narodnih neprijatelja I kao takvi predstavljaju olicenje junastva, ponos I slavu nase armije, I koji su po svoijm karakternim osobinama cisti, svetli I omiljeni u armiji I narodu" thank you. best regards waldemar

    Waldemar, here is your translation.

    I hope that you will find it usefull.

    On 3. October 1944 National Libaration Comittee stated:

    " za Orden narodnog heroja predlazu najistaknutiji borci i staresine, najistaknutiji organizatori, pioniri nase vojske koji su pali na bojnom polju, u zatvorima I logarima. Predlazu se zivi borci i staresine koji su narocito poznati i popularni po svojim herojskim delima, koji su u svakom pogledu besprekorno cisti ljudi, koji vec danas zive u svesti naroda kao heroji."

    "for Order of national hero are to be proposed: most distinguished fighters and officers, pioneers of our army, fallen on battlefield, in prisons or concentration-camps. Living fighters and officers that are particulary famous and popular for their heroic deeds and who are in every way irreproachably clean and who already are heroes in the sense of our people."

    On 14. October 1944 National Liberation Committee changed rules to

    "dobijaju najistaknutiji junaci nase vojske, najistaknutiji pioniri i organizatori narodnog ustanka I narodnooslobodilacke vojske, koji su pali na bojnom polju, u zatvorima I logarima, ili koji su jos zivi, cija djela I imena moraju biti ovjekovjecena kao primjer danasnjim I buducim pokoljenjima"

    "Order or national hero is assigned to most distinguished heroes of our army, most distinguished pioneers and organisers of people's uprising and people's army who are fallen on the battlefield, in prisons or concentration-camps or who are alive but who's deeds and names must be immortalized as a example for present and future generations."

    First statute of this Order changed again definition to

    "odlikuju borci I rukovodioci Jugoslovenske armije koji su se istakli besprimernim heroizmom u borbi protiv narodnih neprijatelja I kao takvi predstavljaju olicenje junastva, ponos I slavu nase armije, I koji su po svoijm karakternim osobinama cisti, svetli I omiljeni u armiji I narodu"

    "... are to be assigned to fighters and leader's of Yugoslav army who are distinguished with their matchless heroism in fight against enemy of the people and represent personification of heroism, pride and glory of our army and who are by their caracteristic's clean, brilliant and popular in army and people"

    Edited by SasaYU

    Thank you SasaYU,

    I try to lern more about Orders/Medals and of course about regulations concerning awards in EX-YU.

    It is difficult to find good lecture, in englisch impossible. And in serbian or croatian unfortunately I can only guess what could it mean, with a risk that it could mean completely something others.

    thanks again.


    best regards


    • 10 months later...

    Hello gents,

    This is an old topic but I have a question for all of you...

    What do you think about this order of national hero(it weights around 20 grams, not gold, no mint marks), ORIGINAL or MODERN FAKE or something else...





    Hi Luka

    the order of the national hero is one of those orders where the eye is not enough (sounds like 007 ) !!

    Sorry, jokes aside. To be sure I at least would have to touch it and hold it in my hand and then to examine it with a magnifying glass. Just looking at your pictures and listening to your description I would say that it is a late IKOM item. If you can examine the border and take a picture of the border would be nice.




    Hello gents,

    This is an old topic but I have a question for all of you...

    What do you think about this order of national hero(it weights around 20 grams, not gold, no mint marks), ORIGINAL or MODERN FAKE or something else...




    • 8 months later...


    Very interesting this Post!

    I search a picture from the Reverse of the "Hero of Yugoslavia".

    Can you help me?




    Hello Dirk

    same as obverse but just reversed ....

    Best regards



    Very interesting this Post!

    I search a picture from the Reverse of the "Hero of Yugoslavia".

    Can you help me?




    Unfortunately no, or better said all items I have seen have been without numbers.

    The Russian type have hallmarks and the early IKOM types too.



    Thanks Milan for quick answer.

    Have the Order a number?


    • 1 month later...
    • 4 weeks later...
    Posted (edited)

    Is this the tombak version or a bad fake. It is for sale on German eBay for 3000 EUR.

    Hi All,

    sorry to bringing up this old topic, but this ONH is pure gold russian type... and I have no doubt about my opinion.



    Edited by Sasha

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