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    Hi guys, most of you know but as of late my focus has been Luftwaffe Wedding photos because they tend to show the happiness in a time of war. Their also pretty easy on the budget too ;) LOL. But here you go and as always if anyone could tell me what it says on the back it would be greatly appreciated! TIA and all the best, Jon




    I cannot help you with what is on the back, but can you please do a close up scan of the collar tab(or the lack of)?



    Hi Jon,

    Are the gulls simply pressed through the collar or are the collar tabs in a darker color(not yellow)?

    Posted (edited)

    Heres a much clearer pic, they seem to be of a darker color so prob not yellow. What else would it be perchance? Im not too aware of FJ wearing anything else than yellow? Have seen the occasional FJ Soldbuch stating they were members of a Flak group and had red tabs. All the best, Jon

    Edited by Luftwaffe Rules

      Luftwaffe Rules said:
    Hi guys, most of you know but as of late my focus has been Luftwaffe Wedding photos because they tend to show the happiness in a time of war. Their also pretty easy on the budget too ;) LOL. But here you go and as always if anyone could tell me what it says on the back it would be greatly appreciated! TIA and all the best, Jon



    Hello Jon.

    The inscription says:

    " To remember your work colleague


    Easter 1943"


      Luftwaffe Rules said:
    Thank you so much Bernhard thats great!! :) Im assuming Leni is a girls name? Therefore this was used for her to give out to her co-workers? TIA and all the best, Jon

    Hello Jon.

    Leni is indeed a female first name ( think Leni Riefenstahl ).

    I suppose such photos of rather important events were given to relatives, friends, colleagues etc

    Bernhard H. Holst

    Posted (edited)

    Another nice photo Jon - thanks for sharing it.


    Edited by Scott
    Guest Rick Research

    Yes it is from the Missus--

    Zur Erinnerung

    an deiner



    Ostern 1943.


    Yellow collartabs can look very dark in certain pics.., it has something to do with a certain process those days ...

    For details concerning this process better ask a person in the photo hobby, they'll probably know how it's called.


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