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    No idea who's the second, just would have recognized the first. :P

    But I had never recognized the IInd's bar as a GENERAL's bar, if it showed up on market ... :speechless1::speechless1::speechless1::speechless1: :speechless1:


    No idea who's the second, just would have recognized the first. :P

    But I had never recognized the IInd's bar as a GENERAL's bar, if it showed up on market ... :speechless1::speechless1::speechless1::speechless1::speechless1:

    Well, his prewar bar would have had an RAOmKr, KO3, DA25, Centenar, BBI3, BZ3a, SA3a, GSF3b, WF3a, IM4, ?EK3, SS3a, SW2b and TM3, but he had gone z.D. sometime between 1912 and 1914. So leave the old bar in a drawer and just wear the wartime awards.



    The second photo is Generalmajor Frher von Beaulieu-Marconnay


    Correct. Commander of RIR 239 from its formation until his replacement on 17 August 1915 due to illness.



    but he had gone z.D. sometime between 1912 and 1914. So leave the old bar in a drawer and just wear the wartime awards.

    Olivier Freiherr v. Beaulieu-Marconnay's last pre-war appointment was as commandant of Borkum, provisionally from 22 March 1912 and then definitively from 31 May 1912. He was placed as disposal on 10 June 1913 with the uniform of Leib-Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 109. He became the Oberhofmeister of the Gro?herzogin of Sachsen-Weimar.

    On the 1st of October 1916 he was appointed as Chief of the Central Department of the General Staff (Home Command) and promoted to Generalmajor z.D. on 15.7.18. His mobilisation appointment was terminated on 31 December 1918.





    Another photo of Beaulieu Marconnay. It has been the cover of the Orden Militaria Journal of 1981.

    We can see clearly the entire medal bar with all comtur medals.





    Another photo of Beaulieu Marconnay.

    At what point does all that 'bling' become a hindrance to perambulation? I would think it would become difficult to move without damaging something. Or did one only put it all on when sitting in front of the photographer and remove it afterwords?

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