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    Luftwaffe Silver Sweetheart piece, Real or Repro?

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    Hallo Gents :cheers:

    While in Brasov, Central Romania at the collectors meeting,

    I was approached and asked did I know anything about this piece,

    Allegedly a iii reich Luft-Sweetheart pin (thingy) it hangs from a long silver pin.

    Kevin in Deva :beer:

    Edited by Kev in Deva
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    Hi Kevin,

    The decoration in question is from Deutsche Akademie der Luftfahrtforschung. According to Detlev, they came in gold, silver and bronze, as well as a stick-pin size of these. The silver version was for sponsoring members and only awarded once. An Amtskette was also issued for the president and Presidium members. Personally I have no faith in the one posted here.


    Peter :beer:

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    • 4 weeks later...

    Another of these has surfaced on Ebay:

    See the reply I got when I quired the authnticity of the object:


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    militariapathfinder617 ist der Verk?ufer.

    "I will investigate your claim, and act upon my findings...

    I realise that most german repro items originate from the East in particular Poland. The ukraine coming a close second...

    many collecters in the west and America etc are now wise to most of the repro's, this is quite a new one....

    it will be researched completely and dealt with accordingly


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    Angebotsende: Freitag, 06. Jul. 2007 21:48:34 MESZ

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    Kevin in Deva :cheers:

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    Hello Francois,

    Thank You for alerting me to this very crude pathetic cast imitation. Less than 150 of these Awards were made in Gold. It is much more rare than ELs. The quality of the real awards is exceptionally high, as you will note, even in my low-res images. Do not be fooled by the junk from Poland, etc. A blind man can see the difference!

    Hope this helps.

    Best Regards,


    yup poor copy, ask Mark Miller to show a real one it will speak by itself

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    And the reverse. I was fortunate to be offered the complete set of Bronze, Silver, and Gold, awards, in addition to the lapel pins, etui, and documents. They all came from George Petersen. The (extremely) rare Silver class had a '38 date inscribed, not an actual award #. It is authentic, and was sold to one of the top (US) Dealers in the World. Pretty good proof it is authentic.



    Edited by mmiller
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    Silver, Reverse.

    Note engraved date, not award #. Since there was reportedly only one Silver Award made, and there are no records or photographs of it, I have heard it explained both ways that this pictured award is the one and only Silver piece made. Without definitive proof, it is one man's word against anothers as to 'if' this is the sole Silver piece manufactured.

    Regardless, a rare bird. Not as desirable as a set of Gold Swords, but equally rare!



    PS - I am asking myself ..... why did I sell this piece? :speechless:

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    Hallo Mark, :beer:

    thank you very much for posting your pictures, the silver version at the start of the thread I photographed in Brasov, Romania in early June, at a Collectors Fair, a seems as they cannot shift the "Junk" in the Western Europe area they are now sending pieces in to the old Eastern Communist Areas.

    In the last 3 years I have been surprised at the amount of Repro / Fake / Fantasy items that are turning up here in Romania, a few dealers from Bucharest seem to be actively trying to push some of this stuff and of course they claim its original and real!!! :speechless:

    So far I have persuaded a few people I know not to part with their money on this crap, the most comic piece I saw was a brass set of folding opera style glasses with the Luftwaffe eagle and numerouse swastika transfers on every surface, the seller would not allow me to take any pictures of the item!!! (The glasses were a genuine period piece from Germany and all the Insignia added on. The transfers reminded me of the ones used in model aeroplabe kits :banger:

    Kevin in Deva. :beer:

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