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    They are not from the era that primarily interests me, but as an obsessive document collector, I can appreciate how much they must mean to you.

    Despite the fact that one of them has been cut up, they are still outstanding pieces of history.



    Hello David,

    Napoleon had 26 Marshals and I have documents by 15 of them. :rolleyes: Just need 11 more. :speechless1:

    I just got in some bulletins of the French army while on campaign in Germany and Spain. Bulletins were little newspapers that notified the French people on the actions of the army. The price range between $20-50 each.



    • 4 months later...

    Some new items in today.

    General Pierre Decouz(1775-1814)

    He was with Marshal Lannes in Egypt and would be killed at Brienne. I'm still lokking for more info on him.

    Capitaine sur le champ de bataille des Pyramides, il fut chef de bataillon au si?ge de Saint-Jean-d'Acre.

    Lannes en fit son aide-de-camp et lui confia une mission importante pour- le pacha de Syrie qui lui valut le grade d'adjudant-commandant. A son retour d'Egypte, il fut nomm? chef d'?tat-major de la 7e division militaire.


    General Antoine-Joseph Veaux(1764-1814)

    The General would serve in Egypt. I'm still looking for more info on him.

    General Jean-Baptiste Cervoni(1765-1809)

    He was one of Marshal Lannes best friends. He lost his head to a cannonball at Eckmuhl.


    General Jean-Marie-Mellon-Roger Valhubert(1764-1805)

    He would serve with Marshal Lannes throughtout these battles.

    He fought at Montebello, Marengo, and would be killed at Austerlitz.


    This is a document by General Antoine Morlot(1766-1809)

    He would be under Lannes at Saragossa in Spain. He would die of illness soon after the siege.


    Barry, that's an outstanding collection! :speechless1: Those documents are fantastic and considering the age in excellent condition! :jumping::jumping: Here's hoping you're able to finish up your collection of Marshals. :beer:

    Dan :cheers:


    Hello Dan,

    I hope that some day I'll have all the Marshals.

    This just arrived today. I'm not sure how old it is but it does have some age. Nice little item on Saragossa.

    Saragossa, Spain "Our Lady of the Pillar"

    40A.D. After Christ's death, ressurection, and ascension, the holy Apostles began to spread the message throughout the land: and eventually into the Roman Empire. St. James the Apostle travelled as far west as to a small village called Saragossa, in Spain. While there, James became disheartened because of the failure of his mission. While James was in deep prayer, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to him and gave him a small wooden statue of herself, and a colum of jasper wood. She said:

    "This place is to be my house, and this image and column shall be the title and altar of the temple that you shall build. "

    About a year later, James arranged for a small chapel to be built in honor of the Virgin Mary. This would be the first church in the entire world to be dedicated to Mary. The jasper column and the wooden statue can still be seen on special occasions at the church that houses them.

    • 2 weeks later...

    General Jean Baptiste Meynier(1749-1813)

    Lannes would join Meynier at the Battle of Dego 15 April 1796. I don't know if the general died of illness or was killed in battle. :banger: The document is to the Minister of War on calvary matters.

    • 2 weeks later...

    These are very nice: :cheers:

    Thank you for sharing them..



    Some new items in today.

    General Pierre Decouz(1775-1814)

    He was with Marshal Lannes in Egypt and would be killed at Brienne. I'm still lokking for more info on him.

    Capitaine sur le champ de bataille des Pyramides, il fut chef de bataillon au si?ge de Saint-Jean-d'Acre.

    Lannes en fit son aide-de-camp et lui confia une mission importante pour- le pacha de Syrie qui lui valut le grade d'adjudant-commandant. A son retour d'Egypte, il fut nomm? chef d'?tat-major de la 7e division militaire.

    Very nice Barry!

    More info on Decouz here:



    Including photos of his grave.

    Regards Eddie

    • 2 weeks later...

    General Jean Baptiste Meynier(1749-1813) (...) I don't know if the general died of illness or was killed in battle. :banger: (...)

    Hi Barry,

    Superb stuff as always !

    Here's a little bio about Meynier (in French), excerpted from the "Biographie nouvelle des contemporains, Tome XIII" (A.V.Arnault, A.Jay, E. de Jouy, J.Norvins, Paris, Librairie Historique, 1824)

    "MEYNIER (JEAN-BAPTISTE), et non Meunier, comme l'ont ?crit par erreur toutes les Biographies ant?rieures ? la n?tre, naquit ? Avignon, en 1749.

    Apr?s avoir fait les quatre campagnes de l'Am?rique, en 1780, 1781, 1782 et 1783, sous les ordres du g?n?ral Rochambeau, il se trouva, en qualit? de capitaine de grenadiers, ? la prise de Spire et de Mayence, en 1792, dans la seconde campagne de la r?volution, ou il se fit conna?tre de la mani?re la plus honorable, par la belle d?fense du fort de Koenigstein.

    Nomm? g?n?ral de brigade en 1793, il se porta, de son propre mouvement, sur Bergzabern , le 22 ao?t de la m?me ann?e, pour attaquer un ennemi tr?s sup?rieur en nombre, qui s'?tait d?j? rendu ma?tre des deux premiers rideaux en-de?? de Bergzabern, et dont le g?n?ral Meynier parvint ? s'emparer de nouveau, en ramenant au combat des troupes qui, n'ayant re?u aucun ordre, effectuaient leur retraite. Le lendemain, les Autrichiens s'efforc?rent en vain , ? plusieurs reprises, de rentrer dans cette importante position , que le g?n?ral Meynier conserva jusqu'au 27, o? l'ennemi se d?termina ? attaquer sur toute la ligne : cette journ?e, au succ?s de laquelle le g?n?ral Meynier eut une part si brillante, lui valut, avec les f?licitations publiques des repr?sentans du peuple ? l'arm?e du Rhin, le grade de g?n?ral de division, qu'il obtint quelque temps apr?s.

    A la malheureuse journ?e du 13 octobre de la m?me ann?e, ce g?n?ral fut bless? par un bisca?en, qui lui traversa la cuisse gauche, comme il marchait ? la t?te du 2me bataillon de Lot-et-Garonne.

    A peine ?tait-il gu?ri, que le g?n?ral Michaud lui conf?a le commandement de la division de l'ann?e du Rhin qui se trouvait dans les gorges : le Platzberg, le Saw-Kops, et plusieurs autres postes importans d?fendus par les Prussiens ne r?sist?rent pas ? la valeur du g?n?ral Meynier et de ses troupes. R?duit ? d?fendre le fameux poste de Kaiserslautern, avec 6 ou 7000 hommes, contre une arm?e enti?re, il s'y maintint et ne fut forc? que le troisi?me jour, ? une troisi?me attaque.

    Dans la campagne suivante, ? l'arm?e d'Italie, le g?n?ral Meynier prit possession de Tortone, o? il commanda 6 mois. Tomb? malade ? V?rone, il ne voulut se porter sur les derri?res de l'arm?e qu'apr?s la retraite d'Alvinzi.

    Commandant de la 18me division militaire en 1800, le g?n?ral Meynier, dont la sant? ?tait tr?s affaiblie par suite des fatigues de la guerre, demanda sa retraite.

    Napol?on le for?a d'accepter le commandement de la place de Mayence, o? il mourut le 4 septembre 1813, avec la r?putation d'un brave soldat et d'un excellent officier-g?n?ral."

    So you have your answer : died of disease.

    Looks like he was some soldier though !



    • 2 weeks later...
    Posted (edited)

    Thanks :D

    Marshal Michel Ney(1769-1815)

    Duke of Elchingen

    Prince of Moskowa

    Edited by Bear
    Posted (edited)

    Marshal Auguste Frederic Louis Viesse de Marmont(1774-1852)

    Duke of Raguse

    Edited by Bear
    • 4 weeks later...
    • 1 month later...

    Thanks Lorenzo

    It has been a while since I've purchased any docs. I sort of went on a spending spree and was able to get four new docs and a nice miniature portrait on ivory. A week ago I found a very nice Murat on one of the auction sites that I visit but was only able to jack up the price for the winner. It started around $250 but I pushed it up to around $1150. :banger: It was nice!

    I got two of them in today.

    Marshal Augereau

    dated 1807

    Not translated

    Requesting a sabre of honor for one of his officers after the 1807 campaign in Prussia.


    Army of the Reserve

    dated 1807

    not translated

    Announcing the French victory over the Russians at Pultusk in 1806. Both sides claimed victory.

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