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    Guest Rick Research

    letting his PMs fill up so no new messages get in. Tch tch!!! :shame:

    Guest Rick Research

    OK, the GOOD news is that after 10 years, 3 months, and 12 days this medal bar has come back to live at my house. :jumping::jumping::jumping:

    The BAD news, of course, is that now Solomon must go to the archives and sort through

    1,117 noncombatant LKr receipts looking for the 1,249 noncombatant LKVMs and 1,023 Einzug Medals with the three Prussian awards here.

    That's all. :rolleyes:


    Can I be on the short list for its next trip out please? I said please.

    Guest Rick Research

    June 23, 2018? :cheeky:


    Uuuuups, I have to empty my box...or I need more space for even more messages....

    There is a small, very small problem to ID this returned medalbar....

    I almost finished retyping the 1897-list (actually 900 of 1023 persons)...but, the cross-check with about 20,000 signed receipts of the LKr is an impossible job!!!

    The combatants are mixed with the non-combatants...

    The only chance are the receipts of the KVM (about 1.200), begging that he got it very late and all other awards are listed. :speechless1:

    Why isn?t there an 1905-medal on it...that would be easy!!!!!

    Best regards


    Guest Rick Research

    "The only chance are the receipts of the KVM (about 1.200), begging that he got it very late and all other awards are listed. "

    That sounds like a good plan. Anybody with the 1897 and LD2 would be OK to list. When is your vacation this year? :catjava:


    Posted (edited)

      Rick Research said:
    June 23, 2018? :cheeky:

    you do know that will be my 37 birthday!!does this mean it will be my 37th birthday present!! ahhhh thanks ricks your to kind!!! :beer::beer::cat::cat:

    Edited by paddywhack

      paddywhack said:
    you do know that will be my 37 birthday!!does this mean it will be my 37th birthday present!! ahhhh thanks ricks your to kind!!! :beer::beer::cat::cat:


    No no, Rick promised me to donate this nice medalbar, when I?ve identified the former owner... :rolleyes:

    I?m Rick?s "Ober-Lakai", checking all lists in the archive... :D

    Best regards


    Guest Rick Research

    Perilous work under dangerous conditions!!! :speechless1:

    :unsure: Don't forget the bread crumbs and extra flashlight batteries!!!!


      Rick Research said:
    Perilous work under dangerous conditions!!! :speechless1:

    :unsure: Don't forget the bread crumbs and extra flashlight batteries!!!!

    Here is a photo showing me in the "archive-uniform" :D:speechless1:

    Sometimes Lippe?s inhabitants are quite bizarre and dangerous :ninja:

    Guest Rick Research

    Look at what he did!!!! :speechless1: Bad Solomon sent me the 1897 Einzugmedaille names and now I have to add first names and all the cross indexing for any other Detmold and Schaumburg awards!

    I thought I was "retired," and here I am WORKING on Lippe again!!!! :shame:

    The Lippe Detmold Rolls are going to be the most stunningly amazing TOTAL reference work on Detmold awards forever. I will be signing autographs at Local Appearances as soon as I can get a halo that lights up unobtrusively. :catjava:


      Rick Research said:
    Look at what he did!!!! :speechless1: Bad Solomon sent me the 1897 Einzugmedaille names and now I have to add first names and all the cross indexing for any other Detmold and Schaumburg awards!

    :rolleyes: And while Rick is busy, Wildcard?s nice medalbar is driving me crazy :speechless1:

    I?m down to only two possible owners, one was born in 1872 (a kitchen assistant / "K?chen-Kalefaktor"),

    the other man was born in 1861 (a smith / "Hof-Schmied").

    But I?ll wait till Rick finished the cross-check...maybe he?ll find a third possibility :speechless1:

    Guest Rick Research

    Well, at least you will only have TWO receipts to look for for THAT medal bar.

    So far I am averaging 1 in 4 1897 medal recipients got something else from Lippe, so MY bar will "only" be about 750 names or so for you to check. :rolleyes:

    PS there are a great many bicyclists :Cat-Scratch: listed who received this medal. If they got it for being in a parade (a massed bicycles parade?) I'd expect to see some BAND members as well... but no musicians at all.

    Maybe all those bicyclists rang their bells and tooted their horns in the first (and only?) All Bicycle Rendition of The Lippe Anthem? :unsure::cheeky:

    There is a "Shooting QUEEN" (Sch?tzen K?nigin) though-- the first time I've ever seen a female shooting club champion!

    Oh well, back to the Cs and Ds....


      Rick Research said:
    There is a "Shooting QUEEN" (Sch?tzen K?nigin) though-- the first time I've ever seen a female shooting club champion!

    Oh well, back to the Cs and Ds....

    Hehe, that?s normal....every "Sch?tzenverein" has its Sch?tzenk?nig and Sch?tzenk?nigin...even today!

    The bycyclists are really interesting...but my favorites are the "Schlachtschwertierer" :D

    Best regards


    Guest Rick Research

    More intresting if THEY were on bicycles! :cheeky:

    I will be finished up to the "K"s today.

    But don't forget THIS medal bar too--

    Posted (edited)

      Rick Research said:
    But don't forget THIS medal bar too--

    Uaaaah...are you kidding?....too easy for me! :jumping:

    Okay, what you can see???

    A 1870-71 fighter from Lippe, not active in WW1.

    He got the SVK Lippe-Detmold for 1870 / 71.

    The GVK is a very late one...looks like Zimmermann made it...


    The clasps are the hint...this guy served in the 7th "J?ger-Bataillon"

    (6.8.70 Spichern , 14.8.70 Colombey-Nouilly, 18.8.70 Gravelotte-St.Privat , 19.8.-2.10. Metz)

    And his name????

    August M?ller, F?rster zu Kreuztrup - No. 468 of the 1897-list

    The AO Saxony he surely got as "Lakai", hunting-assistant in the forrests of Lippe.

    Any doubts?

    Best regards


    Edited by Solomon
    Guest Rick Research

    Nope. He was my Prime Suspect before you sent the 1897 rolls. :cheers:

    Now all you have to do is find his receipt at the Archives.... :rolleyes:

    There are a LOT of "SA4s" in Detmold groups... cannot figure out WHY-- and so I wonder if they all were awarded at the same time, on one Super Visit from the King? Though our OTHER Prime Suspect, Heinrich Hildebrand, only got a bronze peacetime FAM.


      Rick Research said:
    Nope. He was my Prime Suspect before you sent the 1897 rolls. :cheers:

    Oooops, now it is proofed....it must be August M?ller!

    Yes, Heinrich Hildebrand is a hot candidat...hardly to believe that a "Kalefaktor" got so many awards...but the lists tell us another story.

    Guest Rick Research

    Has anybody ever seen a ribbon bar with the 1897 Einzug Medal ribbon on it? (Silver wire edges, not gilt like the Honor Crosses.)

    Finished over Nr. 700 today--up to "R."


      Rick Research said:
    Has anybody ever seen a ribbon bar with the 1897 Einzug Medal ribbon on it? (Silver wire edges, not gilt like the Honor Crosses.)

    Finished over Nr. 700 today--up to "R."

    Interesting question...no, haven?t yet!

    But it should be possible, the statues don?t say anything about that...



    Guest Rick Research

    Well, I have finished adding data and cross indexing the 1897 "Einzug" Medal list.

    1,031 names, but 4 are probably duplicates-- stricken off on the list, but can't be sure they really ARE doubles.

    So 1,027/1,031 medals. :catjava:

    Of which I can delete all but 578 as suspects for my medal bar.

    So Solomon ONLY has to look for those 578 signed medal reciepts. :rolleyes::cheers:


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