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    Here is a case from Hannover. I would guess this is for a verdienstmedaille in gold from Hannover. It is for a round medal of about 28 to 30 mm. Wildcard - do you have one of these?


    Nooooooooo. Wrong.

    Actually there is an interesting story behind this case. I bought mine (empty) from Eric Ludvigsen quite a few years ago to go with my silver Hannoverian General Decoration for Civil Merit medal. It is too small for the Hannoverian merit medals which run around 36 mm; and yet, it seemed a bit too large for the General Decoration for Civil Merit medal but what else could it be?

    Then a while back something came to me - B?sch made decorations for states other than Hannover. I seem to recall consulting Rick and Rick on this and to make a long story short... take a look at the Lippe merit medals. In my case, the size (32 mm) is right for the body of the medal; but the giveaway is the space for the crown. What do you think?

    Best wishes,

    Wild Card


    Well sir, unfortunately mine is empty so I have no idea. I know this is a game to show the case and medal but I just have the case. Yours is the same and I figured if it is Hannover you would be the guy. I have a silver from Lippe on a bar and I will try that in the case sometime.


    Hi gents,

    what?s about the silver / golden merit medal Schaumburg-Lippe?

    Carl B?sch made the early merit medals for Schaumburg-Lippe and Lippe-Detmold...

    Here is a photo of my medal...if you need the sizes, please let me know!

    Best regards




    That is the one I was thinking I had but I was wrong. Please give us the size when you have a chance.




    That is the one I was thinking I had but I was wrong. Please give us the size when you have a chance.


    :rolleyes: Of course, I have the chance...it?s my medalbar (Vizefeldwebel Augst Sch?fer from Detmold) :D

    Here are the sizes:

    diameter (without crown) = 28,8 mm ( 1,134 inch )

    height (incl. crown) = 42,95 mm ( 1,691 inch )

    height (incl. ribbon-ring) = 52,2 mm ( 2,055 inch )

    I hope, this was helpful...

    Best regards




    That diameter fits right into my estimation in the first post. Thank you for your help.


    Is that the one you mentioned?




    Yes Chet, I apologize, I did not make that point clear. The Lippe (Lippe-Detmold) medals have a diameter of 32 mm which would be too big. I tried a medal which measured 30.3 mm in my case and it was just a bit too large, this Schaumburg-Lippe medal, at 28.8 mm should be a good fit.

    This, however, does raise another question. This medal was instituted in 1905 and I was not sure if Carl B?sch was still in business that late. With that in mind, I did some checking and found that there is an earlier version which was awarded from 1893 to 1905 which had a diameter of 29 mm. So, all things considered, I would go with this one. I certainly would not dispute Solomon?s confidence - ?Carl B?sch made the early merit medals for Schaumburg-Lippe and Lippe-Detmold...?

    Best wishes.

    Wild Card

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