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    So, now Question #103 !!!!

    A set of questions all related to the same "event"...

    In February 1953, took place in Vienna a secret meeting involving MGB officers. They discussed there a secret plan, agreed by Stalin, to assassinate a foreign head of state. The volunteered MGB agent for the role of assassin was part of this meeting.

    1. Who was the head of state targeted by the MGB ?

    2. Who was the "assassin" present in Vienna ? Name and codename ? Details ?

    3. This "assassin" already took part in the past in another attempt again the life of another leader. Which one, and when ?

    4. During the meeting in Vienna, four possible ways to eliminate the leader have been suggested. What are these 4 solutions ?

    5. At the end, what was the result of this mission ?

    The most difficult part is question 4. If good or composite answers from several members, the winner will be the one able to give the 4 solutions.

    Good luck, and good hunt!!!! :rolleyes:



    Dear Christophe,

    my answers:

    1: Tito

    2: Iosif Griguljevitch, code name MAX and DAX. Diplomat and ambassador of Costa Rica - as Teodoro Castro - in Rome and also diplomat as "Gesandter" in Belgrade for Costa Rica.

    3: Trotsky in 1940 - failed.

    4: a) To infect Tito with gems of lung plague at a personal meeting. b) To shoot Tito during a meeting in London. c) To kill Tito during an offical meeting in Belgrade. d) To present a nice box of jewels by a diplomat of Costa Rica to him and when Tito will open the box, poisonous gas will kill him.

    5: After Stalin's death in march 1953 all plans for murdering Tito had been stopped and MAX returned to Moscow, where he got a renowed scientist in South Americains Affairs - vice president of the Soviet-Cuban Society and vicepresident of the Soviet-Venezuelean Society. The high-ranking diplomat from Costa Rica just vanished into smoke & dust ;) .

    Difficult question, but for me easy: Vienna & Yugoslavia :P .

    Best regards :beer:


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    Posted (edited)

    New question #104 :unsure:


    we all know the project of the "Order of Stalin" - the real one and not the ugly Umalatova-medal.

    What have been the two (2) reasons, why that ambitious project had not been realized :unsure: ?

    Best regards :beer:


    Edited by Christian Zulus

    Dear Christophe,

    my answers:

    1: Tito

    2: Iosif Griguljevitch, code name MAX and DAX. Diplomat and ambassador of Costa Rica - as Teodoro Castro - in Rome and also diplomat as "Gesandter" in Belgrade for Costa Rica.

    3: Trotsky in 1940 - failed.

    4: a) To infect Tito with gems of lung plague at a personal meeting. b) To shoot Tito during a meeting in London. c) To kill Tito during an offical meeting in Belgrade. d) To present a nice box of jewels by a diplomat of Costa Rica to him and when Tito will open the box, poisonous gas will kill him.

    5: After Stalin's death in march 1953 all plans for murdering Tito had been stopped and MAX returned to Moscow, where he got a renowed scientist in South Americains Affairs - vice president of the Soviet-Cuban Society and vicepresident of the Soviet-Venezuelean Society. The high-ranking diplomat from Costa Rica just vanished into smoke & dust ;) .

    Difficult question, but for me easy: Vienna & Yugoslavia :P .

    Best regards



    Excellent answers!!!! You are the winner :jumping::jumping::jumping: With such a question, I did not expect less than this from you!!! :rolleyes:

    We could just precise that the 4 options would have been realised by the same man Grigulevich / Castro.

    We could also add that on 1st March 1953, the MGB reported to Stalin that the attempt had not yet taken place. Stalin read this disappointing report at about midnight. This report may well have vbeen the last document he saw before he suffered a fatal stroke in the early hours of 2nd March. :ninja:

    Christian, again, congrats!!!! :beer:




    New question #104 :unsure:


    we all know the project of the "Order of Stalin" - the real one and not the ugly Umalatova-medal.

    What have been the two (2) reasons, why that ambitious project had not been realized :unsure: ?

    Best regards :beer:


    Hi Christian,

    Are you sure this question has not been already answered here in my post #247 :


    The project has not been realized because Stalin did not want it done during is lifetime. Stalin said: "Don't produce it now, and when I die - its up to you".

    After Stalins death on March 5 1953, the project was simply forgotten. And the final end has been put by the report by N. Khrushchev on the closest meeting of the XX-th CPSU Congress "On the cult of personality and its consequences".




    Hi Christian,

    Are you sure this question has not been already answered here in my post #247 :


    The project has not been realized because Stalin did not want it done during is lifetime. Stalin said: "Don't produce it now, and when I die - its up to you".

    After Stalins death on March 5 1953, the project was simply forgotten. And the final end has been put by the report by N. Khrushchev on the closest meeting of the XX-th CPSU Congress "On the cult of personality and its consequences".



    Dear Christophe,

    that's true, that you already gave the answer to question #104 in a commentary to an question in february 2006 :blush: .

    I just got member at GMIC at that time, but didn't realize that your great quiz existed ...

    Well, but the answer of the old february 2006 question had been "Order of Stalin" ;) .

    So, I would say, that you answered question #104 in a absolut correct way - congratulations :cheers: .

    It's your turn to put question #105 :D .

    Best regards :beer:


    BTW: Do have any links to our fabolous Mr. Castro, MAX, DAX, etc. :unsure: ?



    It's your turn to put question #105 :D .

    Best regards :beer:


    BTW: Do have any links to our fabolous Mr. Castro, MAX, DAX, etc. :unsure: ?

    So, my turn again... :rolleyes:

    About Mr Castro..., here is what I have :


    But, you can also find the story in :

    * The Sword and the Shield - The Mitrokhin Archive" - Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin - 1999 - Basic Books - p. 356-358

    * The Secret Charm of the KGB - Majorie Ross - 2004.



    Posted (edited)

    OK, let's go for an easy one!!! It's Saturday evening, here... :rolleyes:

    Question #105 :

    These statues are part of a monument.

    1. What is the name of this monument : complete and familiar names ?

    2. Where is it located : country, city, exact location ?

    3. When has it been erected ?

    4. What is its meaning, symbolism ?

    and as a bonus :

    5. Name of its two architects / sculptors ?

    Good luck, and good hunt. :rolleyes:



    Edited by Christophe

    Dear Christophe,

    looks like a detail of the big fountain at the entrence of the permanent allunion agricultural exhibition in moscow :unsure: ?

    Best regards :beer:



    some weeks ago, I posted a larger picture of that fountain here: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtop...st&p=157284 .

    O.K., the answer to that question is too easy for me - just a grip into the bookshelf :P -, so I will take a rest at question #105 ;) .

    Best regards :beer:


    Posted (edited)

    Yes, I just have to drag some books down to fill in some blanks, and I already have a question set to go . . . .

    Grrrr :banger::banger:

    Edited by Ed_Haynes
    Posted (edited)

    OK, let's go for an easy one!!! It's Saturday evening, here... :rolleyes:

    Question #105 :

    These statues are part of a monument.

    1. What is the name of this monument : complete and familiar names ?

    Всесоюзная Сельско-Хозяйственная Выставка Vsesoyuznaya Selsko-Khozyaystvennaya Vystavka / All-Union Agricultural Exhibition. This, specifically, the Фонтан. Всероссийский выставочный центр. Москва, Россия -- Fountain of the Friendship of Nations.

    VSKhV (previously, Ostankino Park)

    2. Where is it located : country, city, exact location ?

    Moscow, Ostankino Park -- Всесоюзная Сельско-Хозяйственная Выставка Vsesoyuznaya Selsko-Khozyaystvennaya Vystavka / All-Union Agricultural Exhibition

    3. When has it been erected ?

    Approved in theory August 1935. Master plan approved in April 1936, and the first show season was announced to begin in July 1937.

    4. What is its meaning, symbolism ?

    Unity of the republics of the Union. The 16 sculptures of girls in national dresses symbolized 16 republics of the Soviet Union. The 16th sculpture was for the Karelo-Finnish SSR, which was later incorporated into RSFSR, but the decision was made not to remove the sculpture.

    and as a bonus :

    5. Name of its two architects / sculptors ?

    Dunno, no credit here.

    Good luck, and good hunt. :rolleyes:



    Ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All-Russian_Exhibition_Center http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Russia-...-Fountain-1.jpg

    I lose, right :(

    In the spirit of communism, ALWAYS happy to contribute to the victory of others.

    Edited by Ed_Haynes

    Sorry, Ed, but as you successfully answered at least 3 questions, YOU are the winner!!!! :jumping::jumping::jumping: And it's a long time we have not got one of your cryptic and obscure questions!!!! :beer:

    Just to complete answers :

    Answers 1 & 2 are perfect.

    Answer 3 is wrong. The dates you mention are Ok for the Park / Exhibition center. But the fountain has been erected only in 1954 !!!!

    Answer 4 is excellent.

    Answer 5 : G.Konstantinovski & K. Topuridze.

    Congrats Ed!!!!!

    Your turn, now. :jumping::jumping::jumping:




    And the fountain, as phototgraphied by me in October 2006.

    I can post more infos on the park if some of you are interested...

    Ed, your turn, now... :rolleyes:



    Pic : ? Christophe ? ChR Collection


    If you say, I win, fine. Happy me. :jumping::jumping:

    My photos from summer 2006.

    A spooky place to visit. Many ghosts.

    Question to come after fine-tuning.

    Posted (edited)

    # 106

    We were three close comrades in a great struggle. NOT the "Three Stooges".

    We each received our Orders of the Red Banner at the same time, for the same heroic action(s).

    We all became heroes.

    Yet, one by one, we fell. The first in 1923, the second in 1927. (HINT: The third MAY have had a role in both.) The third fell only later.

    1- Who are we?

    2- What struggle?

    3- When and why did we receive our Orders of the Red Banner?

    4- Who died first?

    4a- And how. Officially.

    4b- And what is now named after him? Name at least two.

    4c- Who was his wife and what positions did she come to fill? And what awards did she recieve?

    5- Who died second?

    6- Who survived? When and how did he fall?

    6a- What additional awards did he receive from the USSR?

    7- When (and why) did we become heroes?

    BONUS: Who succeeded the third, and what awards did he receive from the USSR?

    Too easy? Gotta try.

    Far too used to writing exam questions for my undeserving and ungrateful history students . . . .

    BUT can I last more than 30 minutes . . . ????

    Edited by Ed_Haynes

    Wrong number :jumping:

    Dear Ed,

    sorry ..., you gave the wrong number of your question:

    - Christophe already answered # 104

    - you answered # 105.

    So, your new question has the number 106 :D .

    Please correct - many thanks :cheers: .

    Best regards :beer:



    Wrong number :jumping:

    sorry ..., you gave the wrong number of your question:

    - you answered # 105.

    So, your new question has the number 106 :D .

    Please correct - many thanks :cheers: .

    Oops :banger: fixed. As one might "fix" their dog.


    Question #106

    Dear Ed,

    it seems, that the 3 comrades in question had been heros of the "Civil War" :D .

    Comrade #3 might have been Trotsky :unsure: ?

    Succeeded #3 in which position or function :unsure: ?

    Maybe Stalin ...

    But I have no glue, who of our famous comrades died in 1923 & 1927 :blush: .

    Best regards :beer:




    I think I have the answer. Just need to check a few points, and I'll post (at least partial answers, those concerning the orders are not easy...). :rolleyes:



    Posted (edited)

    OK, I'll try. Even if I don't get all the answers, it should help the others to progress... :rolleyes: And, maybe I won't get any answer right... :rolleyes: It is so cryptic...

    1- Who are we?

    * Damdin S?khbaatar (Mongolian: Дамдин Сүхбаатар), known as S?khbaatar.

    * Horloogiyn Dandzan.

    * Khorloogiin Choibalsan

    2- What struggle?

    All come from the time when the Chinese republic reinstated its claim to Mongolia by an invasion in 1919. S?kh traveled to Moscow as part of a delegation from the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party sent to ask for aid from the Bolsheviks. S?kh and the Mongolian/Red Army force returned to find that White Russian warlord Roman Ungern von Sternberg, operating independently, had driven the Chinese out of the Mongolian capital of Urga and proclaimed himself dictator. S?kh and the Mongolian/Soviet forces defeated von Sternberg in the summer of 1921 and reclaimed Mongolian sovereignty.

    In 2 words, S?khbaatar defeated both the Chinese and von Sternberg and thus confirmed Mongolia's independence from China.

    3- When and why did we receive our Orders of the Red Banner?


    4- Who died first?

    S?khbaatar died on 22 February 1923.

    4a- And how. Officially.

    Poisoned by counter-revolutionaries.

    4b- And what is now named after him? Name at least two.

    S?khbaatar Square in front of the government building in Ulan Bator today. Other places named after S?khbaatar include a town on the Chinese border, a district of Ulan Bator, and a Mongolian province... and of course a famous Order!!!

    4c- Who was his wife and what positions did she come to fill? And what awards did she recieve?

    S?khbaatar's widow, S?khbaataryn Yanjmaa, went on to serve in a number of senior positions in the Mongolian government, including acting President. She served as acting President of Mongolia from 23 September 1953 until 7 July 1954.

    5- Who died second?

    Horloogiyn Dandzan

    6- Who survived? When and how did he fall?

    Khorloogiin Choibalsan (Mongolian: Хорлоогийн Чойбалсан; February 8, 1895?January 26, 1952). He was supposed to be assasinated by the Kemlin doctors, led by Stalin's own physician.

    6a- What additional awards did he receive from the USSR?

    1 Lenin Order

    2 ORB's

    1 Tuvian order of the Republic type 2

    20th anniv Red army medal

    7- When (and why) did we become heroes?

    November 1921 ?

    BONUS: Who succeeded the third, and what awards did he receive from the USSR?

    Yumjaagiin Tsedenbal (Mongolian: Юмжаагийн Цэдэнбал; 1916 - 1991).

    Here are my proposals.

    If I'm not our ot the subject (Mr Professor :rolleyes: ), I could try to check the dates and names of awards, but if I'm wrong, I prefer the others to follow as soon as now other routes...



    Edited by Christophe
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