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    Why Do People Buy These Things?

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    Hi Charles,

    I think it's basically ignorance... just folks that thing they're getting a super bargain... especially if it says "German made" as in the example you gave. A lack of English language references or just references dealing with these in general helps to create the problem. As you know daggers generally tend to be biggies. Used to be primarily the Imperial and TR German daggers. I remember when I got into Bulgarian... all was super cheap including the daggers which could be picked up for about $25 to $50 including (much of the time) the parade dress belts with hangers/chains, etc. Now price them! :speechless1:

    I also remember when you could get Swiss daggers for cheap... I wish I'd grabbed one as they quickly went up, up, up! :speechless: Same with East German daggers. I remember when the standard officers daggers (with or without box and accessories) went for about $25 to $50 each and the cased Admirals/Generals for about $75 to $150. Again check the prices now. I never did get any and fear I never will unless I lay out a ton of $$'s.

    As you know I got one of these "Hungarian daggers" sans the eagle on the crossguard for super cheap as a copy... I can't remember exactly how much but think it was only about $12 plus shipping... something like that. For that price it's an okay display piece but for the higher prices I definitely agree... an absolute crime.

    I remember when no one was intro'd in Communist daggers or those of just about any other country other than early British and as I said Imperial and TR German. Even Japanese naval officers daggers used to be cheap... I had one and let it go. :speechless: I think I had like $50 in it and let it go for about $150. Italian Fascist daggers also went through the roof long ago and it's another long time regret of mine that I never got one. I've seen a couple of copies over time but they went for about $300 some odd... if I could get a really nice, accurate copy for about $100 or less I'd probably grab it (assuming I had the money at the time) as I just love the style. I long ago gave up on an original unless God tosses me one in an estate sale or through some other fluke.

    Basically the WWII daggers (primarily the TR) went through the roof, became less and less available and folks (as always) moved into new areas. It's like watching cattle or horses move into new grazing lands.

    And of course many folks just have more money than brains, don't bother to research and just grab thinking they've gotten a fantastic deal and then... years later when they need/want to sell find out what they got. :banger:

    With me... if I "know" it's a decent copy for a cheap price no problem. If it's "supposed" to be original and at a high price... well, it scares me to death anymore.

    Dan :cheers:

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    I hate - despise and generaly dread these types of threads - but here I go and begin a folly of misadventure:


    Why do people bid so high on these??? Any Idea why?


    I have virtually no knowledge of daggers but it appears to be a most attractive piece, what period is it from, Horthy Regency? Also is it genuine. It is the sort of thing if I saw at a military fair for under ?100 I would be tempted.


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    Paul - these are outright reproductions - the dies survived the war and peolpe learned how to make some money with them, there are some differences in the subtle details that are easy to spot - but the engraved blade witht the anodized coat of arms etc... was never ever used nor authorized. So many of these have engraved names in them - this is also just pure fantasy - but for some reason - people bid over $700 at times for one of these - I could buy them for about $50 from a knife shop in a mini mall in Budapest... Its criminal....

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