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    KaiserJaeger, Kaiserschuetzen, Standschuetzen


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    Can someone please explain the differences between the Jaeger and the Schuetzen and the explain the Standschutzen and the Tirolean Schutzen?

    It's confusing me and for some reason I cant remember how to tell them apart. Kaiserjaeger are gebirgstruppen, I think, but are they the same as the Landwehr Kaiserjaeger?

    I'm trying my best to learn the Austrian army structure but it's hard.

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    Can someone please explain the differences between the Jaeger and the Schuetzen and the explain the Standschutzen and the Tirolean Schutzen?

    It's confusing me and for some reason I cant remember how to tell them apart. Kaiserjaeger are gebirgstruppen, I think, but are they the same as the Landwehr Kaiserjaeger?

    I'm trying my best to learn the Austrian army structure but it's hard.



    Kaiserj?ger are common army light infantry regiments recruited from the Tyrol

    Kaisersch?tzen/Landessch?tzen are Austrian Landwehr mountain regiments

    Standsch?tzen are Austrian Militia units

    See here for information on the Landessch?tzen/Kaisersch?tzen:

    My Site



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    My Site

    Thanks Glenn, I had it backwards. So Landschutzen/Kaiserschutzen are Mt Troops.

    Kaiserjaeger are jaegers, Standschutzen are like nat'l guard/reservist.

    Good info on your site but i wish I could find much more in english.

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    Standschutzen is probably the most misunderstood organization that I have ever come across. Their participation in WWI is well documented but their actual role in peactime is hard to describe in English. A civilian organization for people who liked to shoot and are interested in preserving national interest. That doesn't mean Austrian but more likely Tyrol. Craig Brown, who is an avid Standschutzen collector but focuses more on the WWII era than WWI, and I have corresponded frequently on the Standschutzen. I have a Standschutzen uniform that probably dates from the late 30s that has all of the earmarks of a General officers uniform. Sorry that I can not post pictures of it. Its in storage in Canada. Craig has a number of Standschutzen uniforms in his collection. Standschutzen Meran, a post war unit, used to have an active web site but I couldn't find it when I went looking today.



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    Standschutzen is probably the most misunderstood organization that I have ever come across. Their participation in WWI is well documented but their actual role in peactime is hard to describe in English. A civilian organization for people who liked to shoot and are interested in preserving national interest. That doesn't mean Austrian but more likely Tyrol. Craig Brown, who is an avid Standschutzen collector but focuses more on the WWII era than WWI, and I have corresponded frequently on the Standschutzen. I have a Standschutzen uniform that probably dates from the late 30s that has all of the earmarks of a General officers uniform. Sorry that I can not post pictures of it. Its in storage in Canada. Craig has a number of Standschutzen uniforms in his collection. Standschutzen Meran, a post war unit, used to have an active web site but I couldn't find it when I went looking today.



    Gordon, that's very interesting. So, would Standschutzen have their own officer's or would acitve or reserve officer's command the formations?

    I'd like to see some standschutzen uniform. Are they similar to regular army?

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    Standschutzen chose their own officers. As far as I know, there were no regular or reserve officers attchaed to them. They were not a militia force except as outlined in the article from WIKI below. I have pasted a short explanation of the Standschutzen in WWI from WIKI underneath. Below that a picture of a Standschutzen group. The picture is not dated but the civilian uniforms changed little over the years and post WWII Standschutzen Meran wore a very similar uniform. The jacket is a dark red but I can not remember the colour of the trousers except mine has a thin green stripe in the centre and two wide green stripes on either side of that, down the outside of each leg, in the same width as worn by Wehrmacht General officers. My uniform was made in Vienna. The wide brimmed floppy hats have been worn by the Standschutzen for a long time. Little to nothing is in print about them in WWII. They only seem to show up on the scene late in the war and their uniforms follow the regulations of the Volkesturm so you could find them wearing almost anything. I have seen pictures of a number of different arm shield that were supposed to have been worn by the Standschutzen during WWII. They featured the red Tyrolean eagle in the centre with Stadschutzen and the name of the unit. Standschutzen MERAN is one that comes to mind. I can not post any photos of WWII standschutzen uniforms as I do not have any. I can post some photos of pages from "UNIFORMS & TRADITIONS OF THE GERMAN ARMY" VOL.2 by Angolia and Schlicht which show the arm shields, collar tabs etc. Craig Brown has posted some of his collection on the WAF but I don't have a link to it any more. I'll email him and ask for the link and post it for you if he sends it to me.



    Stand Protect

    aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklop?die From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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    Standsch?tzen waren Einheiten zur Landesverteidigung von Tirol seit der fr?hen Neuzeit Stand to Protect defense units were of Tyrol since the early modern period

    Jeder Tiroler Gerichtsbezirk war auf Grund des Landlibells von Kaiser Maximilian I. aus dem Jahre 1511 dazu verpflichtet seit einem Dekret der Erzherzogin Claudia de? Medici von 1632 eine Tiroler Landwehr, je nach Bedrohung eine Anzahl von freiwilligen wehrt?chtigen M?nnern zur Landesverteidigung zu stellen. Every Tirolean district court was based on the Landlibells of Emperor Maximilian I of the 1511 required for a decree of the Archduchess Claudia de 'Medici by a Tyrolean Landwehrkanal 1632, depending on the threat to a number of voluntary wehrt?chtigen men on defense to make.

    Im Jahr 1913 wurde ein neues Landesverteidigungsgesetz eingef?hrt. [1] Dies hatte zur Folge, dass alle Tiroler Schie?st?nde zu landsturmpflichtigen K?rperschaften umgeformt wurden. In 1913, a new national law. [1] This had the consequence that all the shooting ranges to Tirolean landsturmpflichtigen authorities have been transformed. Von diesem Zeitpunkt an unterlag jeder eingetragene Standsch?tze der Landsturmpflicht , daher wurde im August dieses Jahres wurde eine Austrittssperre verh?ngt. From that date was subject to any registered state contactors land storm duty, therefore, was in August of this year, a withdrawal restrictions. Es spielte allerdings keine Rolle, ob ein Sch?tze nur ein eingetragenes Mitglied oder waffentauglich war. It played no role, however, whether a shooter only a registered member or waffentauglich was. Insgesamt gab es 65.000 Standsch?tzen auf 444 Schie?st?nden [2] in Nord- , Ost- und S?dtirol , sowie dem Trentino . Overall, there were 65,000 state shooters shooting stands at 444 [2] in North, East and South Tyrol and Trentino.

    Die Standsch?tzen galten von diesem Zeitpunkt an, lt. Haager Konvention , als regul?re Truppen. [3] Sie durften nur im eigenen Land und zur Verteidigung der Landesgrenzen eingesetzt werden. The stand was shooting from that point on, according to the Hague Convention, as regular troops. [3] They were just in their own country and to defend the country's borders. Dies wurde allerdings in den letzten Kriegsjahren nicht mehr eingehalten. This was however in the last war years no longer met.

    Im August des Folgejahres begann der Erste Weltkrieg . In August of the following year began the First World War. Alle Wehrpflichtigen mussten an die Front gegen Serbien und Russland . All conscripts had to be at the front against Serbia and Russia. Einige eingetragene Standsch?tzen wurden ab diesem Zeitpunkt als Wachposten f?r Bahn- oder Br?ckensicherung [3] eingesetzt. Some stand shooters were registered from that date as sentinels for railway bridge or fuse [3]. Man konnte sie an ihrer schwarzgelben Armbinde erkennen, da sie ansonsten nur Zivilkleidung trugen. One could they in their black yellow armband recognize because they usually only wore civilian clothes.

    Die Aufstellung von Standsch?tzen- Bataillonen in Tirol wurde im Januar 1915 vorgenommen. The establishment of stand-Protect battalions in Tyrol was made in January 1915. Durch den Kriegseinsatz in Serbien und Russland standen f?r die Bataillone allerdings nur die ?brig gebliebenen untauglichen und minderj?hrigen M?nner,unter 19 und ?ber 45-J?hrige zur Verf?gung, die mitunter kaum geschult waren. Due to the war effort in Serbia and Russia stood for the battalions, however, only the remaining disabled and underage males under 19 and over 45-year-old is available, which sometimes were barely trained. Darunter fielen auch nicht mehr dienstf?hige Kaiserj?ger und Landessch?tzen . Among them were no longer dienstf?hige Kaiser hunters and shooters country. Der j?ngste dieser Standsch?tzen war 14 Jahre alt, der ?lteste bereits schon ?ber 80 Jahre. [1] The latest status of these shooters was 14 years old, the oldest already more than 80 years [1].

    Im April wurden die Standsch?tzeneinheiten erstmals [3] inspiziert. In April, the first state Sch?tzen units [3] inspected. Im Zuge dieser Inspektion wurden die Standsch?tzen in frontdiensttauglich (z?hlten zu den Feldformationen) und mindertauglich (Einsatz in Wach- und Ersatzabteilungen) unterteilt. During this inspection, the state in protecting frontdiensttauglich (among the field formations) and mindertauglich (used in guarding and replacement divisions) subdivided.

    Man erwartete die Kriegserkl?rung Italiens an ?sterreich-Ungarn . It was expected the declaration of war by Italy to Austria-Hungary. Im Zuge dessen wurden die Standsch?tzen am 18. In the course of the shooters stand on 18 Mai 1915 mobilisiert. Mobilized in May 1915. Bereits einen Tag sp?ter r?ckten die ersten Formationen S?dtirols an die S?dfront aus. Already a day later moved the first formations of the southern end of South Tyrol from. Weitere drei Tage sp?ter trafen Z?ge , die ?ber den Brennerpass kamen, mit Nordtiroler Standsch?tzen an der neuen Front ein. A further three days later met trains, over the Brenner Pass came with North Tyrolean state shooters at the new front one. Italien erkl?rte ?sterreich-Ungarn schlie?lich am 23. Italy Austria-Hungary declared finally on 23 Mai den Krieg. May, war.

    In den ersten Wochen waren die Standsch?tzen bei der Verteidigung der Tiroler Front auf sich allein gestellt. In the first few weeks were the shooters stand in defense of the Tyrolean front on their own. Diese schwachen Truppen vermochten es trotz allem, die italienischen Angriffe aufzuhalten. These troops could be weak in spite of everything, the Italian attacks stop. Erst sp?ter trafen regul?re Truppen und Soldaten des deutschen Alpenkorps und ?sterreich-ungarischer Kaisersch?tzen ein. Only later were regular troops and soldiers of the German Alpine Corps and Austro-Hungarian Emperor Protect On. Diese kannten die Standsch?tzen, im Gegensatz zu manch anderen Offizieren, als vollwertige Soldaten an. The state knew the shooters, in contrast to many other officers, as full of soldiers. Die ?sterreichischen Kriegsstrategen bezeichneten die Standsch?tzen anfangs als ungeordneter Haufen ohne Kriegserfahrung . [3] Doch durch ihren Mut, ihre hohe Treffsicherheit und ihr bergsteigerisches K?nnen erlangten sich die Standsch?tzen Respekt und Achtung. The Austrian War strategists identified initially as a stand Sch?tzen disordered pile without war experience. [3] But by their courage, their high accuracy and their mountaineering skills gained the respect and status Sch?tzen consideration. Besondere Einsatzgebiete waren z. B. der Ortler , der Col di Lana , in der Valsugana und der Karnischen Kamm . Specific areas were used, for example, the Ortler, the Col di Lana, in the Valsugana and Carnic comb.

    Die Standsch?tzen trugen grau/ blaue Milit?rblusen, Kniebundhosen , Stutzen und schweres Schuhwerk. The stand shooters wore gray / blue military blouses, knickerbockers, nozzles, and heavy shoes. Neben den Symbolen des Tiroler Adlers, dem Vorarlberger Wappen und dem Edelwei? der Gebirgstruppen, gab es in manchen Einheiten auch ein Standsch?tzenabzeichen. [3] Die Truppen waren nach Talschaften in 45 Bataillone [2] gegliedert und erhielten das Recht, ihre Offiziere bis zum Hauptmann selbst zu w?hlen. [4] Die Standsch?tzen trugen wesentlich zur Verteidigung des Landes bis 1918 bei. In addition to the symbols of the Tyrolean eagle, the coat of arms of Vorarlberg and the Edelwei? of mountain troops, there were some units in a state Sch?tzen badge. [3] The troops were valleys in 45 battalions [2] divided and given the right to have his officers to captain themselves to choose. [4] The state contributed significantly to Protect defense of the country until 1918 when.

    In Anerkennung der Verdienste der Standsch?tzen in den Jahren des Ersten Weltkrieges und auch hinsichtlich der Traditionspflege wurde durch das ?sterreichische Bundesheer die Kaserne in Kranebitten (Innsbruck), Standsch?tzenkaserne, benannt. In recognition of the merits of the state in protecting the years of the First World War and also in terms of tradition was established by the Austrian Federal Army in the barracks Kranebitten (Innsbruck), Booth Sch?tzen barracks named.

    Gestellte Formationen [ Bearbeiten ] [Edit] Asked formations

    Region Region Orte/T?ler Resorts / valleys

    Tirol Tyrol Auer , Bozen , Brixen , Enneberg , Glurns , Gries , Gr?den , Imst , Innsbruck , Kaltern , Kastelruth , Kitzb?hel , Klausen , Kufstein , Lana , Landeck , Lienz , Meran , Nauders , Passeier , Prad , Rattenberg , Reutte , Sarnthein , Schlanders , Schwaz , Sillian , Silz , Sterzing , Stilfs , Taufers , Ulten , Welsberg , Welschnofen , Zillertal Auer, Bolzano, Bressanone, Marebbe, Glurns, Gries, Gardena, Imst, Innsbruck, Caldaro, Castelrotto, Kitzbuhel, Klausen, Kufstein, Lana, Landeck, Lienz, Meran, Nauders, Passeier, Prad, Rattenberg, Reutte, Sarnthein, Schlanders, Schwaz, Sillian, Silz, Sterzing, Stilfs, Tures, Ultimo, Welsberg, Levante, Zillertal

    Vorarlberg Vorarlberg Bezau , Bludenz , Bregenz , Dornbirn , Feldkirch , Rankweil Bezau, Bludenz, Bregenz, Dornbirn, Feldkirch, Rankweil

    Welschtirol ( Trient ) Welsch Tyrol (Trentino) Ala-Pilcante , Baselga , Bedollo , Borghetto , Borgo , Brentonico , Caldonazzo , Campitello , Carbonare , Castel Tesino , Cavalese , Cavedine , Cembra , Civezzano , Cles , Cusiano , Faedo , Fai , Folgaria , Lasino , Lavis , Levico , Lusern , Male , Mezzolombardo , Moena , Nomi , Pedemonte , Pergine , Pieve , Pozza , Riva , Aichholz , Sardagagne , Segonzano , Spormaggiore , Strigno , Tione , Trambileno , Trient , Vallarsa , Vezzano , Vigo di Non , Vigolo Vattarro Ala-Pilcante, Baselga, Bedollo, Borghetto, Borgo, Brentonico, Caldonazzo, Campitello, Carbonare, Castel Tesino, Cavalese, Cavedine, Cembra, Civezzano, Cles, Cusiano, Faedo, Fai, Folgaria, Lasino, Lavis, Levico, Luserna, Male , Mezzolombardo, Moena, Nomi, Pedemonte, Pergine, Pieve, Pozza, Riva, Aichholz, Sardagagne, Segonzano, Spormaggiore, Strigno, Tione, Trambileno, Trento, Vallarsa, Vezzano, Vigo di Non, Vigolo Vattarro

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    • 3 weeks later...

    Hi Charles,

    I'm a k.u.k. enthusiast myself and have just spent a fortune on a couple of must-have books on the Austro-Hungarian Army.

    I suggest you try to get hold of:

    Lucas, James: The Fighting Troops of the Austro-Hungarian Army 1868 - 1914.

    It's available on AbeBooks.com for 88.52 $.

    Kind regards,


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