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    Sergeant Lipa Moiseyevich Rozenfel?d

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    1. Last Name, name and patronymic Rozenfel?d Leonid Mikhajlovich

    2. Rank Red Army Man

    3. Position, unit Sub-machine Gunner, 35th Tank Regiment

    4. Is recommended for the Order of the Red Banner

    5. Year of birth 1919

    6. Nationality Jewish

    7. Party membership Member of the Komsomol

    8. Participation in the civil war and other military actions aimed at the defense of the USSR (where and when) Central Front since 1941

    9. Wounds or contusions received during the Patriotic War Received one wound

    10. In the Red Army since 1939

    11. Drafted by what district military commissariat Vinnitsa City Military Commissariat

    12. Previous awards Was not awarded

    13. Permanent home address (of the prospective awardee or his/her family) City Vinnitsa, Street Tylovskoe Highway, House № 48

    I. Brief description of personal feat

    Red Army Man Rosenfeld, was a member of a sub-machine gunners tank desant group that participated in the attack against the enemy in the region of Kiselev, South-West of Gostitschevo (Steppe Front, in the direction of Belgorod). On the front side of the German defense line, our attacking tanks were forced to move in a column, one behind another. The enemy, taking advantage of this fact, set up ambushes on both sides of the road and inflicted serious losses on the tank desant troops with hurricanes of machine gun fire.

    Comrade Rosenfeld together with two friends jumped off a tank and engaged a fight against a group of enemy machine gunners. The courageous soldier killed seven Germans, while the rest of them retreated.

    Comrade Rosenfeld advanced and joined the group of soldier with the Commander at the head of the column.

    On the new frontline he shot 10 fascists, destroyed with grenades three dug-outs, a 75mm weapon and a tractor.

    He deserves the governmental award Order of the Red Banner.

    Commander of the 35th Tank Regiment

    Lieutenant Colonel (Signature) / Kasierovich /

    26 June 1943

    II. Conclusion of the Higher Command

    Deserves the government awards, order of the Red Banner.

    Commander of the Armored and Mechanized 67th Guards Rifle Vitebsk Division

    Guards Major General: (Signature) /Yeryomenko/

    26 October 1944

    III. Conclusion of the Army Military Council

    Order of the Red Banner

    Commander of the 53rd Army

    General Major (signed) / Managarov /

    Member of the Soviet Council of the 53rd Army

    General Major (signed) / Gorokhov /

    August 1943

    IV. Conclusion of the Front Military Council

    V. Conclusion of the Award Commission of the People?s Commissariat of Defense

    VI. Notes on the Awarding

    By the order of the Troops of the 53rd Army № 0485 from 22 August 1943 awarded with the Order of the Red Banner.

    Chief of the 2nd Independent Personnel Department of the 53rd Army

    Captain of Administrative Services (signed) / ? /


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    Because it was deemed an interesting action, the researcher included the recomemndations for the other Red Banners for the same event. In brief:

    Karabkin Vasilij Lavrentievich

    Sub-Machine Gunners Company Commander, 35th Tank Regiment

    Awarded with the Order of the Red Banner

    Comrade Karabkin Vasilij Lavrentievich commanded the company of sub-machine gunners tank desant that attacked the Germans on 24.7.43 near Kiselevo. The enemy blocked the road creating several defensive blockages and started shooting at the tank desant troops. Already on the first blockage, comrade Karabin lost his tank but he managed to get through to the 3rd defense line, where he gathered a group of sub-machine gunners and headed in the direction of the village and then to the valley where the Germans resided. His group killed 80 Germans including an Oberleutenant, whose documents were delivered to the headquarters by Karabkin. His group destroyed two carriages, two heavy guns, two motorcycles and up to 20 gunners. After receiving the retreat order Karabkin gathered all wounded and delivered them to headquarters.

    Solodov Aleksey Vasilievich

    Sub-Machine Gunners Platoon Commander, 35th Tank Regiment

    Awarded with the Order of the Red Banner

    Guards Junior Lieutenant Solodov in the battle near Kiselevo manifested extraordinary courage, firmness, bravery and hatred for the enemy. While commanding a platoon of tank desant sub-machine gunners, he arrived to the village on a tank. There, the machine was hit and Solodov with one soldier went to the small valley, where Germans were hiding. There were a lot of German sub-machine gunners in the dug-outs and near them. Solodov bravely attacked them. He killed 15 people with his sub-machine gun and was heavily wounded in the chest by an explosive bullet. Germans surrounded the fallen hero, but could not take him. Not having enough strength to hold a sub-machine gun, Solodov killed with his hand gun four Fascists that were trying to approach him and an Oberleutenant among them. Our soldiers that arrived in time scattered the German sub-machine gunners and brought away the commander, while he was losing consciousness.

    Stepanov Nikolay Ivanovich

    Tank Commander, 35th Tank Regiment

    Awarded Posthumously with the Order of the Red Banner

    Junior Military Technician Comrade Stepanov commanded the crew of the MK-III tank in the battle near Kiselevo. After getting on his MK-III tank in the village, comrade Stepanov rushed into the small ravine and destroyed a carriage and a 105mm cannon, one machine gun point and one motorcycles. Since the MK-III didn?t have an anti-infantry weapon, Stepanov, after reaching a small infantry group, fixed on the tank?s roof a hand machine gun ?Brenn? and with this killed 13 Germans. After receiving the retreat order, under unceasing machine gun fire, he picked up 25 wounded tankers and sub-machine gunners and delivered them to the base.

    Teterin Georgiy Ivanovich

    MK-III Tank Radio Operator, 35th Tank Regiment

    Awarded with the Order of the Red Banner

    Sergeant Teterin in the battle near the village Kiselevo demonstrated exemplary courage and heroism. His tank went far away in the rear of the front. Germans had settled in dig-outs on the side of a big ravine. Thus, it was impossible to crush them with a tank or its fire. Therefore, Teterin grabbed hand-grenades, jumped out of the tank and run towards the dig-outs. He destroyed 5 dig-outs and killed 25 Germans. On his way to the assembly point he dragged and placed on the tank?s blinds 4 wounded soldiers under enemy?s fire; they were then delivered to the rear front.

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    His ARC apparently has his Jewish name, Lipa Moiseyevich Rozenfeld, and his citation the Russification of his name - Leonid Mikhailovich.

    Thanks, I was wondering about that.

    Edited by Ed_Haynes
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    Junior Military Technician Comrade Stepanov commanded the crew of the MK-III tank in the battle near Kiselevo.

    Does this mean the tank unit was equipped with lend-lease tanks, Mk.III Valentine medium tank? In any case it's a nice citation and the related citations gives an interesting view of what was going on.


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