Deruelle Posted May 25, 2009 Posted May 25, 2009 Hello everybody, I'm looking for information about the Coburger Abzeichen.In Max Hans' book, this badge was created by Duke of Coburg Gotha on October, the 14th 1932 to commemorate the Adlf Hitler march of 14-15 october 1922. Only 436 men received this medal, which become on November, the 6th 1936 "Ehrenzeichen der NSDAP".I want to know if pictures of this badge can be posted (reverse and observe), some close up, box and paper. Thanks for your help.Do you know where I can find the list of the 436 men who received it? Christophe
Deruelle Posted May 25, 2009 Author Posted May 25, 2009 After doing some research on google. I have found a list of 451 persons who received the Coburg is the list :Karl AbeleHeinz AhlbornOtto Albrecht / SS-Untersturmf?hrerMax Amann / RL u. SS-Obergruppenf?hrerHermann AntonJohann Auer / SS-Obersturmf?hrerHermann von Bach zu HombergkMichael BaierJosef BalthasarLudwig BarthRobert BarthMarta Bartosch / Female RecipientHans Batz / SS-Sturmbannf?hrer (Listed in DAL but not Original List)Hans BauerErich BauerWilhelm Baur / SS-Standartenf?hrerJohann B?umer / SS-Sturmbannf?hrerAnton B?urleHeinrich BauschenFranz BayerHans BeckOtto BechmannPaul BehringerHeinrich Bennecke / SA-Obergruppenf?hrerJohannes BerenbrockErnst BergdoltVictor von BergEmil BergerErnst BernhardWilhelm BillerTheodor BirknerFranz BoeserGuenther BosseManfred B?ttgerHeinz BrallKarl BrasslerAlois Braun / SS-Sturmbannf?hrerLuitpold BraunRudolf BrehmHermann BremerHans BreuWilhelm Briemann Sr.Wilhelm Briemann Jr.Franz BrunnAlfons Br?ndlWalter Buch / RL u. SS-Obergruppenf?hrerPaul BuchholdEduard BuchmannRichard B?chnerHans BurgerHeinz Coenen / SS-Obersturmf?hrerFranz DannerKurt DatzHans D?hn / SS-Untersturmf?hrerWilhelm D?terGeorg DemmelBenedikt DietenhauserHans Dietrich / SS-Standartenf?hrerJosef DippertIgnaz DirschlGustav DittnerJosef DollMarcell DollmannAnton DorschFritz DorschAnton DosserGeorg DosserReginald DouglasJulius DreschlerDruckenbrod, (First Name Missing)Heinz D?rrAlois DuschlAdolf EberhartJosef EberleErnst EckardtHermann EdlerMax Eggerdinger / SS-Standartenf?hrerKarl EggersLeopold EhrentreichJohannes Erhardt / SS-Obersturmf?hrer (Listed in DAL but not Original List)Frau Therese Esslinger / Female RecipientKarl EisenbeissFritz EitelRichard EtbauerHugo von FabrisEmil FatschOtto Feichtmayr / SS-Standartenf?hrerKarl FischerOtto FischerWilly Otto Fl?gelHeinrich FoersterJosef ForstmaierAndreas F?rzMax FrankeKarl Fritsch / SS-Brigadef?hrerFranz FuchsSimon F?ss / SS-Standartenf?hrerErich G?rtnerOtto GerberWilhelm GeromillerAnton GerumHanns GierbauerA. GiererHans GlasGustav GnezelWalter G?bertPaul G?bel / SS-Hauptsturmf?hrerKurt GotthansUlrich Graf / SS-Brigadef?hrerHans Gr?bAdhemar Gr?seKarl GramsJakob GreinwaldJosef GrepmaierFritz GriebelJakob Grimminger / SS-Standartenf?hrerSiegfried Gross / SS-Obersturmf?hrerFerdinand Groth / SS-Untersturmf?hrerFerdinand GruberAlois GurrWalter HaenschJ.E. HagedornErhard Hager / SS-Hauptsturmf?hrer (Listed in DAL but not Original List)Max HauerFranz HaumannstetterHans HaugAnton HauserFriedrich HauserWilli HerrFrau Maria Heiden / Female RecipientAdolf HeinleAdolf HeinleinOskar HeinesWalter Heitm?llerWilhelm HeldOtto Hellmuth / GauleiterWalter HellvoigtKarl HennigerOskar HerterichJosef HilbeKarl HilgerHans HillenHugo HilzWilly HimpelPaul Hirschberg / SS-Standartenf?hrerHerbert Hochgrassl / SS-Untersturmf?hrerOtto H?chnerArthur HofmannKlaus HofmannPaul HofmannAlbert H?flerKarl HofmeisterFriedrich HolzingerHomburg, (First Name Missing)Karl H?rmannBernhard H?rmannAnton Huber / SS-Obersturmf?hrer (Listed in DAL but not Original List)Hans HuberJosef Huber / SS-Obersturmf?hrerGustav Hubschmann / SS-Obersturmf?hrer (Listed in DAL but not Original List)Paul HufeisenBruno HurlerOtto Jahn Richard JahnkeAlois JeggHeinrich JordanPhilipp JungwirthJohannes Jungh?nselFritz KaiserErich KaufmannJosef KaufmannKarl KellnerDaniel KesslerKarl KesslerKarl Kessler / (There are two Karl Kessler's on the Original List)Otto KettenbeilKarl Artur KezHanns KeiferChristoph KindGeorg KindsederHeinz KiesslingE. KleinGeorg KleinWilhelm KlemmAugust KlettHans KlintzschHeinrich KlosErnst KnauerHans KnopfHeinrich Kolb /SS-Obersturmf?hrerEduard KollerErnst KopfmannFriedrich K?rnerWilhelm KranzWilhelm KratzHans KressKonrad KressHermann KriegelsteinerAugust Kritzm?llerAnton KroiszWilhelm KroisiHugo KrollOtto KubaschLudwig KuchlerErnst KuhnAdam K?pferFriedrich K?pferHans KuttnerRudolf KutznerOskar Lahr / SS-Untersturmf?hrerLudwig LochermaierEugen LangErich Larche / SS-Untersturmf?hrerToni LehnerAdolf LenkPaul LenkMax Karl LenkeFranz LenzHans LenzP.W. LenzAlfred LiebermannTheodor LindnerMax Link Hans LinkGeorg LinkeCarl L?fflerRudolf Lohse / SS-Brigadef?hrerAnton Loibl /SS-Hauptsturmf?hrer (Listed on DAL but not Original List)Hermann LoewFrank LyckJosef MaierRobert Malter /SS-Obersturmf?hrerKarl Manetst?tterKarl MatthesPaul MatthesEmil Maurice / SS-Oberf?hrerHermann MayerJosef MayerErnst M?lzerFritz MeiselHans MendlCarl MengeJohannes MenzelEmil MetzWilly MeyerCarl MichelHerbert MichelOttmar MintzelFranz MoosOskar M?sleinErich M?tzAnton M?hlAlfred M?ller / SS-Standartenf?hrerChristian M?llerGeorg M?ller /SS-Obersturmf?hrer (Listed in DAL but not Original List)Hans Herbert M?llerHeinrich M?ller / SS-Untersturmf?hrerHans M?nderleinAlbert MunkMartin MutschmannPaul NafeOskar NeffGeorg NeidlPaul NetzerJosef NeumaierKarl NeumannOskar ObermayerEberhard OechsleHermann OesperKarl OstbergLouise Pahlke / Female RecipientAlbert PenzkoferJosef Pertl / SS-Untersturmf?hrerPaul PfahterJosef PicklEdmund PilgerJosef PillmaierGeorg PoppTheodor PoschetJohann PrentEmil PetzendorferMax ProbstHans RapplEugen RauserHermann R?ppoldW. RehmWilhelm ReichsFranz ReitzKarl Remmel / SS-Sturmbannf?hrerFritz RichterAugust RiegerJosef RiggauerP.E. RingsEduard RistelhuberMax von Rode-DiezelsHans R?hrl / SS-Obersturmbannf?hrerWalter RoseAnton RossaEduard R?ssAlfred Rosenberg / RL u. ReichsministerGeorg RosenbauerWilly RottAdolf RottenbergerEdmund RudolphHans RudolphWilli RupprechtFerdinand R?thTheo Saillierg / SS-Obersturmf?hrer (Listin in DAL but not Original List)Edmund SanderFritz Sauckel / GL u. SS-Obergruppenf?hrerKarl Schaal / SS-Obersturmf?hrerHans SchackJosef Sch?fferHeinrich SchallerA. ScharrJulius Schaub / SS-Obergruppenf?hrerCarl SchegkOtto SchierhornGeorg SchillerRudolf SchindhelmHans SchinnerWilhelm SchlosserGustav SchmidJosef SchmidLudwig SchmiedFriedrich SchmidtHelmut Schmidt / SS-Obersturmf?hrerHugo SchmidtLouis SchmidtRobert SchmidtRudi SchmidtSiegfried SchmidtGottfried SchmittKarl SchmittJulian SchmittnerKarl SchmuttererLudwig SchneiderXaver SchnellAlbert SchneiderE.H. SchneiderHeinrich SchneiderGeorg Sch?nJulius Schreck /SS-Brigadef?hrerMax SchrothAdolf SchulteAugust Schultheiss / SS-Obersturmbannf?hrer (Listed in DAL but not Original List)Fritz SchulzArthur SchumannKarl SchunkJosef Schuster / SS-Untersturmf?hrerFranz SchwarzerFranz Schwede-Coburg / GL (Recipient but not on Original List)J. Karl SchwertekGeorg SchweinbeckTheodor SchwindlFranz SchrafstetterFritz SeidelAlfred SeidlerFranz SeidlmeierGeorg SeidenschwangGustav Seifert / SS-Hauptsturmf?hrerFranz Seitz / SS-Untersturmf?hrerHans SerflingJakob SidlerFriedrich SimethJohann SingerFranz Six / SS-Sturmbannf?hrerPia Sponseil / Schwester PiaWalter SperhakeTheo von Sperl / SS-Obersturmf?hrerFritz SressmayerFritz StahlOtto StahlWaldemar StahlFranz Stark / SS-Obersturmf?hrer (Listed in DAL but not Original List)Bernhard StauberLorenz StauchKarl Staudhammer / SS-Sturmbannf?hrerHans StaudingerHans StaudtHans StaudteOtto Steinbeisser /SS-Untersturmf?hrerHerbert StelzigPaul StemmerKarl StieglitzHanns Stock / SS-Sturmbannf?hrerRichard Stock / SS-Sturmbannf?hrerUdo StoessEmil Strassner / SS-Untersturmf?hrer (LIsted in DAL but not Original List)Julius Streicher /GauleiterJosef Str?hleinAnton St?hlerPaul SummaErich S?nderhaufHans TallnerAugust TeichertWilhelm Th?leGustav Adolf TheobaldHildolf Freiherr von Th?ngen / SS-Oberf?hrerFr. TiedemannOtto TippelFritz Tittmann / SS-Brigadef?hrerHans TitusHeinz Tresselt / SS-Hauptsturmf?hrer (Listed in DAL but not Original List)Erich TrunzerGuenther VaterPaul VierhusWilly VitzthumJohann VodermaierKarl VogtAnton VollFranz WackerErnst WagnerPius WagnerKarl WalterLudwig WaltlTheo WasndererChristian Weber / SS-Brigadef?hrerJohann WeberJosef Weber / SS-Standartenf?hrerKurt WeberHans WegelinNikolaus WehnerWilly Wiedermann /SS-Brigadef?hrerGeorg WeidingerRudolf WeiglCarl WeissFritz Weitzel / SS-Obergruppenf?hrer (Shows being awarded in his Personnel File but not on Original List)Bruno WenzelBerhard WernerGeorg WiborgWicklein, (Missing First Name)Karl WieneckeGeorg WillWilly WillertAlbrecht WinklerAnton WinklerJohann WinklerJoachim WirthKarl Wirtmann /SS-Untersturmf?hrerRudolf WittmerRudolf WohllebenJakob WolfKarl W?rlein / SS-Untersturmf?hrerHans WutzAnton ZahnerOtto ZangenmeisterWalter ZeichnerEmanuel ZoschkeHans ZoberleinChristophe
Deruelle Posted May 26, 2009 Author Posted May 26, 2009 Hello, Nobody has a photo to show ? Come on guy !Christophe
Deruelle Posted May 10, 2011 Author Posted May 10, 2011 Hi, After two years, this thread comes to surface. Thanks for posting this badge. It is possible for you to show the reverse please ? Thanks Christophe
Tunneller Posted May 10, 2011 Posted May 10, 2011 On 10/05/2011 at 21:40, Deruelle said: Hi, After two years, this thread comes to surface. Thanks for posting this badge. It is possible for you to show the reverse please ? Thanks Christophe Here you go jim
Erich S Posted May 15, 2011 Posted May 15, 2011 Well, it tells you how rare these awards are after waiting two years for a reply. The Battle of Coburg is one of my passions and here's a little collage of my Coburg collection including my 1st type badge.
Tunneller Posted May 15, 2011 Posted May 15, 2011 On 15/05/2011 at 13:59, Erich S said: Well, it tells you how rare these awards are after waiting two years for a reply. The Battle of Coburg is one of my passions and here's a little collage of my Coburg collection including my 1st type badge. Nice to see we are using the same forums Erich Jim
Nick Posted May 15, 2011 Posted May 15, 2011 Perhaps someone would like to expand on what types of badge were awarded for Coburg and more importantly, why the significance of the event?
Erich S Posted May 15, 2011 Posted May 15, 2011 Hitler and a few of his followers were invited by City Officals to attend German Day celebrations in Marxist Coburg in Oct. 1922. Hitler thought that it was important to take his young Party out of Munich for much needed exposure. During the March at Coburg there were many street battles between the Marxists and Nazis. Hitlers follows came out on top and the towns people sided with Hitler over the Marixts from that time forward. If Hitler would have been defeated it may have been the end for the DAP and there would possibly have not been a second world war. So, this was the very first victory for the Party outside on Munich. The badges that Jim and I posted are 1st type badges and were the actual awarded badges to the recipients in 1932. The later RZM marked badges came about probably in 1936 when it was elevated to a national Honor award of the Party. The later badge had a stronger pin attachment and whas a probable Honor award given out by Hitler or could be purchased as a replacement or extra badge by the original participants of the March. This badge was equal in status to the Blood Order but much more rare being only awarded 436 times.
Nick Posted May 16, 2011 Posted May 16, 2011 Cheers Eric. So I take it that the the earlier Type 1 badge is rarer than the later RZM badges ? The list above has 451 names is this accurate?
Deruelle Posted May 16, 2011 Author Posted May 16, 2011 Hi Eric, Nice to see your items about that subject. Congrats. About the list I have found, it is probably complete. Can you confirm it please ? Christophe
Erich S Posted May 17, 2011 Posted May 17, 2011 The original list had 436 names on it. The additional recipients were probably Honor awards given by Hitler which he also did with the Gold Party Badge and Blood Order. The 1st type badge is much more rare than the RZM marked one. The pins on the 1st types were very fragile and were improved on the later badges.
all1knew Posted August 21, 2011 Posted August 21, 2011 On 17/05/2011 at 12:47, Erich S said: The original list had 436 names on it. The additional recipients were probably Honor awards given by Hitler which he also did with the Gold Party Badge and Blood Order. The 1st type badge is much more rare than the RZM marked one. The pins on the 1st types were very fragile and were improved on the later badges. Can you please post front and back images of a RZM marked badge? William Kramer
Erich S Posted August 27, 2011 Posted August 27, 2011 There is a large thread on the CB on another forum that I have seen you on where you can see an RZM example. I don't have one in my collection and don't want to post a photo of another collectors badge.
Stan Posted September 3, 2011 Posted September 3, 2011 (edited) Hi William, Here is my RZM-marked example. Stan Edited September 3, 2011 by Stan
Tunneller Posted September 3, 2011 Posted September 3, 2011 Nice badge Stan. The pin on the later awards is much more substantial. When you look at the back of mine you can understand why so many pins were broken. Jim
Erich S Posted September 5, 2011 Posted September 5, 2011 Thanks Stan for posting your fine badge to complete this thread. I may add a nice RZM badge to go with my 1st type someday.
Rich Moran Posted February 5, 2023 Posted February 5, 2023 (edited) Late comer here and my 1st post after making a year on this forum. Here is my Coburg badge stick pin and my type 2 Coburg badge with RZM. On the other forum Erich mention I think there was listed about 50-60 known badges in collections as members there posted their badges. What's strange is the type 1 outnumbered the type 2 as the type 1 had 34 in known collections and the type 2 if memory is correct 23, so on both type 1 and type 2 badges totaling 57 badges. Its obvious the number could be higher as many collectors are not on forums but the impression I have the Coburg badge is a rare award. Edited February 5, 2023 by Rich Moran
JonFish Posted February 22, 2023 Posted February 22, 2023 Yes, very sought after badges. Congratulations on yours. Jon p.s, I still prefer blutorden
Rich Moran Posted March 19, 2023 Posted March 19, 2023 Thanks Raz & Jon for the compliment on the CB mini. Tough to find item. Jon Fish your definitely the king when it comes to how many BO's in a collection. How many have you been able to attribute?
JonFish Posted March 21, 2023 Posted March 21, 2023 On 19/03/2023 at 03:10, Rich Moran said: Thanks Raz & Jon for the compliment on the CB mini. Tough to find item. Jon Fish your definitely the king when it comes to how many BO's in a collection. How many have you been able to attribute? Expand Hi Rich, nearly 30 Hopefully 30 more before I'm finished, lol
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