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    My Kriegsmarine badge collection

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    Hello JustinG.

    This is a very nice collection to the Kreigsmarine. I like that you have displayed them so well too. It must have taken a good deal of perseverance to have put this together in what Gordon called a "relatively short time". If you don't mind sharing this information, how long did it take?

    I've put together a set of Canadian hat badges to a specific WW II action and it took me three years to complete, but I admit I was not driven to complete it. Lucky for me the hat badges in my collection are not as rare as yours.

    Regards and :cheers: cheers.


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    Greetings, I began collecting only about 2 years ago. I unfortunately, don't have the wonderful experiences of meeting some veterans who took part in these campaigns. I started just purchasing a couple of badges from Detlev N. I then discovered several other online shops and collectors and began purchasing.

    Some items/purchases such as getting a photo album can be traced to my obsession with the naval tallies. I consider myself fortunate because several members on various forums have given me the opportunities to achieve my collecting goals/dream.

    The mint condition Schwerin Schnellboot was a good story. A gentleman posted the badge on a forum and asked opinions; I had some questions, I was trying to identify the proper characteristics of a good Schwerin S-boat. He later posted on the thread that he was thinking of selling his KM badges and wondered fair market value. I wrote a comment to him about what I believed was the fair market value for the badge and gave him a couple of dealer sites on their pricing for such a badge.

    I expressed that I would love to add that badge but, I couldn't pay immediately the full amount in a single payment at that time and wished him the best with his sale. He wrote me back and told me that he had several postings from people and said that I was the only one to give him some information on the pricing for such a fine award, he had read my profile page, and decided to give me the oportunity to do a layaway plan.

    I have several other stories like this, where the kindness of members who have pointed me to the appropriate sources or have offered me such wonderful opportunites.

    I am also fortunate to have such a wonderful, loving wife, who allows me to persue this passion which has been very expensive.

    Thank you for all the wonderful comments fellows. :beer:




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    Hi Justin,

    as i have commented elswhere,a good looking collection put together in a short amount of time.

    I was fortunate enough to pick up the very rare Meybauer Hilfskreuzer badge from the same gentleman you received the Schwerin S-Boot from,i think.

    Also,like yourself i have the support of a loving wife.Besides,i think she would rather have me at home in the evenings sipping my gin and sitting in front of a computer,"dabbling in history",than being down the road in the local "watering hole" with the lads,so to speak.


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    Thanks for the complements guys.

    Yes Martin, I believe we did get our badges from the same seller. :)

    I am sure all of us have similar fortunes with our spouses when dealing with this hobby. :)

    It is nice to know that there are so many good people here in the forums, and a great avenue to get in touch with people who share this hobby.

    I have learned so much from many of the members here as well as other forums. I really feel lucky to have had such great advice and guidance.

    I appreciate everyone's counsel and opinions in this hobby.

    With much appreciation,



    Edited by 2dresq
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