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    I have been offered a grouping with a hollowback pilots badge. The question I have is, did Juncker make a hollow back (stamped) pilots badge? I took a few pictures, but was rushed (on my lunch break) and didn't notice that it is marked C E JUNCKER on the back.

    I researched the autographed picture when I got off work and find that it is of the late Generalmajor Oskar Freiherr von Boenigk. I am sure that these are not his personal medals but a display made to commemorate his WWI service ( only the Pore"Le Merite is missing) I feel pretty good about the crosses, but am totally out of my element with the pilots badge and Albert cross.

    Here are the quick photos I took, but like I said, I missed the Juncker mark til I noticed them looking at the pictures later.

    Any help is greatly appreciated,



    I have been offered a grouping with a hollowback pilots badge. The question I have is, did Juncker make a hollow back (stamped) pilots badge? I took a few pictures, but was rushed (on my lunch break) and didn't notice that it is marked C E JUNCKER on the back.

    I researched the autographed picture when I got off work and find that it is of the late Generalmajor Oskar Freiherr von Boenigk. I am sure that these are not his personal medals but a display made to commemorate his WWI service ( only the Pore"Le Merite is missing) I feel pretty good about the crosses, but am totally out of my element with the pilots badge and Albert cross.

    Here are the quick photos I took, but like I said, I missed the Juncker mark til I noticed them looking at the pictures later.

    Any help is greatly appreciated,


    Posted (edited)

    I have much larger detailed photo's if they will help or are needed

    Thanks again,


    Edited by Jim P

    Hi Jim,

    For information, von Boenigk received the Ernestine House Order knight cross 2nd class with X ane the knight cross with swords of Hohenzollern House


    Posted (edited)

    Hi Jim,

    like Christophe wrote Oskar von Boenigk got also the

    Ritterkreuz 2.kl. Mit Schwertern zum Sachsen-Ernestinischer Hausorden on 16.11.1914 prior to his aviation service,

    Ritterkreuz mit Schwertern zum Hausorden von Hohenzollern on 14.08.1918

    Pour Le Merite on 25.10.1918

    and the wound badge

    First he was an observer and got the badge on 24.05.1916.

    So this is a bad display.

    Regards Alex

    Edited by jaba1914

    Thank you very much gentlemen! So the display is incomplete. Do you think that the pilots badge is a genuine award?

    Thanks again,



    Jim, the pin on the pilot badge is strange, very wide, but it could be a period replacement. I'd like to see a picture of the obverse. I'd say the SAO2mS is a good one, and if you could post a picture of the autographed photo, that would be great.


    Jim, the pin on the pilot badge is strange, very wide, but it could be a period replacement. I'd like to see a picture of the obverse. I'd say the SAO2mS is a good one, and if you could post a picture of the autographed photo, that would be great.

    I have some very large detailed photo's I can send you, but they are too large for the forum system. I would be more than happy to send them to you if you want to pm me your email addy.


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