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    Hi, I'm collecting the medals given to Atatürk.I could find have some medals.These are Germany, Bulgaria and Australia medals.I reached this site looking for medals.I think you can help me.I'm looking for the following medals;

    1) Medal Name : Iron Cross, the German Emperor Wilhelm II

    Medal the substance: İron

    Medal diameter:45 mm

    Date of issue:28.12.1915

    2)Medal Name : 1. Ranks Krone der Preussen (Prussia Swordsman Cord) Order--II. Wilhelm

    Date of issue:19.02.1918

    3)Medal Name : Order of Merit of Austria-Hungary

    Medal the substance:enamel

    Medal diameter:30 mm

    Date of issue:27.07.1916

    4)Medal Name:Order of San Aleksandr,Komandör rank.I. Ferdinand

    Date of issue:23.03.1915

    If you have knowledge of a medal, please send an email.. thank you.. serkan_serin1984@hotmail.com


    Hi,looking for some medals

    1) Medal Name : Iron Cross, the German Emperor Wilhelm II

    Medal the substance: İron

    Medal diameter:45 mm

    Date of issue:28.12.1915

    2)Medal Name : 1. Ranks Krone der Preussen (Prussia Swordsman Cord) Order--II. Wilhelm

    Date of issue:19.02.1918

    3)Medal Name : Order of Merit of Austria-Hungary

    Medal the substance:enamel

    Medal diameter:30 mm

    Date of issue:27.07.1916

    4)Medal Name:Order of San Aleksandr,Komandör rank.I. Ferdinand

    Date of issue:23.03.1915

    If you have knowledge of a medal, please send an email.. thank you.. serkan_serin1984@hotmail.com


    The iron cross, both second and first class is a common award, found easily on ebay or medal dealer sites like that of Helmuth Weitze or Jorg Kalies (just search these names in google and it will bring up the website) About the others try looking at the above mentioned dealer sites.

    Hope that helps,



    The names used for the orders and decorations are not the proper ones, so it's hard to get which ones are meant.

    #2 might be a Prussian crown order 1st class with swords - a rare, expensive and of course heavily faked medal.

    #3 I have no idea which Austrian order is meant as there were some orders, but none of this name.

    Is there pictures of his actual awards, maybe from a museum? That would be of much help. Thanks Serkan!


    Managed to find these which may help:

    First off, from here on GMIC, although I can't say I liked some of the negativity of the thread. After reading it I don't feel Les meant any disrespect towards Ataturk or anyone else. He was simply looking for specific and accurate information on Ataturk's ODM's, specifically those awarded for bravery, which is what I believe we're supposed to be all about here. But there is much good information in the thread:





    Anyhow hope this helps out. Other than having some Turkish blood in me and having an overall interest in the awards I've never really been able to add any to my collection save a damaged TWM/star and that is now residing with one of our other members. It's not from lack of wanting but simply the expense of many of the Turkish awards. I have the same problem re: pocket watches as over the last few years Ottoman pocket watches went far beyond what I was able/willing to pay for one. I had a chance at two extremely nice examples in California about eight years ago for very low prices but passed them up and have regretted it ever since. I'd dearly love to have one as well as a few ODM's to help me connect with my Turkish roots. Here's hoping... someday. :rolleyes::beer:

    Dan :cheers:


    Nr.3 coul be Military Merit Cross III.class (30mm). But never seen a photo where he is wearing this cross. There were 3 classes (from 1914) - I.class - pin back cross (wearing on the left side), II.class - on neck ribbon, III.class - on trifold ribbon on chest...

    (on photo cross III.class)


    Regarding the listing on wikipedia, I have serve doubts he got an Austrian military merit medal, as those never went to foreigners.


    ..he was also not awarded the "Big Military Merit Medal" (Grosse Militärverdienstmedaille)... But the medal was awarded also to foreigners (and from Turkey was Enver Pasa awarded with this medal)


    Medal Name:Order of San Aleksandr,Komandör rank.I. Ferdinand

    Date of issue:23.03.1915

    Perhaps A Bulgarian St. Alexander Order 2nd class [one imaged below of swords on ring variety--for military merit not in direct combat support***also existed without swords--for general merit-- and with swords through cross center--for military merit in combat or in direct combat support].


    Or perhaps a Bulgarian St. Alexander Order commander [3rd class imaged below in general merit/civil variety--without swords--and in the swords through cross center type--for military merit in combat or in direct combat support].



    Images from various sources including dealers offerings and individual collections over the past 10 years, reproduced for review/informational purposes only

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