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    The Prices of Steel Helmets

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    For years thse were pretty dormant, but I now see some dealers with good conditioned M16s for about USD 1 000 !!

    Is the world going crazy?

    What is a realistic market value for an M16, and for am M18 in good nick, maybe 95% original paint, and lets saw, without a strap and the three cushions, as that seems par for the course...

    And what should a set of 3 cusions cost? And what should a strap bring on the open market?

    My last concious selling of a steel helmet was a decent M16 about a decade ago... a friend said "noone wants these, you can get about DM250 for it... and i did...

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    I rarely buy form a dealer today unless they have something out the ordinary you could 30yrs years ago because most were TR and didn't know what they had,,, now they know! hah!

    Best are still auctions but one has to be patient good plain M16 helms with liners go for about $350 a really nice M18 with complete chinstrap can fetch $1200 the cutout if nice well be prepared to sweat.

    Camo shells go from $300-500 unless its again not the usual regulation, untouched complete with liner examples range from $600-1200+ I know its a big gap but there's various factors involved helmets remain very popular you have to take into account collector emotion etc also I'm also talking of auctions with very nervous bidding fingers, hoping the wife is busy and one of the first items for a new collector.

    The 'splosh' and other 'field' patterns are very popular today didn't used to be but collectors have so much more knowledge now. Cutout camo well $2500-5000+ sorry. US collectors seem to love mail home helms but I don't know for some reason they don't hit with me but still like to see them on Forums.

    M16 chinstraps sorry again most have been 'stolen' by the haube boys for their pickels, originals $150-200 Chris, pack of three :lol: cushions $80-100 but there is a ton of fakes out there stripped from fake liners that no longer cut the mustard.

    Final note on dealers about '95 they seem to try and push up the price of plain but then again camo seemed reasonable to me the collectors then went dizzy and the dealer guys caught on.



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    Host, just to double check - you know places where I can buy M16 for $350?

    Hi Marcin

    Yea I may have been a bit thin on that one I've one I added to my collection for just over four I'll post it here in fact its one of my favourites that includes my camo's. I guess the message is if something gets in your heart just buy it.



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    First off its a Lindenberg they are not that easy as Thale and a M18 with chinstrap and more importantly for me anyway that nice paint shade finish, 'worn enough' but not damaged condition very popular with collectors. Lovely helmet its only money congrats Chris Lol!


    Edited by Hoss
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    Nice M17's (or if you prefer to call them M18's) with chinstraps seem to always sell in the $1,000 - $1,400 price range without any problem. A 1,000 Euro price does not surprise me.

    Helms sell for more in Europe I don't quite understand anyway I hate talking about money and how much something is worth. Kat "No not money that's just pieces of paper" :lol:



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    I'm with you Eric. I only like to give such price opinions through PMs. After all, it's just my opinion, based on my knowledge (or gut). So it's not worth much, therefore I don't do it.


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