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    Guest Rick Research

    Oh that's a lovely quintet!!!! Nothing there to indicate status of the wearer-- career NCO or a dR/dL officer, or a 1920 aD with double wartime XXV.

    We don't have Rolls for ANY of those, but in the Collected Wisdom of the Research Gnomes, out of 50,000 officers only 1 had JUST those (but can't be him he had other stuff and wouldn't have chosen to wear pre-war XXV without them) and a mere 19 had all three HH, HT, SLK--including royals and Baron Richthofen.

    What's the back of this little beauty look ike?

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    Otto, born 1872, entered service 1889, Intendantursekretär 1899

    WW1 service in the 5rd KD and later Vorstand Feldintendantur Mil. Eisenbahndirektion 11

    Was 1929 Verwaltungsamtmann beim Verwaltungszweigamt Breslau

    Source: Kriegsrangliste der Intendanturbeamten

    Viele Grüße


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    Guest Rick Research

    Aha! So what DON't you know--since we inexplicably missed him (21 not 20...) Intendantur Ehrenrangliste =

    Born 1872, entry in military service 1889 (but not wearing 1897 Medal?) Seniority as Intendantur-Sekretär 04.04.99 X. Feld-Intendantur 3. Kav Div to summer 1916, 10.07.16 Divisions-Intendant 3. Inf Div. 26.03.18 Vorstand Militär Eisenbahn Direktion 11. In 1929 Verwaltungs-Amtmann at Wehrkreis III Verwaltungs-Zweigstelle, Breslau.

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    Guest Rick Research

    BTW Christopher--this is what happens to people who withhold details from Research Gnomes that would have speeded up the information process, WTTW:

    Research Gnomes are old and cranky and do not have enough hours in the day to waste any.

    Siekmann's Beamten-Taschenkalendar 1917 (no index, of course):

    Ditto 1927 (ditto)

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