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    Dear friend collectors,

    I would like to introduce to you my latest purchase: a medal bar of the Weimar Republic era (20ies, early 30ies) with its typical Veteran's associations commemorative medals.

    Here's the description of medals:

    ? Preussen, Eisernes Kreuz 1914, 2. Klasse am K?mpferband (OEK 1904)

    ? Marinekorps Flandern, Ehren- und Erinnerungskreuz (DN 2.02.14)

    ? Regiments-Erinnerungskreuz ? Garde Grenadier Regt. 2? (DN 2.02.22a)

    ? Kriegsehrenkreuz mit Schwertern des Ehrenbundes Deutscher Weltkriegsteilnehmer (DN 2.02.19)

    ? ?sterreich 1. Republik, Erinnerungsmedaille f?r die Landesverteidigung von Tirol 1914-1918 (fehlt medaille)

    ? Deutscher Reichskriegsbund ?Kyffh?user?, Kriegsdenkm?nze 1914/18 (DN 2.02.34a+b)

    ? Preussischer Landeskriegerverband, Krieger-Ehrenkreuz 2. Klasse versilbert am Band (DN 2.02.44c)

    My interest about these bars has grown over the last months. They are really fun to collect.

    Enjoy the image!




    Hi Claudio,

    I have never seen so many Veterans medals on one bar before!

    Thanks for showing!

    The missing medal...is it supposed to be just a ribbon? or is the medal just missing?

    Kind Regards



    Hi Paul,

    This is the missing medal:

    ?sterreich 1. Republik, Erinnerungsmedaille f?r die Landesverteidigung von Tirol 1914-1918

    see picture here below...



    • 2 months later...

    Today I feel good: I just restored one medal bar.... it looks much better now and this improvement costed me not more than USD 20.- :P


    Today I feel good: I just restored one medal bar.... it looks much better now and this improvement costed me not more than USD 20.- :P

    Hallo Claudio :beer:

    Great Bar, :jumping::love::jumping:

    Just a quick question: Is the last medal on the bar facing the wrong way / reverse side out??

    I think its for service to the Veterans Kyffhauser Association ??.

    Kevin in Deva. :beer:


    Yes, but I leave like the original owner put it. Very likely he wanted to show the inscription or maybe the taylor/dealer who mounted the bar didn't have a clue.



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