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    Dear Scottplen

    Personally, I don't like the bar. the saxon medals should always come first or second, but never be third after an medal from the colonies. We also see that the ribbon looks new, a bit too new if you ask me, not to mention that every medal ranges in a scale from mint to very worn, and we must not forget that the silver friedrich august medal for 10 years is second, whilst the FA medal for 5 years is first, which should be the other way around.

    Kind regards Laurentius


    I would not like to have this bar.....because of a lot of reasons :mad:


    Laurentius.... FA-medals were not for 5 or 10 years.... silver and bronze , but that was not a long service award but a war merit award....grades depend on the rank of the soldier / nco

    Posted (edited)
    2 hours ago, laurentius said:

    Dear Scottplen

    Personally, I don't like the bar. the saxon medals should always come first or second, but never be third after an medal from the colonies. We also see that the ribbon looks new, a bit too new if you ask me, not to mention that every medal ranges in a scale from mint to very worn, and we must not forget that the silver friedrich august medal for 10 years is second, whilst the FA medal for 5 years is first, which should be the other way around.

    Kind regards Laurentius


    could you please explain 5 and  10 years for both FA-medals. I can't follow you in that case. FA-medal in bronce was awarded to enlisted men and FA-medal in silver was awarded to NCOs 

    You wrote:

    the saxon medals should always come first or second, but never be third after an medal from the colonies.

    Are you sure? We have seen some bars wir the craziest succession of medals/ decorations

    But I don't like also the shown medal bar, due to other reasons.


    Best regards 






    Edited by Leutwein
    Posted (edited)

    I do apologize if I have made it unclear to you. The problem with this bar is not the presence of both the FA medals, it's the colour of the bronze one and the position of the medals. If a FA medal is present on a bar it means that the soldier was enlisted in the saxon army (being in the saxon army does not require being born in Saxony). The saxons and everyone in their army were proud to be saxons, which was often showed in their medalbars. In germany it was the rule that the Iron cross should always come first on a bar, whether it is a ribbonbar or a medalbar, but in reality we see that Bavarians and Saxons often (certainly not always!) Place a medal from their own state before an iron cross, contrary to the rules. If a saxon or a bavarian choose to put the iron cross first (which sometimes did happen) than a medal of their state would be second. Certainly not third to an german imperial medal like the SWA medal.

    Kind regards Laurentius

    Edited by laurentius
    wrong information, which I have deleted
    Posted (edited)

    Hello again,

    thanks for your input. But I was not asking for the rule of successions. I was asking for your argument with 5 and 10 years....

    But don´t forget that there were also exceptions, see attached photo (from my ex-collection)!

    It shows a saxon NCO (Unteroffizier) with:

    GSWA-medal/ MEZ2 and sFAM

    A proud saxon with his saxon award on the last position

    So never say never!

    Best regards





    K1600_Sächs. Uffz mit Ordensspange (Detail).JPG

    Edited by Leutwein

    What bothers me most is not the precedence, but the absence of a long service award, for some who was both in DSWA and WW1 and had two FA medals.

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