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    Gentlemen, who can help out with the complete list of decorations for Ludwig Hermann Freiherr von Gebsattel? I am willing to work through the Ranglisten, but all I can find are the ones for 1908 and 1918. 1918 only has Bavarian awards. Does anyone have the Bavarian Rangliste 1914? A picture of the page with von Gebsattel would be great. Thank you!


    Ludwig Hermann Freiherr von Gebsattel II.jpg

    Ludwig Hermann Freiherr von Gebsattel.jpg


    This was the biography I had prepared years ago when I had the MMJO list on my former website. It needs to be updated since this was before the publication of the Bavarian Kriegsranglisten on Ancestry.

    Ludwig Freiherr von Gebsattel

    Knight's Cross (Ritterkreuz) of the Militär-Max Joseph-Orden on 25 September 1914 (bestowed on 13 May 1915) as General der Kavallerie and Commanding General, III. Bayerisches Armeekorps

    Commander's Cross (Kommandeurkreuz) of the Militär-Max Joseph-Orden on 7 January 1917 (bestowed on 10 January 1917) as General der Kavallerie and Commanding General, III. Bayerisches Armeekorps


    Personal Information:
    •Birth: 15 January 1857, Würzburg, Bavaria
    •Death: 20 September 1930, Munich, Bavaria
    •Father: Victor Emil Freiherr von Gebsattel, Hofmarschall to the Queen Mother of Greece
    •Mother: Emma née Freiin von Gutenberg
    •Spouse: Sophie Olsufieff, married 26 February 1883
    •Children: one son and one daughter


    Career Highlights:
    •War Academy, 1887-1890
    •Adjutant, 1. Bayerische Kavallerie-Brigade, 1892-
    •Squadron chief, Kgl. Bayer. 1. Ulanen-Regiment, 1895-1897
    •On the General Staff, 1897
    •On the staff of the 2. Bayerische Division, 1897-1899
    •On the Prussian Great General Staff, 1899-1901
    •General staff officer, East Asian Expeditionary Corps, China Relief Expedition, 1900-1901
    •On the General Staff, II. Bayerisches Armeekorps, 1901-1902
    •Chief of the General Staff, III. Bayerisches Armeekorps, June 1902-March 1904
    •Military Plenipotentiary in Berlin and Deputy in the Bundesrat of the German Empire, 1904-1911
    •Commander, 2. Bayerische Division, 15 December 1911-18 March 1914
    •Commanding General, III. Bayerisches Armeekorps, 19 March 1914-11 January 1917
    •Placed zur Disposition, 1917
    •Deputy Commanding General, II. Bayerisches Armeekorps, 14 June 1917-1919


    •Portepéefähnrich: 7 August 1875
    •Sekondlieutenant: 23 November 1877
    •Premierlieutenant: 31 October 1888
    •Hauptmann: 19 June 1892
    •Major: 12 August 1898
    •Oberstleutnant: 14 July 1902
    •Oberst: 21 September 1904
    •Generalmajor: 8 March 1907
    •Generalleutnant: 22 April 1910
    •General der Kavallerie: 19 March 1914


    Other Known Awards & Decorations:
    •Prussia: Order "Pour le Mérite", 4 October 1916
    •Prussia: 1914 Iron Cross 1st Class, 1916
    •Prussia: 1914 Iron Cross 2nd Class, 12 September 1914
    •Bavaria: Military Merit Order, Grand Cross with Swords, 21 October 1915
    •Bavaria: Military Merit Order, 1st Class with Swords, 7 September 1914
    •Bavaria: Military Merit Order, 2nd Class with Star, pre-World War I
    •Bavaria: Military Merit Order, 3rd Class with Swords, pre-World War I
    •Bavaria: Merit Order of the Bavarian Crown, Grand Commander's Cross, pre-World War I
    •Brunswick: War Merit Cross, 2nd Class, 31 December 1917
    •Bavaria: Jubilee Medal
    •Bavaria: Service Distinction Cross 2nd Class, for 25 years' service
    •Bavaria: Service Distinction Cross 1st Class, for 40 years' service
    •Prussia: Order of the Red Eagle, 2nd Class with Star
    •Prussia: Order of the Red Eagle, 3rd Class with Crown
    •Prussia: Order of the Crown, 1st Class
    •Saxony: Albrecht Order, Grand Cross
    •Württemberg: Order of the Württemberg Crown, Commander's Cross, pre-World War I
    •Württemberg: Friedrich Order, Commander's Cross 1st Class, pre-World War I
    •Baden: Order of the Zähringen Lion, Commander's Cross 1st Class, pre-World War I
    •Saxon Duchies: Ducal Saxe-Ernestine House Order, Knight 1st Class, pre-World War I
    •Germany: China Commemorative Medal in Bronze
    •Germany: Southwest Africa Commemorative Medal in Steel
    •Austria-Hungary: Order of Leopold, Cross 1st Class witj War Decoration (17 July 1915) and Swords (1917)
    •Austria-Hungary: Order of the Iron Crown, 1st Class, 27 May 1914
    •Austria-Hungary: Order of Franz Joseph, Commander's Cross, pre-World War I
    •Japan: Order of the Sacred Treasure, Grand Officer's Cross, pre-World War I
    •Italy: Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus, Officer's Cross, pre-World War I
    •Papacy: Order of St. Gregory, Commander's Cross, pre-World War I
    •Russian Empire: Order of St. Stanislaus, 2nd Class with Swords, pre-World War I
    •Spain: Order of Military Merit, 4th Class, pre-World War I


    Posted (edited)


    Hello Deutschritter, and Dave Danner,


    I am not sure as to who might mix up these two Gebsattel brothers (actually there are three from the first wife of Viktor Emil v. Gebsattel) in regards to their photos or data beheld in their vitae’s. Please see the below link. As you know there were six v. Gebsattel’s serving during Willis time in this Regiment – hence Willi jockingly refering to the Regiment as the Gebsattel Regiment.




    Der Adelige Konstantin Wilhelm Hartmann Heinrich Ludwig Freiherr von Gebsattel mit fränkischem Stammsitz in Gebsattel bei Rothenburg wurde 1854 in Würzburg geboren; er starb 1932 in Linz. Er war General und Inspekteur der Kavallerie, und diente im 1870 Krieg.

    Er war Rittmeister and Esquadron Chef des Ulan Rgt. 1 in 1895-1897. 1910 quittierte Konstantin von Gebsattel seinen Dienst, zuletzt als Generalleutnant Kommandeur der 1. Kavallerie-Brigade in München und Inspekteur der bayerischen Kavallerie 


    His second brother, Hermann von Gebsattel (1855-1939) was Major General of the Kavallerie and founder of the Bird Sanctuary Association of Bavaria.


    His 3rd and youngest brother Ludwig Hermann  Freiherr von Gebsattel was Esquadron Chef of the same Regiment but before him (Konstantin) in 1892-1895. Not 1895-1897 as mentioned in the thread.

    Also he was promoted to Rittmeister, not Hauptmann on 25.August 1892 and not 19.June 1892 as stated in the thread. He was appointed Major on 28.October 1897 and not on 12. August 1898 as stated in the thread. I am NOT forwarding that my datas collected from various sources would be the correct ones, just saying different sources, different datas regarding Ludwig Hermann von Gebsattel.

    The Bayerische Landesbibliothek does not provide clear information or photos in regards to this issue.


    Personally I assume that the other website mixed up the photos – but for the sake of interest, would you have a photo of Konstantin von Gelbsattel showing him as a Lt.General? Since the only one I can find shows him as a Leutnant.









    Edited by v.Perlet
    Posted (edited)

    Wasn't Konstantin Wilhelm Hartmann Heinrich Ludwig Freiherr von Gebsattel General der Kavallerie? As a Leutnant he had a full beard, after retiring he still had his full beard (see picture), therefore the picture on the Rothenburg website must be Ludiwg. Who can help out with more information on Konstantin, maybe from an Offizier-Stammliste?


    Konstantin Freiherr von Gebsattel.jpg

    Edited by Deutschritter

    Here are the decorations I have put togehther for Ludwig Freiherr von Gebsattel (thanks for all the help) ... surely, I am missing a few, especially for WW I ... any additions would be great:


    Verdienstorden der Bayerischen Krone, Ritterkreuz

    Bayerisches Dienstauszeichnungskreuz, II. Klasse für 24 Dienstjahre

    Militärverdienstorden (Bayern), III. Klasse (ohne Krone) mit Schwertern

    China-Denkmünze in Bronze mit einer Gefechtsspange, 1901

    Orden der Eisernen Krone (Österreich), Ritter III. Klasse

    Herzoglich Sachsen-Ernestinischer Hausorden, Ritterkreuz I. Klasse (SEH4)

    Ritterorden der hl. Mauritius und Lazarus, Offizierkreuz (IMuL3)

    Militärverdienstorden (Bayern), Offizierkreuz

    Jubiläumsmedaille für die Armee 1905

    Roter Adlerorden, III. Klasse mit der Krone als Oberst sowie „Militär-Bevollmächtigter in Berlin und Bevollmächtigter zum Bundesrat des Deutschen Reiches“ (Annahmeerlaubnis am 15. Dezember 1905)

    Südwest-Afrika Denkmünze in Stahl

    Orden vom Zähringer Löwen, Kommandeurkreuz I. Klasse (BdZL2)

    Friedrichs-Orden, Kommenturkreuz I. Klasse (WF2)

    Orden der Württembergischen Krone, Kommenturkreuz (WK2b)

    Militärverdienstorden (Bayern), II. Klasse mit Stern

    Sankt-Stanislaus-Orden, II. Klasse (RSt2m.Schw.)

    Roter Adlerorden, II. Klasse mit Stern

    St. Georgius-Orden, Kommandeurkreuz (PG2)

    Franz-Joseph-Orden, Komturkreuz (ÖFJ2)

    Verdienstorden der Bayerischen Krone, Großkomturkreuz

    Orden des Heiligen Schatzes, Großoffizierkreuz (JpHS2)

    Bayerisches Dienstauszeichnungskreuz, I. Klasse für 40 Dienstjahre

    Preußischer Kronenorden, I. Klasse

    Militär-Verdienstorden (Spanien), IV. Klasse bzw. Großkreuz (SpMV4)

    Albrechts-Orden, Großkreuz (SA1)

    Orden der Eisernen Krone (Österreich), Ritter I. Klasse am 27. Mai 1914

    Militärverdienstorden (Bayern), I. Klasse mit Schwertern am 7. September 1914

    Eisernes Kreuz (1914), II. und I. Klasse

    ... II. Klasse am 12. September 1914

    ... I. Klasse, 1916 (???)

    Militär-Max-Joseph-Orden, Ritter und Kommandeur

    ... Ritterkreuz am 13. Mai 1915 mit Wirkung vom 25. September 1914 (Nr. 27) „wegen seines mutigen und entschlossenen Handelns bei der Wegnahme des Forts Camp des Romains“,

    ... Kommandeurkreuz am 10. Januar 1917 mit Wirkung vom 7. Januar 1917

    Österreichisch-kaiserlicher Leopold-Orden, I. Klasse mit der Kriegsdekoration und mit Schwertern

    ... Kriegsdekoration am 17. Juli 1915

    ... Schwerter, 1917

    Militärverdienstorden (Bayern), Großkreuz mit Schwertern am 21. Oktober 1915

    Pour le Mérite am 4. Oktober 1916

    Kriegsverdienstkreuz (Braunschweig), II. Klasse am 31. Dezember 1917



    Oberstleutnant Ludwig Hermann Freiherr von Gebsattel, um 1903.png

    Ludwig Hermann Freiherr von Gebsattel III.jpg

    • 5 months later...
    On 13/02/2022 at 22:27, Deutschritter said:

    Orden vom Zähringer Löwen, Kommandeurkreuz I. Klasse (BdZL2)

    S e i n e  K ö n i g l i c h e  H o h e i t  d e r  G r o ß h e r z o g haben sich unter dem 17. August d. J. (i. e. 1909) gnädigst bewogen gefunden (...) zu verleihen (...) vom Orden vom Zähringer Löwen (...) das Kommandeurkreuz I. Klasse (...) dem Königlich Bayerischen Generalmajor und Militärbevollmächtigten Freiherrn  v o n  G e b s a t t e l. (from: Staats-Anzeiger 1909, p. 379/380).




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