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    Hi I am not familiar with USA medals and decorations, however i found this Set of four miniatures very interesting and unusual especially the USA medal in combination with Imperial Russian Orders

    Is this combination is OK




    Based on awards and Spink mount bar, suspect these miniatures may have belonged to a senior British naval officer WW I period.  Of course, as a business, Spink would mount decorations in any order requested.   See below for an example sold via exay within the past year. 

    walt group.jpg

    walt gp 2.jpg


    Hi 922F,


    Thank you for the reply If British officer is the suspect why no British Awards were not included

    Is the USA Awards coincides with the WW1 Period

    On 04/02/2023 at 14:11, Graf said:

    Hi I am not familiar with USA medals and decorations, however i found this Set of four miniatures very interesting and unusual especially the USA medal in combination with Imperial Russian Orders

    Is this combination is OK



    I would say a WW1 French Admiral who received some non-French awards including a US Navy DSM.






    Neglected to say that this perhaps is a second or auxiliary group of a Britisher worn in conjunction with another mini bar consisting of [solely?] British awards.   Although uncommon, not an unknown practice.


    If to a French officer, suppose it's possible that Spink of London mounted the group but would certainly expect additional French awards, including both orders & medals.  Also an admiral likely would have higher than officer level Legion of Honor and Nichan Iftikhir awards.  


    U.S. Public Law 253 created the U.S. Navy DSM  on February 4, 1919.   The U.S. had no national level decorations [as opposed to campaign medals] other than the Medal Of Honor before WW I.  A Navy DSM satisfied the need to recognize distinguished and exceptionally meritorious service while serving in a duty or position of great responsibility for its own naval personnel. 


    Awards recognizing non-U.S. Navy personnel for similar service occured as early as September 16, 1919 to UK Admiral John Jellico & David Beatty for the Battle of Jutland.  Another example, French Admiral Louis Dartige du Fournet received the honor around 1922-23.  At that time, like other French admirals,  he held several Croix de Guerres and many other French & foreign awards which one might expect to see displayed in a mini group. 


    Recall Spink were at Piccadilly Street 1890's-1930's; that might be another clue but could be wrong regarding exact dates.


    And, always possible, someone commissioned it or found component items and assembled it!


    I'll try to find a better image of the apparently Spink assembled group in my above post.

    Cheers, and thanks for your interest


    You are certainly welcome, small enough item compared to your many contributions!   Here's a somewhat better image of the "Walt" group mounted by Spink.  Obviously, a highly improbabal assemblage--a complete jumble!001.thumb.jpg.fb405dc252fe024f4327cb1d7f4e19fa.jpg

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