Hauptmann Posted May 11, 2006 Posted May 11, 2006 (edited) Hi all,I just put out the thought that perhaps it would be good to add a post Soviet Russian Federation and umalatova awards and militaria forum in this general section. But for now I didn't know where else to post these so away we go.I got these a number of years ago when they first appeared on the market. And to be honest I've only seen the Chechnya medal come up on Ebay once since then although I'm sure I could have missed a few here and there. But I've never seen the others.Anyhow here's a group shot:One on the left is for Tadjikistan. I think the middle one is either for Kazakhstan or Chechnya. I think the right one is for Chechnya. I have my original purchase info on these but it's in a notebook over in a box in storage... and believe me, finding it would make searching for a needle in a haystack seem childs play.I believe they're for Frontier Guard (Border Guard) Service.For now, I'm hoping some of the members might have more info on these beautiful pieces.I bought them as they were some of the first pieces to come out that had rather an Imperial Russian look to them, with the eagles and all. They are extremely well made, one is mint marked and all in all they are simply top quality pieces. I've no idea if they are rare or what they are worth now. I "think" I paid around $40 to $50 each for them back in the day, although at least one of them could have been as low as $35. Edited July 24, 2006 by Hauptman
Hauptmann Posted May 11, 2006 Author Posted May 11, 2006 (edited) This first one is the Chechyn medal:And again, I apologize for the quality of the pics... best I can do with my poor overworked digital camera. But hoping someone may be able to make out the inscription and make a translation of same, one this as well as the two to come: Edited May 11, 2006 by Hauptman
Hauptmann Posted May 11, 2006 Author Posted May 11, 2006 Here's the reverse view:And also a better shot I found on the web:And this is the link where I found that last pic as well as a good article on the award, etc:http://www.amina.com/article/medal_ru.html
Hauptmann Posted May 11, 2006 Author Posted May 11, 2006 This is the one I'm not sure about... but I think it may have been a second award for Chechnya:
Hauptmann Posted May 11, 2006 Author Posted May 11, 2006 I "believe" this one is for Kazakhstan:Again if anyone has any additional information on these I could sure use an update. My poor befuddled brain is not remembering all these things as well as I'd like. But not unlike Indiana Jone's dad... "I wrote it down so I wouldn't have to remember." Now if only I could get my notebook back from those pesky nazis! INDY... oh INDY???? Thanks for looking, Dan
Guest Rick Research Posted May 11, 2006 Posted May 11, 2006 Sorry, those eBay quality "blurs" are just too out of focus even for me to read.
Hauptmann Posted May 11, 2006 Author Posted May 11, 2006 Rick Research said: Sorry, those eBay quality "blurs" are just too out of focus even for me to read. Hi Rick,I know... I'm sooooo sorry. Seems the camera does really well on some pieces and awful on others... I don't know why. Can be under the same conditions yet two pieces will end up totally different no matter what I do. Definitely going to take your advice scanner wise (be looking for the residuals check in the mail! ) just as soon as we can afford to get one. But in the meantime I figure posting this way is better than not posting at all. Not sure if I'll have time today but I'll try to get better shots of these in natural sunlight. Just so much going on today... may have to do it tomorrow assuming the sun is out again. But I'll definitely keep trying.Thanks! Dan
Ed_Haynes Posted May 11, 2006 Posted May 11, 2006 (edited) Personally, I'm not much interested in the post-Soviet neo-Russian awards. Just a bit too much unreconstructed Tsarist symbolism for my taste.Have only one, the Medal for 15th Anniversary of the Soviet Withdrawal from Afghanistan. Est. 2004. Edited May 11, 2006 by Ed_Haynes
Hauptmann Posted May 11, 2006 Author Posted May 11, 2006 Ed_Haynes said: Personally, I'm not much interested in the post-Soviet neo-Russian awards. Just a bit too much unreconstructed Tsarist symbolism for my taste.Have only one, the Medal for 15th Anniversary of the Soviet Withdrawal from Afghanistan. Est. 2004.Hi Ed,You're absolutely right... so please PM me for my snail mail address, pack it up and ship it off to me... as all donations are gleefully accepted. Seriously though, that's a great looking medal. I've seen pics but always from a distance... never up close and detailed. About what do they run? Think I'll have to add it to the high part of my list. Thanks, Dan
Dudeman Posted May 12, 2006 Posted May 12, 2006 #6 is for Tadjikistan, not Kazakhstan. T is still wild, wild west while K would be R&R by comparison.
Guest Darrell Posted May 12, 2006 Posted May 12, 2006 Interesting Ed. You kinda wonder why a country would strike a medal for a "whithdrawl" out of a country
Hauptmann Posted May 12, 2006 Author Posted May 12, 2006 Dudeman said: #6 is for Tadjikistan, not Kazakhstan. T is still wild, wild west while K would be R&R by comparison.Thanks Dudeman! That's it! I knew it was one of those "stan" places!!!! My brain is just slowly turning to onion dip these days... well, perhaps not so slowly. Now just need to figure out the other one.Thanks! Dan
Hauptmann Posted July 12, 2006 Author Posted July 12, 2006 (edited) Here's another new addition.Russian Army Distinction Medal:[attachmentid=46693][attachmentid=46694]Looks an awful lot like it's Soviet cousins. In fact it's now in the Riker mount displayed between them. Dan Edited July 24, 2006 by Hauptman
KILKA Posted July 12, 2006 Posted July 12, 2006 Here is mine official russian award - order "Courage"
Hauptmann Posted July 12, 2006 Author Posted July 12, 2006 Hi Kilka,Welcome to the Club. Very nice Order! Many thanks for posting it. Dan
Hauptmann Posted July 12, 2006 Author Posted July 12, 2006 KILKA said: Thanks, Hauptman. No problem at all. We're happy to have you! So have you specialized in any one area or just have a broad interest in Soviet and Russian awards? Any specialized knowledge in any of these areas? Can always use more of that! This is such a great hobby and I've found this club to be one of the best places to be to share among other's of like interests. I think it's truly what Nick the Chairman set out to create... a Gentleman's Club where we could all relax, unwind, discuss our hobby or just life in general without feeling pressure or fearing disputes. We're all in the same boat. The more we help each other the better off we all are.I for one look forward to seeing more of your collection as well as comments you might wish to make on what others have presented here.So have some fun, get comfortable, pull up a chair, order a drink and enjoy! Dan
order_of_victory Posted July 12, 2006 Posted July 12, 2006 Dan,If your offering I will have Double Vodka and Coke Order of Victory
Hauptmann Posted July 12, 2006 Author Posted July 12, 2006 order_of_victory said: Dan,If your offering I will have Double Vodka and Coke Order of VictoryHappy to provide. I'll tell the butler when he makes his next pass by our table. Dan
Hauptmann Posted July 24, 2006 Author Posted July 24, 2006 (edited) Though some of these are not Russian Fed. awards just figured I'd pop them in here until I actually get them and can get some closer shots of individual pieces.[attachmentid=47784]Picture is courtesy of Dave (NavyFCO) with his permission. Thanks Dave! First two are from Uzbekistan but just happened to be pictured as part of the group. If anyone has any info on any of these I'd be grate if you'd pass it along. And some are Umalatova awards I believe. Again any info would be deeply appreciated.Thanks, Dan Edited July 24, 2006 by Hauptman
Hauptmann Posted July 24, 2006 Author Posted July 24, 2006 Here's some better shots of the Tadjikistan and Chechnya medals in my original post:[attachmentid=47818][attachmentid=47819][attachmentid=47820][attachmentid=47821]
Gaffken Posted July 31, 2006 Posted July 31, 2006 Dan, et al, I have some very extensive, but niche experience with the Border Troops, so just a couple of comments on those medals, in case anyone is interested...--the Chechnya medal is actually one for service in the entire Caucasus region (ie, 'Kavkaz'), and not necessarily just Chechnya. The Border Troops guard the entire southern Russian border that includes that stretching from the Black Sea to the Caspian (incl. the Chechen portion), so it could really be for service along any point on that long perimeter. Technically, there are Russian Border Troops stationed in Armenia also, so this could be for service there, too, since those forces are technically a component of the larger grouping of Border Troops in the Caucasus.--don't discount the forces in Tajikistan too quickly; true, they just pulled out, but were there for 70+ years, stretching back to Revolutionary times, guarding the southernmost reaches of the empire. In the post-Soviet era, the Group of Russian Border Troops in Tajikistan was considered one of the most elite units in the entire 200,000 strong force, and the largest stationed outside of Russia proper (divisional strength--12,000 men). It was a rare all volunteer unit within a primarily conscripted service, so it was consistently judged more capable than most other BT units, and consistently won some of the service's highest awards. It was also the southernmost 'speed bump' to the Taliban in Russia, so service there was nothing to be scoffed at.Dan: if you can get a better scan of the inscription on that 3rd medal, I can probably tell you a little about that respective medal's region, too. (looks almost like 'Kyrgyzstan' or possibly 'Kaliningrad', but is just too blurry for my to make out...)Hope this helps....
Hauptmann Posted July 31, 2006 Author Posted July 31, 2006 Gaffken said: Dan: if you can get a better scan of the inscription on that 3rd medal, I can probably tell you a little about that respective medal's region, too. (looks almost like 'Kyrgyzstan' or possibly 'Kaliningrad', but is just too blurry for my to make out...)Hope this helps....Many thanks for this great info! And yes, I'll definitely try to get better pics posted soon. I now have an Epson scanner but am waiting for some software and a USB cable. Just as soon as I can get it hooked up and working I'll do up some better pics of these and probably several other pieces I've posted over time... not to mention adding some new posts that I've been holding off on due to the picture situation.Thanks again! Dan
Hauptmann Posted August 14, 2006 Author Posted August 14, 2006 Hi all,Here's my latest acquisition... another one to add to the Umalatova awards. By the way... is it Umalatova or Umatalova? I've seen it both ways and want to be correct if at all possible.Anyhow, it's an Order of the Great Patriotic War... I'm assuming 2nd class unless they just combined them into one for these... and that I don't know. If anyone has any additional info on these please pop on and let us know.But it's a fascinating piece and I just couldn't resist... if for nothing else than the novelty. It's only the first I've seen... until Dave told me about a thread over on the SAF... which is well worth the read by the way. Dave also said he's only seen these on Ebay and only a couple of times. So figured if I could get it at a good price I'd better get it while the gettin' was good. [attachmentid=49975]As you can see, from the front it looks pretty much like a standard OGPW 2nd... albeit with a bit of a cheaper look to it... mostly visible in the enamel. Looks about like one of the 1985 issues or perhaps just a tad on the cheaper side.[attachmentid=49976]But the back is totally different. Serial number 3574... no idea how many of these puppies have been awarded so no idea if that's low or what. But looks like the entire center is a separate piece.Does anyone by chance know what the letters above the screwpost signify? Is this the mint mark or what? What are the letters?The screw on disk looks really cheap to me... especially after seeing the nice GPW and Red Star ones... the big ones with the dimples and such.But again, at least to me a very interesting piece. I figure I'm "not" going to make the same mistake I made with 1957 West German reissues back in the day. I don't care how many folks say these are junk, not worth it, never be collectible, etc. That may end up being true but when I can find nice ones at a good price I'm hoping to grab them whenever I can. One never knows. Anyhow hope ya'll enjoy and again if anyone has any additional information they'd care to pass along I for one would love to hear it. Especially, can anyone confirm if there were indeed 1st and 2nd classes of these or just one issue combined? As if there are 1st's I'd sure love to find one someday.Dan
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