christerd Posted July 16, 2008 Posted July 16, 2008 I thought I would show you some Swedish military photos for a change Here is three young officers around 1st world War. All three of them was to stay in the Army and at least one of them got to the top ! All three was working as adjutants to the king at some time. It is interesting to see what kind of Orders theese men could get. First out is: Nils Axel David von Heine born 1889 and first become officer 31 Dec 1909 in Inf Guards Rgt 1 Lieutenant 29 March 1912 , in 1921 he has Knight of Italian Crown Order Captain 7 dec 1923 in 1928 he has Knight of Belgium Leopold Order in 1933 he has Knight of Swedish Order of the Sword, Commander of Latvian Three stars Order, Knight of Norweigan St Olof Order Col Lt 1 July 1937 1939 he also have Knight of the Swedish North Star Order, Commander of Belgium Leopold Order Col 1 Oct 1948 1949 he also have Commander Danish Dannebrog Order 2nd grade In 1949 he belongs to the reserve.
christerd Posted July 16, 2008 Author Posted July 16, 2008 (edited) The nest young man hade some military experience , I belive he was in Finland 1939 or 1941 I have to go deeper in the archives to find out. But her he is, Axel Fredrik Carlos Adlercreutz born 1890 Started of his carreer as an officer 31 Dec 1912 Lieutnant 24 April 1915 in Inf Guards Rgt 1 Captain 4 Dec 1925 (and no awards this far) Major 28 April 1933 and in 1933 he have been with foreign forces witout fighting for 26 months? in 1934 he have Knight of Swedish Order of the Sword, Knight of Finland White Rose Order, Knight of France Honour Legion ColLt 11 Sept 1936 the he also have Knight of Swedish Wasa Order, Commander Danish Dannebrog Order 2nd grade, Commander Finland White Rose Order 2nd grade, Commander of Netherlands Oranje Nassau Order with swords, Commander Norway St:Olof Order 2nd grade, Finnish Civil Guard Cross of Merit Colonel 24 March 1939 He also have in 1949 Commander Swedish Order of Sword 2nd gr, Knight of Swedish North Star Order, Commander Latvia Order of Three Stars, Commander Poland Resituta Order 2 class, Commander German Eagle Order, Commander Hungary Order of Merit, Off of France Legion of Honour, Finland Liberty Cross 1st class with swords, Finland Liberty Cross 2nd class ws, Finnish medal for air protection. Would have been nice to see a pic of that decorated chest in 1949 Christer Edited July 16, 2008 by christerd
christerd Posted July 16, 2008 Author Posted July 16, 2008 last one at finally some Orders !! Let me present Hugo Montgomery Cederskiold born in 1878 First Officer 9 Dec 1898 In Inf Guard Rgt 1 Lieutnant 30 Jan 1903 In 1910 He has the following Decorations Swedish Medal for the late King Oscar Gold Jubilee Wedding, Swedish Medal for the new King Gustav Silver Jubilee Wedding! , Order of the Z?hringen Lion 2nd class w oakleafs, Knight Danish Dannebrog Order Captain 12 April 1912 This photo must be from 1912-1915 I think In 1921 he also have Knight of the Swedish Order of the Sword, off Great Britains Victoria Order, Knight of Greece Liberty Order, Knight Oldenburg House Order, Preussen Crown Order 3 class. ColLt 4 June 1926 In 1928 he also have Knight of the Swedish Wasa Order, Knight French Honour Legion, Finnish Civil Guards Merit Cross Colonel 23 May 1930 In 1933 he have Commander Swedish Order of the Sword 2nd gr, Knight Swedish North Star Order, Knight Swedish Wasa Order, Commander Belgium Leopold Order, Commander Finland White Rose Order 2nd gr, Commnader Norweigian St:Olof Order, Commander Spanish Military Merit Order w white cross Gen Maj 1 July 1937 1939 he have Commander 1st class Swedish Order of the Sword, Romanian Grand Cross Order of the Crown , Commander Danish Dannebrog order 1st class, Commander Noweigian St:Olof Order with Breast Star And in 1949 still beeing GenMaj he also got Commander Grand Cross Order of the Sword, Commander 1 st class Swedish Order of Wasa , Commander Great Britain Empire Order 1st class. He was GenLt in 1952 and General 1963 ( 85 years old ) !! A looong carreer for a young officer Christer
Bayoswede Posted July 16, 2008 Posted July 16, 2008 christerd said: The nest young man hade some military experience , I belive he was in Finland 1939 or 1941 I have to go deeper in the archives to find out. But her he is, Axel Fredrik Carlos Adlercreutz born 1890 Started of his carreer as an officer 31 Dec 1912 Lieutnant 24 April 1915 in Inf Guards Rgt 1 Captain 4 Dec 1925 (and no awards this far) Major 28 April 1933 and in 1933 he have been with foreign forces witout fighting for 26 months? in 1934 he have Knight of Swedish Order of the Sword, Knight of Finland White Rose Order, Knight of France Honour Legion ColLt 11 Sept 1936 the he also have Knight of Swedish Wasa Order, Commander Danish Dannebrog Order 2nd grade, Commander Finland White Rose Order 2nd grade, Commander of Netherlands Oranje Nassau Order with swords, Commander Norway St:Olof Order 2nd grade, Finnish Civil Guard Cross of Merit Colonel 24 March 1939 He also have in 1949 Commander Swedish Order of Sword 2nd gr, Knight of Swedish North Star Order, Commander Latvia Order of Three Stars, Commander Poland Resituta Order 2 class, Commander German Eagle Order, Commander Hungary Order of Merit, Off of France Legion of Honour, Finland Liberty Cross 1st class with swords, Finland Liberty Cross 2nd class ws, Finnish medal for air protection. Would have been nice to see a pic of that decorated chest in 1949 Just found out that he was head of military intellingence during second world war ! Christer
Ulsterman Posted July 16, 2008 Posted July 16, 2008 Outstanding picture of Hugo Montgomery there!!! I assume ythe archives are intact. Any chance you can have a peek at his file?Also, are there any books on Swedes in the Ethiopian army, especially the Italian Fascist invasion?
christerd Posted July 17, 2008 Author Posted July 17, 2008 :cheers: Here is a little update on Gen Hugo Montgomery Silverschi?ld (as you can see most Swedish awards was awarded 6 June = Swedish National Day ) Born 25 sept 1878 Sergeant at Guards Ing Rgt 1 10 Aug 1897 NCO 15 Aug 1898 2nd Lieutnant 9 Dec 1898 Lieutnant 30 Jan 1903 Knight Danish DDO 31 Oct 1903 Silver Wedd medal 1906 Knight Bad ZLO July 1909 Captain 12 Apr 1912 Knight OLD HFO w Crown 1912 Preuss Crown O 3 cl 1912 Knight Swords O 6 June 1919 Knight Greece Lib O 1920 GB Vic O 1920 Major 10 July 1921 Knight Wasa O 6 June 1924 Knight French HL 1926 Col Lt 4 June 1926 Knight North Star O 10 Dec 1928 Col 23 May 1930 ' Com 2nd cl Swords O 16 June 1933 Com 1 st cl Swords O 6 June 1936 Gen Maj 30 Apr 1937 Com 1st cl Wasa O 6 June 1941 Com 2nd cl Belgium Leop O 1941 Com 2nd cl Finnish VR O 1941 Com Norway St:O O w Crown 1941 Com 2 cl Spanish MN O w white cross 1941 Grand Cross Rumanian Crown O 1941 Com 1st cl Danish DDO 1941 Finnish Civil Guards MC 1941 Com Grand Cross Swords O 6 June 1945 Com GB Empire O 22 Mar 1948 Gen Lt (reserve) 12 Dec 1952 Com Grand Cross Norway S:T O 1953 Com Grand Cross Netherland OH O Apr 1955 Com Grand Cross Finnish Lion O 2 Oct 1956 Gen 5 May 1963 Died 17 March 1968 in Stockholm And as a little but to answer your question Ulsterman , there is a book by Lars Ericson " Svenska Frivilliga" ISBN 91-88930-00-9 which have a little info about Swedish officers in Ethiopia 1934-1935 Its in Swedish of course, but if you want I can translate the little there is and mail you. In short thre was 5 Swedish officers in Ethiopia : Capt Wiking Tamm, Lt Bouveng, Lt Heuman, Lt Thorburn and Lt Nyblom. Best Regards Christer
Christian J Posted July 17, 2008 Posted July 17, 2008 christerd said: Here is a little update on Gen Hugo Montgomery Silverschi?ld (as you can see most Swedish awards was awarded 6 June = Swedish National Day ) Born 25 sept 1878 Sergeant at Guards Ing Rgt 1 10 Aug 1897 NCO 15 Aug 1898 2nd Lieutnant 9 Dec 1898 Lieutnant 30 Jan 1903 Knight Danish DDO 31 Oct 1903 Silver Wedd medal 1906 Knight Bad ZLO July 1909 Captain 12 Apr 1912 Knight OLD HFO w Crown 1912 Preuss Crown O 3 cl 1912 Knight Swords O 6 June 1919 Knight Greece Lib O 1920 GB Vic O 1920 Major 10 July 1921 Knight Wasa O 6 June 1924 Knight French HL 1926 Col Lt 4 June 1926 Knight North Star O 10 Dec 1928 Col 23 May 1930 ' Com 2nd cl Swords O 16 June 1933 Com 1 st cl Swords O 6 June 1936 Gen Maj 30 Apr 1937 Com 1st cl Wasa O 6 June 1941 Com 2nd cl Belgium Leop O 1941 Com 2nd cl Finnish VR O 1941 Com Norway St:O O w Crown 1941 Com 2 cl Spanish MN O w white cross 1941 Grand Cross Rumanian Crown O 1941 Com 1st cl Danish DDO 1941 Finnish Civil Guards MC 1941 Com Grand Cross Swords O 6 June 1945 Com GB Empire O 22 Mar 1948 Gen Lt (reserve) 12 Dec 1952 Com Grand Cross Norway S:T O 1953 Com Grand Cross Netherland OH O Apr 1955 Com Grand Cross Finnish Lion O 2 Oct 1956 Gen 5 May 1963 Died 17 March 1968 in Stockholm And as a little but to answer your question Ulsterman , there is a book by Lars Ericson " Svenska Frivilliga" ISBN 91-88930-00-9 which have a little info about Swedish officers in Ethiopia 1934-1935 Its in Swedish of course, but if you want I can translate the little there is and mail you. In short thre was 5 Swedish officers in Ethiopia : Capt Wiking Tamm, Lt Bouveng, Lt Heuman, Lt Thorburn and Lt Nyblom. Best Regards ChristerHow come he was called "Tattar-Hugo"? (Tattare=derogatory name for gypsies)
Ulsterman Posted July 17, 2008 Posted July 17, 2008 And as a little but to answer your question Ulsterman , there is a book by Lars Ericson " Svenska Frivilliga" ISBN 91-88930-00-9 which have a little info about Swedish officers in Ethiopia 1934-1935 Its in Swedish of course, but if you want I can translate the little there is and mail you. In short thre was 5 Swedish officers in Ethiopia : Capt Wiking Tamm, Lt Bouveng, Lt Heuman, Lt Thorburn and Lt Nyblom. Best Regards Christer
Great Dane Posted July 17, 2008 Posted July 17, 2008 Hi Christer,Magnificent photo of Cederschi?ld (why do you call him Silverschi?ld later?).Allow me to make some corrections. According to my books he was decorated with the Danish Dannebrog as:Knight 31 Oct 1903Com 1st cl 22 May 1935(I can't find his Com 2nd cl award date - in 1932 he was still Knight, so maybe he jumped a step...)Grand Cross 24 Mar 1952/Mike
christerd Posted July 17, 2008 Author Posted July 17, 2008 Hi Ulsterman and Mike I will try to translate the text i can get and mail you Ulsterman And Mike yoy are right... I did called him Silverski?ld???? I think I have read to many old military rolls recently Thanks for the dates on the Dannebrog Ordern I?ll be back Christer
Chris Boonzaier Posted January 13, 2013 Posted January 13, 2013 The old Norweigins look like US Civil war, the Swedes look like Germans!
christerd Posted January 15, 2013 Author Posted January 15, 2013 He he , Chris I think the man making the uniforms in those days looked a lot at German uniforms Even our model 1939 looks very much like a German one (sometimes used by fakers ...) Christer
christerd Posted January 29, 2013 Author Posted January 29, 2013 (edited) Here is a couple of more Swedish soldier from 1900-1910 approx I think these two are Hussars from K 7 The Crown Prince Hussars 1757-1927 Very nice uniforms in those days The second two are also Hussars , the left one I believe is from K 1 1806-1927 and the other soldier on the right is probably from K 5 Christer Edited January 29, 2013 by christerd
christerd Posted January 29, 2013 Author Posted January 29, 2013 But Sweden didn´t only have Privates they also had Officers with great facial hair Here is a gallery of Hair , sorry meant Officers Colonel Carl Rosenblad born 1854 and started his career as 2nd Leut 1874 , and Colonel 1904 Here he is with some of his awards which were many .... Sweden Com 1st Order of the Sword Italy Off 1st Order of the Crown Baden 1st class Order of Zaeringen Loewen Preussen Knight 2nd Red Eagle Order Norway Com 1st S:t Olofs Order Finland Com 1st White Rose Order Russia Knight 2nd S:t Stanislaus Order w Star England Com 1st Royal Victorian Order and of course a great mustache Christer
christerd Posted January 29, 2013 Author Posted January 29, 2013 Next one is GenMaj Gustaf Adolf Nyblaeus born 1853 and officer 1874 He also could show some awards : Sweden Com 1st Order of the Sword Denmark Com 1st Dannebrog Order Belgium Com 2nd Leopold Order Russia Knight 2nd S:t Stanislaus Order Bavaria BMVO 1st cl Austria J Crown Order 3rd cl Preussen Red Eagle Order IV Preussen Crown Order 3rd cl Christer
christerd Posted January 29, 2013 Author Posted January 29, 2013 And some more : Col Axel Ferdinad Bergman von Schinkel born 1866 and officer 1889 Not that much of a mustache or awards Sweden Knight Order of the Sword Sweden Knight Order of the North Star France Off Legion Honor But still a nice uniform I think
christerd Posted January 29, 2013 Author Posted January 29, 2013 (edited) And the last one for today , GenLt Olof Bernard Malm , born 1851 off 1872 , GenLt in the Reserve 1920 Great look , almost Prussian looking guy ... Sweden Com 1st Order of the Sword Sweden Knight Order of the North Star France Off 1st Order Honor Legion Preussen 1 st cl Order Red Eagle Russia 1st cl Order S:t Anna Denmark 1st cl Order Dannebrog Hope you liked them Christer Edited January 29, 2013 by christerd
GRA Posted January 29, 2013 Posted January 29, 2013 (edited) On 29/01/2013 at 18:10, christerd said: Here is a couple of more Swedish soldier from 1900-1910 approx I think these two are Hussars from K 7 The Crown Prince Hussars 1757-1927 Very nice uniforms in those days The second two are also Hussars , the left one I believe is from K 1 1806-1927 and the other soldier on the right is probably from K 5 Christer Hello Christer! The two hussars with the dark blue collars are definitely from Kronprinsens husarer, the regiment was garrisoned in Malmö from 1897, which fits the location of the photo studio. The other two, well, Skånska husarregementet is most probably correct for the one on the right, it fits with the geographic location too - norra Skåne, or North Scania in English. K1 was the designation for Livgardet till häst, its hussar days were short and in the late 18th Century (Livhusarregementet, 1793-97), so that trooper is not from that regiment! (It did however receive a squadron from Kronprinsens husarer in 1897, but whether they kept their hussar uniforms or not, I do not know.) But... Skånska husarregementet had two squadrons garrisoned in Uppsala from 1908, so if the collar of the third trooper is pale blue... It fits reasonably well with the photo studio in Stockholm too as well as providing a more narrow time frame as to when the photo was made. I think we can assume that we're not dealing with a trooper from Livregementets husarer (white collar, silver embroidery), but Smålands husarregemente is however a possibility (yellow collar, gold embroidery). /Jonas Edited January 29, 2013 by GRA
GRA Posted January 29, 2013 Posted January 29, 2013 (edited) Christer, I had some scans from Kungl Livregementets till häst historia (1922) on G A Nyblaeus... /Jonas Edited January 29, 2013 by GRA
Ulsterman Posted January 30, 2013 Posted January 30, 2013 Very cool. I had no idea Swedes got so many foreign awards gratis.
GRA Posted January 30, 2013 Posted January 30, 2013 On 30/01/2013 at 21:22, Ulsterman said: Very cool. I had no idea Swedes got so many foreign awards gratis. It's not surprising in any way, all these officers were on one form of "fast track" or the other. Most of them served with units in the Stockholm area - close to the court and also the first stop for any foreign military visit (always in need of orderly officers during the visit). Some of them were groomed for higher positions and had prosperous careers ending as generals. Gustaf Adolf Nyblaeus got his Russian decoration as an orderly officer to Prince Eugen during the funeral of Czar Alexander II. In that particular case Nyblaeus was probably chosen to be Prince Eugen's orderly officer five years before the St Petersburg visit because they served in the same regiment. Nyblaeus also seemed to have a Prussian connection, furthermore he served as an orderly officer during maneuvres in Scania in 1889, a year after he was decorated by both Bavaria and Austria-Hungary! One contemporary of Nyblaeus - Fredrik Gustaf Cassel - served much of his career in the same regiment as Nyblaeus (Kungl Livregementets husarer), became colonel and CO (Kungl Smålands husarregemente) a couple of years before Nyblaeus, but still only received the RSO (Knight of the Order of the Sword). An officer being awarded the RSO after some 20 years of service (at the rank of captain) and then nothing more wasn't uncommon. /Jonas
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