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    GMIC Advertising Space Now Available to Purchase. Commercial and Private Advertisements available for members now.

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    Available in limited numbers. Enamel.GMIC Membership pin badge now for sale. Please support the forum and continue making it a free resource for all. Discount for certain Membership Groups.

    1. I am in London, and it is raining all usual...

    2. My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Stick To Your Guns (86), Your Demise (44) & Lower Than Atlantis (36) http://t.co/GzF7wNRS

      1. Mervyn Mitton

        Mervyn Mitton

        Lau - as a new member you are very welcome - it will be nice if you do some posts on what you collect in order to become known to members.

    3. Caption Contest - results now posted on Comp. Forum.

    4. Hi There:) ! Its first bday of my Baby Girl n It coincides with Mine! Kindly RT to make it special one! A Fan from India @warne888

    5. My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Alexisonfire (39), Hundredth (23) & Stick To Your Guns (16) http://t.co/GzF7wNRS

    6. My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Stick To Your Guns (185), Hundredth (85) & Your Demise (63) http://t.co/GzF7wNRS

    7. May Day is nearly here!

      1. Show previous comments  1 more
      2. Greg Collins

        Greg Collins

        Why, International Workers Day, of course! "So, Comrades come rally and the lasy fight let us face..."

      3. Greg Collins

        Greg Collins

        Damn, I meant "last" in that comment... can't type worth a damn!

      4. JapanX


        Proletarians of all countries unite!

    8. Caption Contest finishes Saturday 31st - already 151 entries - 3830 views. HAVE YOU ENTERED ? No limit on numbers of entries.

    9. Have you purchased your GMIC identity lapel pin ? Apart from letting fellow members know who you are - many dealers at Fairs and in shops will give a good discount to accredited members of known Societies. This means your badge could pay for itself in just one buy at a Fair. ORDER TODAY _ STOCKS ARE GOING QUICKLY.

    10. CAPTION CONTEST. Under Competition Forum - HAVE YOU ENTERED ? 8 days to go - 139 entries and 3,312 views.

    11. On our BLOG section. Chapter 2 of our Police Novel. Mathew Tiller - Parish Constable

    12. Chapter 2 of our Novel on an early policeman. Under or Blog section

    13. Днем Святого Патрика! Lá Fhéile Pádraig Shona! Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

      1. JapanX


        You forget "C" in the beginning of "днем Святого Патрика" mate ;)
        Same to you (sorry for delay :))


      2. Greg Collins

        Greg Collins

        Ooops! Sorry. Will correct by next year ;-)

    14. Starting 2nd. week for the Cartoon Contest. Some excellent entries - HAVE YOU ENTERED ?

    15. I mentioned earlier how low people can get when someone, in the middle of the night stole half my firewood i had stacked in my yard. Well i have been surprized again, the same bozo's were back again this past weekend and almost cleaned out the rest of what they left the week before. so i have sat out one night and stayed up until i have burned the rest. I now can put up a sign 'FIREWOOD FOR SALE, INQUIRE WITHIN' and see if anyone knocks on the door during the middle of the night. LOL

      1. Mervyn Mitton

        Mervyn Mitton

        The rotten devils - is there no respect for thr warmth of another person. I think a good case for a harmless booby trap ? Where do you live ?

    16. Starting today on COMPETITION FORUM - our new CAPTION COMP.. Runs to March 31 st..

    17. Just heard that Davy Jones, of the Monkees, has died at 66. Rest in peace and thanks for the music...

      1. Claudius


        Now, he really is, "Taking that last train to Clarksville."

    18. Brian Wolfe is the winner in our 'Make a truncheon Competition' See his entry on the Comp. Forum. Congratulations Brian.

    19. Have a look at our Non-Militaria Forum - above the section GMIC projects. Some interesting items coming-up for discussion

    20. Finally finished my book "The Turkish War Medal" and it is published this week. I will get them tomorrow.

      1. Claudius


        Congratulations on your accomplishment. I look forward to the details as you have them.

      2. demir


        Details are in GMIC new classified section

    21. Finally got time to post after a rather hectic 8 days, our son Ryo was born on the 8th Feb at 6lbs 3oz, both mother and son are now home and doing well (now for the sleepless nights :) )

      1. Show previous comments  1 more
      2. Craig


        Congratulations to all of you I expect Ryo to be joining GMIC shortly!

      3. Rayjin


        Thanks Mervyn and Foo Fighter. He'll be brought up on my lap in front of the computer looking for medals, as well as learning where he came from (traced the family history back to 1595 so far on my mother's side all Cornish but 2. Father's side Cornwall and Somerset, with a bit of Welsh)

        What they don't teach them in school these day's I'll teach him at home, as well as banging in nails, camping and working on the allotment.

      4. Claudius


        Congrats. Advice -try to nap, when the child naps. Finally, a comment from my brother when I was running low on REM rest. "Sleep is for the weak."

    22. "Jesus Christ only had twelve, you know, and one of them was a double."

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