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    Everything posted by Nick

    1. Certainly a complicated issue which you have given a lot of though to.
    2. I presume this pin was awarded either for promoting membership in the NSRKB or as indication that you were a membership promoter/representative ?? I hope it is good as despite the pin being off centre it feels right.
    3. Here is the link: http://www.boreme.com/boreme/funny-2007/saj-train-p1.php The U Tube vidoes are not as good and I think shows recruits in training. The above link shows them in a better light.
    4. I saw some video footage of them in training and I was actually quite impressed with some of their drills. I wasn't sure of their status or if they still even existed. Thanks for the info.
    5. Anyone got any information on this unit ?? Are they police or military ? Thanks
    6. This thread has run its course. I will have the final word on this issue as I think it is my right to do so. This issue has been discussed at length among the Club Staff and there is a general consensus of opinion among us on what is considered to be right and wrong for the good of GMIC. What you percieve to be heavy handedness by certain moderators is actually an implementation of my instruction, so I have no issue with how this has been handled. I am also realsitic enough to realise that military history is all fuelled by political events and that as such essentially politics cannot be avoided when discussing military history. But discussing recent or current events in an insensitive or subjective manner will lead to tensions, especially when there are members of this forum who had direct involvement with conflict from both sides of the fence. Ed has summed it up very well in his previous post and on that note I close this topic.
    7. I have removed some threads from this post. For everyone?s information if a thread is removed from a listing it is usually a temporary measure implemented by a moderator and subject to my review. In some rare cases for breaches of club rules a topic may be permanently be removed. However I like to give a measured response and more often than not a topic will be reposted after offending posts have been removed. I am not online 24 hours a day and it may be a while before a topic is reviewed. I have removed some offending posts from this topic which were clearly becoming politically motivated. I am not sure that such a recent conflict can be objectively discusses without politics or tempers entering the fray. I would also like to remind all members that the main focus of this forum is Militaria. We are here to discuss military collectables. I accept a understanding of the historical military background to such items is obviously of importance and an integral part of collecting experience. However this forum is not here to raise political objections about the rights or wrongs of military conflicts, nor is it designed to give an audience to persons trying to further their own political viewpoint or agenda.
    8. Just for the sake of it a basic list which might save doing some looking up. Prasidialkanzlei Numbers. 1 Deschler & Sohn, Munchen 2 C.E. Juncker, Berlin 3 Wilhelm Deumer, Ludenscheid 4 Steinhauer und Luck, Ludenscheid 5 Hermann Wernstein, Jena-Lobstedt 6 Fritz Zimmermann, Stuttgart 7 Paul meybauer, Berlin 8 Ferdinand Hoffst?ter, Bonn am Rhein 9 Liefergemeinschaft Pforzheimer Schmuckhandwerker 10 Forster und Barth, Pforzheim 11 Grossmann & Co., Wien 12 Frank und Reif, Stuttgart 13 Gustav Brehmer, Markneukirchen 14 Lauer, N?rnberg 15 Friedrich Orth, Wien 16 Alois Rettenmaier, Sch?bisch Gmund 17 Schwerin&Sohn, Berlin 18 Karl Wurster KG, Markneukirchen 19 E. Ferd. Wiedmann, Frankfurt an Main 20 C.F. Zimmermann, Pforzheim 21 Gebr. Godet & Co., Berlin 22 B?rger & Co., Berlin 23 Arbeitsgemeinschaft f?r Heeresbedarf 24 Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Hanauer Plakettenhersteller, graveur und ziselierung, Berlin Hanau am Main 25 Arbeitsgemeinschaft der graveur 26 B.H. Mayer?s Kunstprageanstallt, Pforzheim 27 Anton Schenkl?s Nachfolger, Wien 28 Eugen Schmidthaussler, Pforzheim 29 Hauptmunzamt, Berlin 30 Hauptmunzamt, Wien 31 Hans Gnad, Wien 32 W. Hobacher, Wien 33 Friederich Linden, Ludenscheid 34 Willy Annetsberger, Munchen 35 F.W. Assmann, Ludenscheid 36 Bury & Leonhardt, Hanau 37 Adold Baumeister, Ludenscheid 38 AG MuK, Gablonz 39 Rudolf Berge, Gablonz 40 Berg & Nolte, Ludenscheid 41 Gebr. Bender, Oberstein 42 Bindermann & Co., Oberkassel bei Bonn 43 Julius Bauer Sohne, Zella Mehlis 44 Jacob bengel, Idar/Oberstein 45 Franz Jungwwirth, Wien 46 Hans Dopller, Wela Oberdonau 47 Erhard & Sohne A.G., Schw?bisch-Gmund 48 Richard Feix, Gablonz 49 Richard Feix Sohne, Gablonz 50 Karl Gschiermeister, Wien 51 Eduard Gorlach &Sohne, Gablonz 52 Gottlieb und Wagner, Idar/Oberstein 53 Glaser & Sohn, Dresden 54 Gebr?der Wegerhoff, L?denscheid 55 J.E. Hammer & Sohne, Geringswalde 56 Robert Hauschild, Pforzheim 57 Karl Hensler, Pforzheim 58 Arthur Jokel & Co., Gablonz 59 Louis Keller, Oberstein 60 Katz & Deyhle, Phorzheim 61 Rudolf A. Karnethz & Sohn, Gablonz 62 Kerbach & Osterhelt, Dresden 63 Franz J. Klami & Sohn, Gablonz 64 Gottlieb Fr. Kech & Sohn, Pforzheim 65 Klein & Quenzer, Idar/Oberstein 66 Friederich Keller, Oberstein 67 H. Kreisel, Gablonz 68 Alfred Klobloch, Gablonz 69 Alois Klammer, Innsbruck 70 Lind & Meyrer, Oberstein 71 Rudolf Leukert, Gablonz 72 Franz Lipp, Pforzheim 73 Franz Mohnert, Gablonz 74 Carl Maurer Sohn, Oberstein 75 Franke&Co,L?denscheid 76 Ernst L. Muller, Pforzheim 77 Bayrische Hauptmunzamt, Munchen 78 Gustav Miksch, Gablonz 79 Matthias Kutsche, Attendorn 80 G.H. Osang, Dresden 81 Oberhoff & Cie., Ludenscheid 82 Augustin Prager, Gablonz 83 Emil Peukert, Gablonz 84 Carl Pellath, Schrobenhausen 85 Julius Pietsch, Gablonz 86 Paulmann & Crone, Ludenscheid 87 Roman Palme, Gablonz 88 Werner Redo, Saarlautern 89 Rudolf Richter, Schlag bei Gablonz 90 August F. Richter KG, Hamburg 91 Josef Rossler & Co., Gablonz 92 Josef Ruckert & Sohn, Gablonz 93 Richard Simm & Sohne, Gablonz 94 Ossenberg-Engels, Iserlohn 95 Adolf Scholze, Grunwald 96 Robert Klein Wien 97 AE Kochert, Wien 98 Rudolf Souval, Wien 99 Schwertner & Cie, Granz-Eggenberg 100 Rudolf Wachtler & Lange, Mittweida 101 Rudolf Tam, Gablonz 102 Philipp Turka, Wien 103 August G. Tam, Gablonz 104 Heinrich Ulbricht?s Ws, Kaufing 105 Heinrich Vogt, Pforzheim Schwanenstadt/Oberdonau 106 Bruder Schneider AG, Wien 107 Carl Wild, Hamburg 108 Arno Wallpach, Salzburg 109 Walter & Henlein, Gablonz 110 Otto Zappe, Gablonz 111 Zierner & Sohn, Oberstein 112 Argentor Werke Rust & Hetzel, Wien 113 Hermann Aurich, Dresden 114 Ludwig Bertsch, Karsruhe 115 Richard Sieper&S?hne, L?denscheid 116 Funk & Bruningshaus, Ludenscheid 117 Hugo Lang, Wiesenthal 118 August Menze &Sohn, Wien 119 Alfred Stubbe, Berlin 120 Franz Petzl, Wien 121 Imme&Sohn, Berlin 122 J.J. Stahl, Strassburg 123 Bech, Hassinger & Co., Strassburg 124 Rudolf Schanes, Wien 125 Eugen Gauss, Pforzheim 126 Eduard Hann, Oberstein 127 Mortiz Hausch AG, Pforzheim 128 S. Jablonski & Co., Ludenscheid 129 Frits Kohm, Pforzheim 130 Wilhelm Schroder & Co., Ludenscheid 131 Heinrich Wander, Gablonz 132 Franz Reischauer, Idar/Oberstein 134 Otto Klein & Co., Hanau 135 Julius Mosersen, Oberstein 136 J Wagner & Sohn Berlin 137 J H Werner Berlin 138 Julius Maurer Oberstein 139 Hymmen & Co Ludenschied 140 Schauerte & Hohfeld Ludenscheid 141 Sohni Heubach & Co Oberstein 142 A D Schwerdt Stuttgart LDO Leistungs Gemeinschaft der Deutscher Ordenshersteller Numbers. L/10 Deschler & Sohn, Munchen L/11 Wilhelm Deumer, Ludenscheid L/12 C.E. Junker, Berlin L/13 Paul Meybauer, Berlin L/14 Friedrich Orth, Wien L/15 Otto Schickle, Pforzheim L/16 Steinhauer & Luck, Ludenscheid L/17 Hermann Wernstein, Jena Lobstedt L/18 B.H. Meyer?s Hofkunstprageanstalt, Pforzheim L/19 Ferdinand Hoddstatter, Bonn L/21 Forster & Barth, Pforzheim L/22 Glaser & Sohn, Dresden L/23 Julius Maurer, Oberstein L/24 Frits Zimmermann, Stuttgart L/25 A.E. Kochert, Wien L/26 Klein & Quenzer, Idar Oberstein L/50 Gebr?der Godet, Berlin L/51 E. Ferdinand Wiedmann, Frankfurt a. M. L/52 C.F. Zimmermann, Pforzheim a. Main L/53 Hymmer & CO., Ludenscheid L/54 Schauerte & Hohfeld, Ludenscheid L/55 Rudolph W?chtler & Lange, Mittweida L/56 Funcke & Bruningshaus L/57 Boerger (B?rger) & Co, Berlin L/58 Rudolf Souval, Wien L/59 Alouis Rettenmaier, Schwabisch-Gmund L/60 Gustav Brehmer, markneukirchen L/61 Friederich Linden, Ludenscheid L/62 Werner Redo, Saarlautern L/63 G.H. Osang, Dresden L/64 Asmann & Sohm, Ludenscheid L/65 Franke & Co. KG, Ludenscheid L/66 A.D. Schwerdt, Stuttgart
    9. Guys There seems to be other agendas at work here. I welcome interesting debate, which remains civil. There seems to be undercurrents of hostility and sarcasm in abundance here, which does not make for a friendly forum. We are all here to learn no matter what our experience levels are and a compelling argument can make interesting reading. But sarcastic and spiteful comments are not welcome.
    10. Seems to be more speculation and conjecture than hard facts on the websites, but I leave it for others to make their minds up.
    11. I am lucky enough to regularily get to Germany a couple of times a year. Thats where my best buys come from. Apart from some of the goodies I have picked up here through GMIC.
    12. Cheers Don Here is another similar type, but I guess for the FAD as opposed to the RAD.
    13. Another recent purchase. RAD style civilian membership pin for Arbeitsgruppen 87
    14. Thanks for that explanation of what the RAGD is, I was not sure if it had something to do with ambulances or patients, but that explains it. Thanks The pin is quite small and hard to get a good image of, but I will try and get a clearer version for the database. Don I got it from DN for a reasonable price, so I thought it best not to pass up on. I will post some more goodies later. Nick
    15. Another recent purchase, Reichsverband ambulanter Gewerbetreibender Deutschlands.
    16. I bought this interesting stickpin on Friday. I am treating it as a day badge as opposed to anything else. It came with a lot of LAH items from one man. Not to say it is anyway SS but inclined me to think it was either political or maybe sports associated ?
    17. Just to let you all know that Micha (Motorhead) has joined the team to help run the Iron Cross Forums.
    18. I am not sure the tinnie posts would generate enough interest to warrant their own forum. The whole point of the database is to have a visual reference resource which is easily searchable. The trouble with the forum is that although it is an excellent discussion resource you can't search it solely for pictures and sometimes with tiniies and some membership badges thats all you have got to go on. I am working on a fix which will enable you to post any uploaded picture to the forum and database at the same time.
    19. Colin I certainly agree with you on this one. There are some fantastic tinnies buried among the pages of this topic. I have some ideas how to do this but it does need some assistance and agreement from members. I would like to split the tinnie thread into categories as suggested, not too many but enough to thin things out a bit. I would also like to upload all the photos into the very much underestimated tinnie database which gives a pictorial reference for the tinnies enabling you to browse lots of pictures at one time. If there is a general consensus of agreement from members allowing me to move their pictures I will undertake this laborious task myself. I am disappointed with the response to the database as so far only Claymore has been good enough to double post pics in the main thread and pics in the database. I am working on updating the software to allow you to post a picture in the database at the same time you post it into a topic thread to make life easier. At the end of the day we could achieve over a few years of contribution a colour online reference which could equal the Tieste books if not surpass them !!!
    20. Rick Only you can add text below items under add comments. Gerd Not sure that is possible re the technical request, let me see....... Nick
    21. Stephen Thanks for the input. These badges always seem to spark some debate. The hollow backed award I sold as a repro a few years ago for about $20 as the consensus of opinion on WAF was it was fake. I was always happy with the finish, but the pin catch always was a little suspicious, if it is a good one someone has got a bargain. As for the solid backed award. It is a heavy badge which the photos may not do justice to, I would be interested to hear more opinion's on both especially the solid backed one as it came from DN and can always go back.
    22. Several variants, the original rally badge and a later variant which came in both hollow back and solid back form. The only hollow back photos I have are of a fake badge, but there were original hollow backed awards. Your photos are not good enough for me to comment on, I just posted it for information.
    23. Another fantasy I am sure someone has posted before is the Deutsche Rotes Kreuz Alpen Rettungdienst He/H? 5601dt. What about He/H? N1 05 is this another one in the same vein as the hunting badge above ? Anyone list anymore fantsy items in Heering & H?sken ?
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